The fourth industrial revolution glossarium: over 1500 of the hottest terms you will use to create the future. Alexander Chesalov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Chesalov
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005986269
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in connection with online services and it can be either freely available (open beta) or restricted to a specific target group (closed beta)123.

      Bias is a systematic trend that causes differences between results and facts. Error exists in the numbers of the data analysis process, including the source of the data, the estimate chosen, and how the data is analyzed. Error can seriously affect the results, for example, when studying people’s shopping habits. If the sample size is not large enough, the results may not reflect the buying habits of all people. That is, there may be discrepancies between survey results and actual results.

      Biased algorithm is systematic and repetitive errors in a computer system that lead to unfair results, such as one privilege persecuting groups of users over others. Also, sexist and racist algorithms.

      Big Data analytics. As our world becomes digitized, vast quantities of data are generated and stored. This data holds hidden secrets that promise to revolutionize our understanding of the human condition. We need Big Data analytics to extract these insights124.

      Big Data is a term for sets of digital data whose large size, rate of increase or complexity requires significant computing power for processing and special software tools for analysis and presentation in the form of human-perceptible results. Also, Big Data refers to the collection, storage, sharing, searching, analyzing and presenting of enormous, unorganized and continuously growing masses of data with the help of statistics and information technology. As the Internet of Things and the Industrial Internet continue to spread, there is believed to be a growing demand for Big Data -related expertise. Big Data is a large amount of information about an organization (both structured and unstructured) that cannot be analyzed using traditional computing methods. Big Data in health refers to large routinely or automatically collected datasets which are electronically captured and stored. The data is reusable in the sense that it is multipurpose data. It involves the fusion and connection of existing databases for the purpose of improving health and health system performance. It does not refer to data collected for a specific study. Also, Big Data is data sets that are too large to be handled manually. Big Data must be analyzed by a computer, revealing patterns, associations between groups, or overall trends. Big Data also comes into systems in increasingly greater complexity, variety, volume, and velocity – and exponential increase over time125,126,127,128.

      Binance Coin (BNB) is a utility cryptocurrency that operates as a payment method for the fees associated with trading on the Binance Exchange. It is the third-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization.10 Those who use the token as a means of payment for the exchange can trade at a discount. Binance Coin’s blockchain is also the platform on which Binance’s decentralized exchange operates. The Binance Exchange was founded by Changpeng Zhao and is one of the most widely used exchanges in the world based on trading volumes129.

      Binance USD (BUSD) was created by the cryptocurrency exchange Binance as a stablecoin pegged to the U.S. dollar. The stablecoin was approved by the New York State Department of Financial Services; thus, it is also regulated130.

      Binary choice regression model is a regression model in which the dependent variable is dichotomous or binary. Dependent variable can take only two values and mean, for example, belonging to a particular group.

      Binary format is any file format in which information is encoded in some format other than a standard character-encoding scheme. A file written in binary format contains information that is not displayable as characters. Software capable of understanding the particular binary format method of encoding information must be used to interpret the information in a binary-formatted file. Binary formats are often used to store more information in less space than possible in a character format file. They can also be searched and analyzed more quickly by appropriate software. A file written in binary format could store the number «7» as a binary number (instead of as a character) in as little as 3 bits (i.e., 111), but would more typically use 4 bits (i.e., 0111). Binary formats are not normally portable, however. Software program files are written in binary format. Examples of numeric data files distributed in binary format include the IBM-binary versions of the Center for Research in Security Prices files and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Trade Data Bank on CD-ROM. The International Monetary Fund distributes International Financial Statistics in a mixed-character format and binary (packed-decimal) format. SAS and SPSS store their system files in binary format131.

      Binary number is a number written using binary notation which only uses zeros and ones. Example: Decimal number 7 in binary notation is: 111132.

      Binary tree – a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children, which are referred to as the left child and the right child. A recursive definition using just set theory notions is that a (non-empty) binary tree is a tuple (L, S, R), where L and Rare binary trees or the empty set and S is a singleton set. Some authors allow the binary tree to be the empty set as well133.

      Bioconservatism (a portmanteau of biology and conservatism) is a stance of hesitancy and skepticism regarding radical technological advances, especially those that seek to modify or enhance the human condition. Bioconservatism is characterized by a belief that technological trends in today’s society risk compromising human dignity, and by opposition to movements and technologies including transhumanism, human genetic modification, «strong» artificial intelligence, and the technological singularity. Many bioconservatives also oppose the use of technologies such as life extension and preimplantation genetic screening134,135.

      Biomedical informatics is the branch of health informatics that uses data to help clinicians, researchers and scientists improve human health and provide healthcare136.

      Biometrics is a system of recognizing people, by one or more physical or behavioral traits. In information technology, biometric data is used as a form of access ID management and access control137.

      Bio-Techno-System is a hybrid systems between biological systems and technical systems, by means of computer (science)138.

      Bit is the smallest unit of information that a computer can work with. Each bit is either a «1» or a «0». Often computers work with groups of bits rather than one bit at a time; the smallest group of bits a computer usually works with is a byte, which is 8 bits139.

      Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, a virtual currency designed to act as money and a form of payment outside the control of any one person, group, or entity, and thus removing the need for third-party involvement in financial transactions. It is rewarded to blockchain miners for the work done to verify transactions and can be purchased on several exchanges140.

      Bitcoin mining is the process of creating


BETA – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Big data analytics – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 25.02.2023)


BIG DATA – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 07.07.2022)


BIG DATA – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 07.07.2022)


Big data – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Big Data – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 25.02.2023)


Binance Coin (BNB) – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Binance USD (BUSD) – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Binary format – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Binary number – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Binary tree – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 31.01.2022)


Bioconservatism – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 07.07.2022)


Bioconservatism – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 07.07.2022)


Biomedical informatics – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Биометрия. – Text: electronic. – URL:Биометрия (date of request: 15.01.2022)


Bio-Techno-System – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Bit – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Bitcoin – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: