1-a. Functional variation
Let us introduce the functional of |Ψ(t)〉:
It can be shown that this functional is stationary when |Ψ(t)〉 is solution of the exact Schrodinger equation (an explicit demonstration of this property is given in § 2 of Complement FXV. If |Ψ(t)〉 belongs to a variational family, imposing the stationarity of this functional allows selecting, among all the family kets, the one closest to the exact solution of the Schrodinger equation. We shall therefore try and make this functional stationary, choosing as the variational family the set of kets
As condition (3) means that the norm of
The only term left to be computed in (4) contains the time derivative.
This term includes the diagonal matrix element:
For an infinitesimal time dt, the operator
Now, we know that:
Using in (6) the bra associated with that expression, multiplied by N, we get:
Regrouping all these results, we finally obtain:
1-b. Variational computation: the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation
We now make an infinitesimal variation of |θ(t)〉:
in order to find the kets |θ(t)〉 for which the previous expression will be stationary. As in the search for a stationary state in Complement CXV, we get variations coming from the infinitesimal ket eiχ |δθ(t)〉 and others from the infinitesimal bra e–iχ 〈δθ(t)|; as χ is chosen arbitrarily, the same argument as before leads us to conclude that each of these variations must be zero. Writing only the variation associated with the infinitesimal bra, we see that the stationarity condition requires |θ(t)〉 to be a solution of the following equation, written for |φ(t)〉:
The mean field operator
where Pφ(t) is the projector onto the ket |φ(t)〉:
As we take the trace over particle 2 whose state is time-dependent, the mean field is also time-dependent. Relation (12) is the general form of the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation.
Let us return, as in § 2 of Complement CXV, to the simple case of spinless bosons, interacting through a contact potential:
Using definition (13) of the Gross-Pitaevskii potential, we can compute its effect in the position representation, as in Complement CXV. The same calculations as in §§ 2-b-β and 2-b-ϒ of that complement allow showing that relation (12) becomes the Gross-Pitaevskii time-dependent equation (N is supposed to be large enough to permit replacing N — 1 by N):
Normalizing the wave function φ(r, t) to N: