CHAKRA'S FOOD & YOU. Shaman Storm. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shaman Storm
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781649693808
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A blockage in one chakra causes imbalances in the rest.

      The list of symptoms of blocked chakras later into this book may be a little overwhelming at first just remember, you most likely have a blockage in at least one of your chakra points that causes an imbalance among the rest.

      That's why it’s important to find out where the main blockage is and what caused it. Then with some simple knowledge and a few exercises, you can restore the to a free clean flow of energy to your body.

      When the seven chakras are in balance, life feels good, and all is as it should be. This small introduction to the seven chakras is just the start of that journey while enjoying Learning about what you can do can do with gem stones, food, herbs and herbal teas, flowers music meditation and yoga,

      This book will show you how to create a beautiful clean flow of divine light from the universal energy field to fuel your mind body and spirit, into a new state of being,

      all the while growing in confidence strength and spiritual knowledge you may find you grow in ways you never imagined possible and this is my reason for writing it for you . to live and to grow and to learn in the presence of the divine light of the world.

      How to tell if you have a blocked or an unbalanced chakra ?

       Here are a few ways for you to know

       When your root chakra is blocked

       You may feel sluggish.


       feelings of abandonment.

       financial issues.

       a feeling of being left out of things.

       feel hatred and anger toward yourself and others.

       feeling like you are not good enough as you are like you are missing something.

       feeling like people wont accept you as you are.

       When your Root chakra is open

       you will have a strong connection to family.

       your friends will be like family.

       feel loved and secure.

       feel connected and grounded.

       you will feel happy and content with your body.

       feel wanted.

       will be confident in life love and with money.

       When your Sacral chakra is blocked

       Distrust that you can be loved for being you.

       have difficulty with intimacy.

       find it difficult to get close to others.

       feel intense anxiety.

       experience feelings of hurt and abuse.

       a feeling that sex is bad and it can hurt you.

       or feel the need to compete and be sexy to be loved.

       you may struggle with a healthy self image.

       or feel like people cant love you for being you.

       you may have a string of unsuccessful relationships that may have. been toxic and feel you are to blame.

       When your sacral chakra is open

       You will find you have a strong sense of your sexuality and recognize it as one of your most powerful creative energies.

       .You will create healthy sexual experiences with others that honour you.

       you enjoy pleasure in many different ways in life.

       Are comfortable in your relationships.

       Give and receive love easily. Feel a heart felt sense of gratitude for how wonderful your life is.

       Appreciate others and feel compassion for yourself and others, without feeling sorry for anyone.

       Feeling that you are heard and honoured for your truth.

       When your solar plexus chakra is blocked

       you may feel powerless.


       give away your power too easily.

       feel like you always have to keep the peace between you and others.

       difficulty in taking action.

       find it hard to take action toward your dreams.

       have low self esteem.

       stomach pains.


       feelings of powerlessness.

       When your solar plexus chakra is open

       you experience a strong sense of power.

       you are strong and confidant.

       feelings of peace.

       take action on your dreams.

       use your power in healthy ways.

       have an admiration for those who hold positions of power and choose to emulate those qualities.

       use your personal power and energy as a force for good in the world.

       When your heart chakra is blocked

       A fear of commitment.

       like you have to please others to be loved by them.

       hurt from past relationships.

       feeling like you have to be guarded so you don't get hurt again.

       trouble giving or receiving love.

       feeling like you need to hold grudges.

       also heart disease asthma and allergies.

       When your heart chakra is open

       you will feel comfortable in relationships with others.

       feel a heart felt sense of gratitude for how wonderful your life is and what you have.

       able to give and receive love easily.

       feel compassion for yourself and others with out feeling sorry for them.

       have an appreciation for life and other people.

       When your throat chakra is blocked

       have fear of speaking up.

       go along with others so you don't upset them.

       frustration and a feeling that other people don't listen to you.

       sore throat, or a feeling like your throat is blocked and you cant speak.