1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. Francis Grose. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Francis Grose
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Словари
Год издания: 0
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term. Soldiers were in that country divided into chambers, five men making a chamber, whence it was generally used to signify companion.

      CAMESA. A shirt or shift. CANT. SPANISH.

      CAMP CANDLESTICK. A bottle, or soldier's bayonet.

      CAMPBELL'S ACADEMY. The hulks or lighters, on board of which felons are condemned to hard labour. Mr. Campbell was the first director of them. See ACADEMY and FLOATING ACADEMY.

      CANARY BIRD. A jail bird, a person used to be kept in a cage; also, in the canting sense, guineas.

      CANDLESTICKS. Bad, small, or untunable bells. Hark! how the candlesticks rattle.

      CANDY. Drunk. IRISH.

      CANE. To lay Cane upon Abel; to beat any one with a cane or stick.

      CANK. Dumb.

      CANNISTER. The head. To mill his cannister; to break his head.

      CANNIKIN. A small can: also, in the canting sense, the plague.

      CANT. An hypocrite, a double-tongue palavering fellow. See PALAVER.

      CANT. To cant; to toss or throw: as, Cant a slug into your bread room; drink a dram. SEA WIT.

      CANTICLE. A parish clerk.

      CANTING. Preaching with a whining, affected tone, perhaps a corruption of chaunting; some derive it from Andrew Cant, a famous Scotch preacher, who used that whining manner of expression. Also a kind of gibberish used by thieves and gypsies, called likewise pedlar's French, the slang, &c. &c.

      CANTERS, or THE CANTING CREW. Thieves, beggars, and gypsies, or any others using the canting lingo. See LINGO.

      CANTERBURY STORY. A long roundabout tale.

      TO CAP. To take one's oath. I will cap downright; I will swear home. CANT.

      TO CAP. To take off one's hat or cap. To cap the quadrangle; a lesson of humility, or rather servility, taught undergraduates at the university, where they are obliged to cross the area of the college cap in hand, in reverence to the fellows who sometimes walk there. The same ceremony is observed on coming on the quarter deck of ships of war, although no officer should be on it.

      TO CAP. To support another's assertion or tale. To assist a man in cheating. The file kidded the joskin with sham books, and his pall capped; the deep one cheated the countryman with false cards, and his confederate assisted in the fraud.

      CAP ACQUAINTANCE. Persons slightly acquainted, or only so far as mutually to salute with the hat on meeting. A woman who endeavours to attract the notice of any particular man, is said to set her cap at him.

      CAPER MERCHANT. A dancing master, or hop merchant; marchand des capriolles. FRENCH TERM.—To cut papers; to leap or jump in dancing. See HOP MERCHANT.

      CAPPING VERSES. Repeating Latin Verses in turn, beginning with the letter with which the last speaker left off.

      CAPON. A castrated cock, also an eunuch.

      CAPRICORNIFIED. Cuckolded, hornified.

      CAPSIZE. To overturn or reverse. He took his broth till he capsized; he drank till he fell out of his chair. SEA TERM.

      CAPTAIN. Led captain; an humble dependant in a great family, who for a precarious subsistence, and distant hopes of preferment, suffers every kind of indignity, and is the butt of every species of joke or ill-humour. The small provision made for officers of the army and navy in time of peace, obliges many in both services to occupy this wretched station. The idea of the appellation is taken from a led horse, many of which for magnificence appear in the retinues of great personages on solemn occasions, such as processions, &c.

      CAPTAIN COPPERTHORNE'S CREW. All officers; a saying of a company where everyone strives to rule.

      CAPTAIN LIEUTENANT. Meat between veal and beef, the flesh of an old calf; a military simile, drawn from the officer of that denomination, who has only the pay of a lieutenant, with the rank of captain; and so is not entirely one or the other, but between both.

      CAPTAIN PODD. A celebrated master of a puppet-shew, in Ben Johnson's time, whose name became a common one to signify any of that fraternity.

      CAPTAIN QUEERNABS. A shabby ill-dressed fellow.

      CAPTAIN SHARP. A cheating bully, or one in a set of gamblers, whose office is to bully any pigeon, who, suspecting roguery, refuses to pay what he has lost. CANT.

      CAPTAIN TOM. The leader of a mob; also the mob itself.

      CARAVAN. A large sum of money; also, a person cheated of such sum. CANT.

      CARBUNCLE FACE. A red face, full of pimples.

      CARDINAL. A cloak in fashion about the year 1760.

      To CAROUSE. To drink freely or deep: from the German word expressing ALL OUT.

      CARRIERS. A set of rogues who are employed to look out and watch upon the roads, at inns, &c. in order to carry information to their respective gangs, of a booty in prospect.

      CARRIERS. Pigeons which carry expresses.

      CARRION HUNTER. An undertaker; called also a cold cook, and death hunter. See COLD COOK and DEATH HUNTER.

      CARROTS. Red hair.

      CARROTTY-PATED. Ginger-hackled, red-haired. See GINGER-HACKLED.

      CARRY WITCHET. A sort of conundrum, puzzlewit, or riddle.

      CART. To put the cart before the horse; to mention the last part of a story first. To be flogged at the cart's a-se or tail; persons guilty of petty larceny are frequently sentenced to be tied to the tail of a cart, and whipped by the common executioner, for a certain distance: the degree of severity in the execution is left to the discretion of the executioner, who, it is said, has cats of nine tails of all prices.

      CARTING. The punishment formerly inflicted on bawds, who were placed in a tumbrel or cart, and led through a town, that their persons might be known.

      CARVEL'S RING. The private parts of a woman. Ham Carvel, a jealous old doctor, being in bed with his wife, dreamed that the Devil gave him a ring, which, so long as he had it on his finger, would prevent his being made a cuckold: waking he found he had got his finger the Lord knows where. See Rabelais, and Prior's versification of the story.

      TO CASCADE. To vomit.

      CASE. A house; perhaps from the Italian CASA. In the canting lingo it meant store or ware house, as well as a dwelling house. Tout that case; mark or observe that house. It is all bob, now let's dub the gig of the case; now the coast is clear, let us break open the door of the house.

      CASE VROW. A prostitute attached to a particular bawdy house.

      CASH, or CAFFAN. Cheese; CANT. See CAFFAN.

      CASTER. A cloak. CANT.

      CASTOR. A hat. To prig a castor; to steal a hat.


      CAT. A common prostitute. An old cat; a cross old woman.

      CAT-HEADS. A Woman's breasts. SEA PHRASE.

      TO CAT, or SHOOT THE CAT. To vomit from drunkenness.

      CAT AND BAGPIPEAN SOCIETY. A society which met at their office in the great western road: in their summons, published in the daily papers, it was added, that the kittens might come with the old cats without being scratched.

      CAT CALL. A kind of whistle, chiefly used at theatres, to interrupt the actors, and damn a new piece. It derives its name from one of its sounds, which greatly resembles the modulation of an intriguing boar cat.

      CAT HARPING FASHION. Drinking cross-ways, and not, as usual, over the left thumb. SEA TERM.

      CAT IN PAN. To turn cat in pan, to change sides or parties; supposed originally to have been to turn CATE or CAKE in pan.

      CAT'S FOOT. To live under the cat's foot; to be under the dominion of a wife hen-pecked. To live like dog and cat; spoken of married persons who live unhappily together. As many lives as a cat; cats, according to vulgar naturalists, have nine lives, that is one less than a woman. No more chance than a cat in hell without claws; said of one who