CHAKRA'S FOOD & YOU. Shaman Storm. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shaman Storm
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781649693808
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      chakra's food and you



      written by Shaman Storm

      Shaman is also a fortune teller & a white witch, Taught from an early age, Of native American Cherokee Indian and Irish back ground, Grew up in a small town in northern Victoria Australia. Readings from me can be booked from my Facebook page, web address is at the bottom of the page.

      Shaman is also a Doterra wellness advocate if you wish to obtain Doterra essential oils and natural products you can do so at my website below to book readings go to :


      Greetings, to you my lovely readers , my name is Shaman Storm, and I have been involved in spirituality for more than thirty years, in that time I have worked as a reader on telephone lines, I have cleared negative energies from peoples lives and cleared many homes, I also work with nature a lot, meditation and proper eating is an essential part of daily living and energy intake when we eat things that are not natural the body has a hard time digesting and has difficulty in ridding the body of toxins that have an adverse effect on your body and they way it channels its energy, I believe that we live on a living breathing planet. So it is fair to say that Energy is the basis for for all living things on this planet, so when we need to fuel our bodies, We need to eat right ? .

      what if we could choose foods that had specific vibrations corresponding to our chakras .There by giving our bodies a helping hand to raise the chakras vibration and recharge it ? With this knowledge, I believe that is possible and with meditation and proper eating as an essential part of daily living and energy intake when we eat things that are not natural our body has a hard time digesting it and as a result it

      has difficulty in ridding the body of toxins that have an adverse effect on our bodies energy field and the way it channels its energy, you can eat for fuel and eat to support your chakras energy flow. Also further into the book I will give you a list of yoga poses that will help you to keep the energy path clear and clean, this is important because if we have any blockages it can result in a physical manifestation of illness No one wants to be sick

      chakra chart


a healthy aura should look like this. 1 root 2 sacral 3 solar plexus 4 heart 5 throat 6 third eye 7 crown

      About Chakra's Food and You


      Each one of the chakra's rule over a different part of your body, and different areas of your life, so if a chakra is out of whack, the body parts and life arenas it rules will also become imbalanced.

      For example, the heart chakra is connected to the lungs, the circulatory system, and your heart, and rules relationships and your ability to give and receive love. If your heart chakra is distorted, you may have trouble maintaining healthy relationships and find it difficult to allow love into your life.

      If the fourth chakra remains imbalanced for long enough, you could develop physical symptoms like breathing problems or asthma, or even suffer a heart attack or breast cancer and a multitude of other conditions or illnesses .

      simply put if you have blocked or imbalanced chakras your mental health and your body becomes ill, this is why I have made this book such a comprehensive guide to the health and well being of the chakra's, it is important for me to share the knowledge I have learned over the years to help others to grow and live the best life they possibly can.

      Life throws all of curve balls and the healthier our physical spiritual and mental body is the better we are able to deal with those issues.

      The stronger we are the harder it is for life to knock us down, if we are healthy and strong we can weather anything life throws at us and it is my great pleasure to offer this information to the world through this book, I have crammed as much as I could think of into this book for you so that you are armed with as much knowledge as possible to build your strength and confidence.

      The Cost of Imbalanced Chakra's

      Our food provides energy for healing digestion brain and organ function.

      the yoga and meditation is designed to keep the physical and mental energy clean clear and positive so that you can have the best energy flow possible. The good news is that you can clear, charge, and balance your chakras to heal them before physical symptoms ever develop.

      That is one of the best things about energy healing it gives you the opportunity to address the issues in your field before they can manifest in your body. And cause further issues for you. Working with a spiritual teacher or an energy healer ( that you know you can trust ) can help you determine which of your chakras needs balancing and most people have several and then you can target your efforts toward the energy centre that needs the most help. Making your food choices for the health of your chakras is another way to get started healing your chakras, and your life.

      A colourful rainbow coloured diet will do more than just keep

      your body healthy it will also keep your chakras balanced. Whether you want to lose weight or increase your energy levels, incorporating foods from all the colours of chakra rainbow will help you to nourish and achieve balance in your body mind and spirit, so that you can feel your best every single day. Before you begin with the yoga I have to state I am not a yoga expert, and I must mention that if you feel any pain or experience cramping as you extend the movements then you must stop so as not to injure yourself, yoga needs to be eased into do the simpler poses first and let your body limber up to the more difficult ones over time .

      Please be mindful of your bodies limits these pictures are just to show you the various chakra movements to open the energy flow and keep it flowing, so please remember if you feel resistance in your tendons or muscles then do not push yourself to complete the movement it takes time to gain flexibility and you will need to build up to the full extension of some positions.

      So take it easy and don't over reach I don't want you to hurt yourself so be aware of how your body is reacting to the movements yoga is a discipline like anything else and it takes time, you cannot just go into it and expect to be able to do every position you must take it slowly and only do the ones your body will allow you to in the beginning,

      other wise you may hurt yourself as mentioned earlier if you feel tension in your muscles or tendons do not push it any further in time you will be able to gain full extension of the movement but when just starting out you must go slowly.

      Nourishing Your personal Energy Field

      Your chakras are like tiny little spinning wells full of light .

      Their energy is drawn from the universe, they are like a waterfall, The energy travels down the hura line it is much like a waterfall of divine light that travels down a mountain top after rains to the ocean the root chakra lets say being the ocean for this example, So too are the energy centres in the body.

      Beginning at the crown down to the root and back up again. Stopping at six other points along the way.

      When your chakras are open and operating at their fullest potential they draw fresh energy in from the universal energy field which should replenish and nourish your personal energy field recharging the hura and keeping you strong healthy well and grounded to the earth.