Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture. Группа авторов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781118799499
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and in a recent NMR study."/>

      A nice example of the structural information that can now be drawn from advanced forms of microscopy is provided by v‐SiO2. For example, the amorphous region of a 2‐D layer of SiO2 on a graphene support has recently been imaged at the atomic scale (Figure 5b in Chapter 2.5). A bi‐tetrahedral layer is visible in the image where the nodes are the locations of Si atoms. Hence, the view is that of a layer of faces of tetrahedra whose similarity with the 2‐D representation of a random network shown in Figure 2 is striking.

      Early in its study, the structure of silica glass was described in terms of the so‐called microcrystalline model [13], and hence it is useful to mention it briefly here. Its starting point is that, although crystals have diffraction peaks that are much narrower than for glasses (Figure 5a), significant broadening is observed if crystallites are very small, in accordance with the Scherrer equation, ΔQ = 2πK/L, which relates the width of a Bragg peak ∆Q to the crystallite dimension L and to a shape factor K (~1).

      To account for its broad diffraction peaks, one might thus describe a glass in terms of very small crystallites. However, a problem with the model is that to explain the large widths of the observed glass diffraction peaks, the crystallite size should typically be on order of 5 Å, a value similar to unit‐cell dimensions. Philosophically, it makes no sense to consider crystallites as ordered entities if they contain only one unit cell, since there would be no translational symmetry. Furthermore, with such small crystallites, a crystalline powder would be composed almost entirely of grain boundary material, which by definition differs structurally from the bulk. Hence, microcrystalline models cannot provide a description of the structure of most of the material in the glass. For these two reasons, they need not be considered further.

      5.1 The Role of Network Modifiers

      If a second oxide with weaker, ionic bonding is added, then it can lead to some depolymerization of the network, as shown schematically for Na2O by the following reaction.

Chemical equation of the modifiers and bridging oxygens. Schematic illustration of the structural units in network glasses: (a) AO3/2 triangle, (b) AO3/2 trigonal pyramid, (c) AO4/2 tetrahedron, (d) O=PO3/2 tetrahedron, (e) AO4/2 pseudo-trigonal bipyramid, (f) AO5/2 trigonal bipyramid, (g) AO5/2 square pyramid-based unit, (h) AO6/2 octahedron. Graph depicts the neutron correlation function for lithium disilicate glass. The Li-O shaded peak is negative, making it readily identifiable in comparison with the positive Si-O and O-O.

      Glass formers have strong bonds and a low coordination number, the tetrahedral value of four being the most common, whereas modifiers have weak bonds and coordination numbers typically greater than four. These high values, combined with a lower cation charge, mean that M─O bonds are much weaker and, hence, that all glass properties are profoundly altered by the introduction of modifiers. For example, the addition of Na2O generally reduces viscosity, glass transition temperatures, and melting conditions.