1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. Francis Grose. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Francis Grose
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Словари
Год издания: 0
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a health formerly much in vogue.

      BET. A wager.—TO BET. To lay a wager.

      BETTY MARTIN. That's my eye, Betty Martin; an answer to any one that attempts to impose or humbug.

      BETWATTLED. Surprised, confounded, out of one's senses; also bewrayed.

      BEVER. An afternoon's luncheon; also a fine hat; beaver's fur making the best hats.

      BEVERAGE. Garnish money, or money for drink, demanded of any one having a new suit of clothes.

      BIBLE. A boatswain's great axe. Sea term.

      BIBLE OATH. Supposed by the vulgar to be more binding than an oath taken on the Testament only, as being the bigger book, and generally containing both the Old and New Testament.

      BIDDY, or CHICK-A-BIDDY. A chicken, and figuratively a young wench.

      BIDET, commonly pronounced BIDDY. A kind of tub, contrived for ladies to wash themselves, for which purpose they bestride it like a French poney, or post-horse, called in French bidets.

      BIENLY. Excellently. She wheedled so bienly; she coaxed or flattered so cleverly. French.

      BILL AT SIGHT. To pay a bill at sight; to be ready at all times for the venereal act.

      BILBOA. A sword. Bilboa in Spain was once famous for well-tempered blades: these are quoted by Falstaff, where he describes the manner in which he lay in the buck-basket. Bilboes, the stock; prison. Cant.

      TO BILK. To cheat. Let us bilk the rattling cove; let us cheat the hackney coachman of his fare. Cant. Bilking a coachman, a box-keeper, and a poor whore, were formerly, among men of the town, thought gallant actions.

      BILL OF SALE. A widow's weeds. See HOUSE TO LET.

      BILLINGSGATE LANGUAGE. Foul language, or abuse. Billingsgate is the market where the fishwomen assemble to purchase fish; and where, in their dealings and disputes, they are somewhat apt to leave decency and good manners a little on the left hand.

      BING. To go. Cant. Bing avast; get you gone. Binged avast in a darkmans; stole away in the night. Bing we to Rumeville: shall we go to London?

      BINGO. Brandy or other spirituous liquor. Cant.

      BINGO BOY. A dram drinker. Cant.

      BINGO MORT. A female dram drinker. Cant.

      BINNACLE WORD. A fine or affected word, which sailors jeeringly offer to chalk up on the binnacle.

      BIRD AND BABY. The sign of the eagle and child.

      BIRD-WITTED. Inconsiderate, thoughtless, easily imposed on.

      BIRDS OF A FEATHER. Rogues of the same gang.

      BIRTH-DAY SUIT. He was in his birth-day suit, that is, stark naked.

      BISHOP. A mixture of wine and water, into which is put a roasted orange. Also one of the largest of Mrs. Philips's purses, used to contain the others.

      BISHOPED, or TO BISHOP. A term used among horse-dealers, for burning the mark into a horse's tooth, after he has lost it by age; by bishoping, a horse is made to appear younger than he is. It is a common saying of milk that is burnt too, that the bishop has set his foot in it. Formerly, when a bishop passed through a village, all the inhabitants ran out of their houses to solicit his blessing, even leaving their milk, &c. on the fire, to take its chance: which, went burnt to, was said to be bishoped.

      TO BISHOP the balls, a term used among printers, to water them.

      BIT. Money. He grappled the cull's bit; he seized the man's money. A bit is also the smallest coin in Jamaica, equal to about sixpence sterling.

      BITCH. A she dog, or doggess; the most offensive appellation that can be given to an English woman, even more provoking than that of whore, as may he gathered from the regular Billinsgate or St. Giles's answer—"I may be a whore, but can't be a bitch."

      TO BITCH. To yield, or give up an attempt through fear. To stand bitch; to make tea, or do the honours of the tea-table, performing a female part: bitch there standing for woman, species for genius.

      BITCH BOOBY. A country wench. Military term.

      BITE. A cheat; also a woman's privities. The cull wapt the mort's bite; the fellow enjoyed the wench heartily. Cant.

      TO BITE. To over-reach, or impose; also to steal.—Cant.—Biting was once esteemed a kind of wit, similar to the humbug. An instance of it is given in the Spectator: A man under sentence of death having sold his body to a surgeon rather below the market price, on receiving the money, cried, A bite! I am to be hanged in chains.—To bite the roger; to steal a portmanteau. To bite the wiper, to steal a handkerchief. To bite on the bridle; to be pinched or reduced to difficulties. Hark ye, friend, whether do they bite in the collar or the cod-piece? Water wit to anglers.

      BITER. A wench whose **** is ready to bite her a-se; a lascivious, rampant wench.

      BLAB. A tell-tale, or one incapable of keeping a secret.

      BLACK AND WHITE. In writing. I have it in black and white; I have written evidence.

      BLACK ART. The art of picking a lock. Cant.

      BLACK A-SE. A copper or kettle. The pot calls the kettle black a-se. Cant.

      BLACK BOOK. He is down in the black book, i.e. has a stain in his character. A black book is keep in most regiments, wherein the names of all persons sentenced to punishment are recorded.

      BLACK BOX. A lawyer. Cant.

      BLACK EYE. We gave the bottle a black eye, i.e. drank it almost up. He cannot say black is the white of my eye; he cannot point out a blot in my character.

      BLACK FLY. The greatest drawback on the farmer is the black fly, i.e. the parson who takes tithe of the harvest.

      BLACK GUARD. A shabby, mean fellow; a term said to be derived from a number of dirty, tattered roguish boys, who attended at the Horse Guards, and Parade in St. James's Park, to black the boots and shoes of the soldiers, or to do any other dirty offices. These, from their constant attendance about the time of guard mounting, were nick-named the black-guards.

      BLACK JACK. A nick name given to the Recorder by the Thieves.

      BLACK JACK. A jug to drink out of, made of jacked leather.

      BLACK JOKE. A popular tune to a song, having for the burden, "Her black joke and belly so white:" figuratively the black joke signifies the monosyllable. See MONOSYLLABLE.

      BLACK INDIES. Newcastle upon Tyne, whose rich coal mines prove an Indies to the proprietors.

      BLACKLEGS. A gambler or sharper on the turf or in the cockpit: so called, perhaps, from their appearing generally in boots; or else from game-cocks whose legs are always black.

      BLACK MONDAY. The first Monday after the school-boys holidays, or breaking up, when they are to go to school, and produce or repeat the tasks set them.

      BLACK PSALM. To sing the black psalm; to cry: a saying used to children.

      BLACK SPICE RACKET. To rob chimney sweepers of their soot, bag and soot.

      BLACK SPY. The Devil.

      BLACK STRAP. Bene Carlo wine; also port. A task of labour imposed on soldiers at Gibraltar, as a punishment for small offences.

      BLANK. To look blank; to appear disappointed or confounded.

      BLANKET HORNPIPE. The amorous congress.

      BLARNEY. He has licked the blarney stone; he deals in the wonderful, or tips us the traveller. The blarney stone is a triangular stone on the very top of an ancient castle of that name in the county of Cork in Ireland, extremely difficult of access; so that to have ascended to it, was considered as a proof of perseverance, courage, and agility, whereof many are supposed to claim the honour, who never atchieved the adventure: and to tip the blarney, is figuratively used telling a marvellous story, or falsity; and also sometimes to express flattery. Irish.

      A BLASTED FELLOW or BRIMSTONE. An abandoned rogue or prostitute. Cant.

      To BLAST. To curse.

      BLATER. A calf. Cant.