Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture. Группа авторов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781118799499
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that can be characterized by their shapes, widths, and maximum or averaged values. In addition to these parameters that characterize the bulk structure of the glass, information pertaining to specific atoms can also be gathered, such as the coordination polyhedra of the various constituents of the material.

      Because the structure of a glass represents that of the solid “frozen‐in” at the glass transition, it is also important to investigate the marked temperature‐induced structural changes that take place in melts at higher temperatures. In this regard, two cases should be distinguished depending on the differences between the experimental timescale of the method and the rate of structural change of the melt. If the former is very short with respect to the latter, then the result will be a snapshot of a solid‐like structure; if it is long, the result will represent a time‐averaged structure that brings little information on the individual features that are averaged (see Section 4).

Technique Energy (eV) Frequency (Hz) Wavelength (nm) Process Information obtained
X‐ray diffraction 0.1–100 keV 3 × 1016–3 × 1019 0.01–10 nm Scattering/diffraction from electrons ~0–15 Å, quantitative bond lengths and angles over short‐ and intermediate‐range length scales
Neutron diffraction 0.1–500 meV 0.04–120 THz 0.04–3 nm Scattering/diffraction from neutrons ~0–15 Å, quantitative bond lengths and angles over short‐ and intermediate‐range length scales, dynamics
EXAFS 0.1–100 keV 3 × 1016–3 × 1019 0.01–10 nm Atom‐specific absorption of X‐rays, multiple scattering ~5–6 Å, quantitative atom‐specific bond lengths and coordination
XANES 0.1–100 keV 3 × 1016–3 × 1019 0.01–10 nm Atom‐specific electronic transitions to unoccupied orbitals, multiple scattering ~1–3 Å, qualitative coordination, oxidation state, electronic structure
XRS Usually <10 keV 2.4 × 1013–3.4 × 1017 ~1–1000 nm Energy loss of inelastically scattered X‐ray photons In‐situ high‐pressure energy loss spectra of low z elements (equivalent to XANES), short‐range structure, electronic structure
XPS ~0.1–1400 eV 2.4 × 1013–3.4 × 1017 ~1–3000 nm Energy of ejected core and valence electrons Oxygen speciation (BO, NBO, free oxygen)
EELS/ELNES 10 meV–10 keV 7.2 × 1011–2.9 × 1017 ~1–1000 nm Energy loss of transmitted electrons through the sample Same as XANES
IR 886 meV–3eV 430 × 1012–300 × 109 1 mm–2500 nm Molecular vibrations Vibrational states, quantification of CO2/H2O in glasses, coordination states, short‐ and intermediate‐range structure
Raman 1.2–120 meV 3 × 1011–1.5 × 1014 0.5 mm–1000 nm Molecular vibrations, inelastic photon interactions Vibrational states, Q species, ring statistics, short‐ and intermediate‐range structure
Brillouin 1.2 × 10−3–7.4 × 10−4 eV 107–1.8 × 1011 100–1000 nm Inelastic photon–phonon interactions Elastic and acoustic properties
UV/Vis 1.7–124 eV 30 × 1019–790 × 1012 10–700 nm Valence electron transitions Oxidation and coordination states of transition metals
NMR 12.4 peV–1.24 meV 3 × 103–300 × 109 ~1 km–1 mm Nuclear spin interactions Short‐ and intermediate‐range structure, bond angles, coordination states, Q species, dynamics
Mössbauer 100 keV >1019 <0.1 nm Nuclear transitions Oxidation state and coordination of Mössbauer active nuclei: typical Fe, Sn in glasses


      3Qtriple quantumAFMatomic force microscopyAWAXSanomalous wide angle X‐ray scatteringBEbinding energyBObridging oxygenCNcoordination numberDAXSdiffraction anomalous X‐ray scatteringEELSelectron energy‐loss spectroscopyELNESenergy loss near‐edge spectroscopyeVelectron voltEXAFSextended X‐ray absorption fine structureFIDfree induction decayFSDPfirst sharp diffraction peakFT‐IRFourier transform infraredFWHMfull width at half maximumHRTEMhigh‐resolution transmission electron microscopyIRinfraredIROintermediate‐range