The fourth industrial revolution glossarium: over 1500 of the hottest terms you will use to create the future. Alexander Chesalov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Chesalov
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005986269
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Design is a modern business model conceptualization. Business design is closely related to service design and shares some of its principles but applies them to the business concept of the entire company. The central idea of business design is to alter business activities in a customer-oriented manner in order to create strong customer loyalty158.

      Business Innovation is an organization’s process for introducing new ideas, workflows, methodologies, services or products. Like IT innovation, which calls for using technology in new ways to create a more efficient and agile organization, business innovation should enable the achievement of goals across the entire organization, with sights set on accomplishing core business aims and initiatives. Innovation often begins with idea generation, wherein ideas are narrowed down during brainstorming sessions, after which leaders consider the business viability, feasibility and desirability of each idea159.

      Business Intelligence refers to the applications, technologies, and practices for collecting, analyzing, and integrating business data to support improved business decision-making160.

      Business management tools are all the systems, applications, controls, calculating solutions, methodologies, etc. used by organizations to be able to cope with changing markets, ensure a competitive position in them and improve business performance161.

      Business mobility also known as enterprise mobility, is the growing trend of businesses to offer remote working options, allow the use of personal laptops and mobile devices for business purposes, and make use of cloud technology for data access. Business mobility recognizes a shift from the traditional central office business model162.

      Business model canvas is a representation of how an organisation makes (or intends to make) money. Based on an extensive literature research and real-world experience we define a business model as consisting of nine building blocks that constitute the business model canvas: 1. The value proposition of what is offered to the market; 2. The segment (s) of clients that are addressed by the value proposition; 3. The communication and distribution channels to reach clients and offer them the value? proposition; 4. The relationships established with clients; 5. The key resources needed to make the business model possible; 6. The key activities necessary to implement the business model; 7. The key partners and their motivations to participate in the business model; 8. The revenue streams generated by the business model (constituting the revenue model); 9. The cost structure resulting from the business model163.

      Business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value, in economic, social, cultural or other contexts. The process of business model construction and modification is also called business model innovation and forms a part of business strategy. Also, Business model is a plan that identifies sources of revenue, the customer base, products, and details of financing. It simply tells how the business makes money164,165.

      Business Payments Directory (BPD) is a system that enables online businesses to choose from a variety of trusted business payment vendors for whom they opt to contract out for managing their online sales payments and consumer purchases. Also known as an online payment’s directory166.

      Business to Business Gateway (B2B Gateway) is an access channel by which external systems, such as clinical information systems and registered repositories, interact with the My Health Record system167.

      Business Transaction in the context of electronic commerce, is any monetary transaction that is made between consumers or businesses via the Internet. Business transactions free up time when conducted online since each party does not need to be physically present in order to make the transaction168.

      Business use case is to describe, in technology free terminology, how a business process is used by people or systems external to the business to achieve their goals (composed from several definitions in the literature)169.

      Business Viewpoint is an architecture viewpoint used to describe the purpose of establishing an IoT system by encompassing a business’s vision, mission, values, and objectives170.

      Byte is eight bits. A byte is simply a chunk of 8 ones and zeros. For example: 01000001 is a byte. A computer often works with groups of bits rather than individual bits and the smallest group of bits that a computer usually works with is a byte. A byte is equal to one column in a file written in character format171.


      C2C E-commerce refers to the selling of goods directly from one consumer to another online. Typically, an online service serves as a platform and enabler for this type of digital commerce172.

      Call center is a centralized department that handles inbound and outbound calls from current and potential customers. Call centers are located either within an organization or outsourced to another company that specializes in handling calls173.

      Call for Twinning Tenders is a DHE informational document on the purpose of twinning’s, twinning conditions, information on tendering and the evaluation and award criteria174.

      Call to Action (CTA) refers to a prompt that attracts the attention of a web page visitor and guides them to perform a desired action. A CTA is usually a link or an image which the visitor is supposed to click, or which requests the user’s email address or asks them to make a phone call. A CTA is one of the basic tools of conversion rate optimization175.

      Calm Technology is technology that does not affect life or the environment in which (or for which) it is produced176.

      Canonical Formats in information technology, canonicalization is the process of making something conform with some specification… and is in an approved format. Canonicalization may sometimes mean generating canonical data from noncanonical data. Canonical formats are widely supported and considered to be optimal for long-term preservation177.

      Capability – the organizational ability to intentionally and systematically use improvement approaches, methods and practices, to change processes and products/services to generate improved performance. The key word here is use. While capacity provides the potential for improvement, it is the active application and use of improvement approaches and practices that determine whether improved results will be realized178.

      Capacity (building) can be defined as the ability of individuals and organizations or organizational units to perform functions effectively, efficiently and sustainably. Capacity building is an evidence-driven process


Business Design – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Business Innovation – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Business Intelligence – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 25.02.2023)


Business management tools – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Mobility of business functions – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:,cloud%20technology%20for%20data%20access


Business model canvas – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Business model – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Business model – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Business Payments Directory (BPD) – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Business to Business Gateway (B2B Gateway) – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Business Transaction – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Business use case – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Business Viewpoint – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 25.02.2023)


Byte – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


C2C E-commerce – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Call center – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Call for Twinning Tenders – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Call to Action (CTA) – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Calm Technology – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Canonical Formats – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Capability – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)