2. Approximation for the equilibrium density operator
We now use this variational principle with a family of density operators that leads to manageable calculations.
2-a. Trial density operators
The Hartree-Fock method is based on the assumption that a good approximation is to consider that each particle is independent of the others, but moving in the mean potential they create. We therefore compute an approximate value of the density operator by replacing the Hamiltonian Ĥ by a sum of independent particles’ Hamiltonians
We now introduce the basis of the creation and annihilation operators, associated with the eigenvectors of the one-particle operator
The symmetric one-particle operator
where the real constants
We choose as trial operators acting in the Fock space the set of operators
Consequently, the relevant variables in our problem are the states
Taking (27) and (28) into account, we can write:
The following computations are simplified since the Fock space can be considered to be the tensor product of independent spaces associated with the individual states
2-b. Partition function, distributions
Equality (32) has the same form as relation (5) of Complement BXV, with a simple change: the replacement of the free particle energies ek = ħ2k2/2m by the energies
α. Variational partition function
The function
We simply get an expression similar to relation (7) of Complement BXV, obtained for an ideal gas. Since for fermions nk can only take the values 0 and 1, we get:
whereas for bosons nk varies from 0 to infinity, so that:
In both