Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783527822751
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or several approximations. The most common one is probably the mean field approximation, which, as we saw in Complement EXV, is the base of the Hartree-Fock method. In that complement, we showed, in terms of state vectors, how this method could be used to obtain approximate values for the energy levels of a system of interacting particles. As we consider here the more complex problem of thermal equilibrium, which must be treated in terms of density operators, we show how the Hartree-Fock method can be extended to this more general case.

      Once we have recalled the notation and a few generalities, we shall establish (§ 1) a variational principle that applies to any density operator. It will allow us to search in any family of operators for the one closest to the density operator at thermal equilibrium. We will then introduce (§ 2) a family of trial density operators whose form reflects the mean field approximation; the variational principle will help us determine the optimal operator. We shall obtain Hartree-Fock equations for a non-zero temperature, and study some of their properties in the last section (§ 3). Several applications of these equations will be presented in Complement HXV.

      The general idea and the structure of the computations will be the same as in Complement EXV, and we keep the same notation: we establish a variational condition, choose a trial family, and then optimize the system description within this family. This is why, although the present complement is self-contained, it might be useful to first read Complement EXV.

      In order to use a certain number of general results of quantum statistical mechanics (see Appendix refappend-6 for a more detailed review), we first introduce the notation.

      We assume the Hamiltonian is of the form:

      which is the sum of the particles’ kinetic energy Ĥ0, their coupling energy image with an external potential:

      and their mutual interaction image, which can be expressed as:


      where kB is the Boltzmann constant and T the absolute temperature. At the grand canonical equilibrium, the system density operator depends on two parameters, β and the chemical potential μ, and can be written as:

      with the relation that comes from normalizing to 1 the trace of ρeq:

      The function Z is called the “grand canonical partition function” (see Appendix VI, § 1-c). The operator image associated with the total particle number is defined in (B-17) of Chapter XV. The temperature T and the chemical potential μ are two intensive quantities, respectively conjugate to the energy and the particle number.

      Because of the particle interactions, these formulas generally lead to calculations too complex to be carried to completion. We therefore look, in this complement, for approximate expressions of ρeq and Z that are easier to use and are based on the mean field approximation.

      Consider two density operators ρ and ρ′, both having a trace equal to 1:

      As we now show, the following relation is always true:


      or, after multiplying by y:

      the equality occurring only