Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture. Группа авторов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781118799499
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or mixing occurring between cations and different cation bonding environments can be resolved. For NaAlSiO4 glass, the different BO linkages (Al─O─Al, Al─O─Si, Si─O─Si) in the network are, for instance, resolved in the 17O 3QMAS NMR spectrum (Figure 6b).

      5.1 General Features

      5.2 Infrared Spectroscopy

      In IR spectroscopy the sample is illuminated by radiation from an IR source [11, 12]. The incident photons are absorbed if there is a change in the induced dipole moment of the bonds undergoing the vibration. This is due to the nonuniform distribution of charge along the bond. The IR radiation is measured as it is passed through (absorbed) or reflected by the sample. In general, molecules or molecular groups that have strong changes in their dipole moments (polar molecules and asymmetric vibrations) usually have strong IR spectra. Some vibrations can be observed by both IR and Raman spectroscopy whereas others may only be observed by one or the other and hence which technique is employed depends somewhat upon the types of vibrations that will be investigated.

      IR spectroscopy is widely used to investigate water [13] and carbon dioxide in glasses [14], boron (B) coordination in borate glasses [15], and the structure of sol‐gel derived glasses [16] and glass thin films. Kamitsos [12] has recently reviewed the application of IR spectroscopy to studies of glasses. The technique investigates the absorption or reflectance of IR radiation from the far (~10–400 cm−1) to mid‐IR regions (~400–5000 cm−1). The samples can be powders (mg), glass chips (mm), or preferably glass chips where the surface of the chip has been polished. Older transmission studies often used glass powders mixed with some sort of matrix material (usually an alkali halide).

Graphs depict the band assignments in infrared absorption spectra of borate glasses obtained by Kramers–Krönig analyses of reflectance data, and effect on the absorption of the nature and concentration of (a) 33 mol percent and (b) 45 mol percent alkaline earth cation.

      Source: After [12].

      5.3 Raman Spectroscopy

      Raman spectroscopy involves illuminating the sample with monochromatic light from a laser and observation of the photons that are scattered from the sample (see [17, 18] for a comprehensive discussion). The incident laser photons interact with the molecular vibrations or phonons in the sample and some of the incident photons gain or lose energy as a consequence of the interaction. This gain or loss in energy, observed as a change in frequency of the scattered photons, is called the Raman shift and results from inelastic interactions between the incident photons and the electron cloud around the vibrating atoms in the sample. When the electron cloud is deformed, a Raman shift will occur. This deformation is termed the polarizability of the molecule or bond. The Raman shift (Δν) is reported in terms of cm−1, where Δν = (ν0νm), λ0 = 1/ν0 is the laser wavelength, and νm the frequency of the Raman band.

      The Raman spectrum is characteristic of the material and can be used as a spectral signature to discriminate different types of glasses, and vibrations associated with specific structural features such as small and large rings, intermediate‐range structure, BO and modifier vibrations, and NBO vibrations associated with differing Q species. The relative intensity of different vibrational bands is related to the concentration and nature of the vibrational source contributing to the band and can be used to obtain the relative concentrations of different molecular groups or structural entities. In some cases it is possible to obtain quantitative information through curve fitting of the Raman spectrum, although such measurements remain somewhat controversial. The samples are usually glass chips (mm) or polished glass surfaces similar to IR.