We follow the same steps as in § 2-a of Complement EXV: we use the mean field approximation to replace the computation of the average value of a two-particle operator by that of average values for one-particle operators. We can, for example, use relation (43) of Complement BXV, which shows that:
We then get:
Which, according to (40), can also be written as:
where Pex is the exchange operator between particles 1 and 2. Since:
and as the operators
which is simply a (double) trace on two particles 1 and 2. This leads to:
As announced above, the average value of the two-particle operator Ĝ can be expressed, within the Hartree-Fock approximation, in terms of the one-particle reduced density operator
The analogy with the computations of Complement Exv becomes obvious if we regroup its equations (57) and (58) and write:
Replacing W2(1, 2) by G, we get a relation very similar to (51), except for the fact that the projectors PN must be replaced by the one-particle operators
2-c. Variational grand potential
We now have to compute the grand potential
We now have to compute the average energy, with the density operator
We first compute the trace:
starting with the kinetic energy contribution Ĥ0 in (1). We call K0 the individual kinetic energy operator:
(m is the particle mass). Equality (43) applied to Ĥ0 yields the average kinetic energy when the system is described by
This result is easily interpreted; each individual state contributes its average kinetic energy, multiplied by its population.
The computation of the average value
(as in Complement EXV, operator V1 is the one-particle external potential operator).
To complete the calculation of the average value of Ĥ, we now have to compute the trace
We now turn to the average value of