All About Coffee. William H. Ukers. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: William H. Ukers
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664160874
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Tricolator in operation 701 King percolator 701 Three American coffee-making machines in operation 702 How the Tru-Bru pot operates 702 Coffee-making devices used in U.S. 703 English hotel coffee-making machines 706 Well-known makes of large coffee urns 707 Popular German drip pot 708 Section of roasted bean, magnified 719 Cross-section of roasted bean, magnified 720 Coarse grind under the microscope 720 Medium grind under the microscope 721 Fine-meal grind under the microscope 721
Ach, F.J. 447, 512
Akers, Fred 495
Ames, Allan P. 447
Arbuckle, John 523
Arnold, Benjamin Greene 476, 517
Arnold, F.B. 476
Bayne, William 479
Bayne, William, Jr. 447
Beard, Eli 493
Beard, Samuel 493
Bennett, William H. 479
Bickford, C.E. 478
Boardman, Thomas J. 500
Boardman, William 500
Brand, Carl W. 512
Brandenstein, M.J. 504
Burns, Jabez 527
Canby, Edward 500
Casanas, Ben C. 512
Cauchois. F.A. 493
Chase, Caleb 500
Cheek, J.O. 504, 515
Closset, Joseph 504
Coste, Felix 447
Crossman, Geo. W. 479
Devers, A.H. 504
Dwinell, James F. 500
Eppens, Fred 495
Eppens, Julius A. 495, 497
Eppens, W.H. 493, 495
Evans, David G. 504
Fischer, Benedickt 493
Flint, J.G. 500
Folger, J.A., Jr. 504
Folger, J.A., Sr. 504
Forbes, A.E. 504
Forbes, Jas. H. 504

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