so that:
We find again result (34), but with an additional term
1 1 This means that the stationary condition may be found by varying indifferently the real or imaginary part of θ(r).
2 2 Strictly speaking, in what is generally called the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, the coupling constant g is replaced by 4πħ2a0/m, where a0 is the “scattering length”; this length is defined when studying the collision phase shift δl (k) (Chapter VIII, § C), as the limit of δ0 ~ — ka0 when k → 0. This scattering length is a function of the interaction potential W2(r, r′), but generally not merely proportional to it, as opposed to the matrix elements of W2(r, r′). It is then necessary to make a specific demonstration for this form of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, using for example the “pseudo-potential” method.
3 3 We use the simpler notation W2(1, 2) for W2(R1, R2).
4 4 A more precise derivation can be given by verifying that is a solution of the one-dimensional equation (56).
5 5 We are discussing here the simple case of spinless bosons, contained in a box. When the bosons have several internal quantum states, and in other geometries, more complex situations may arise where the ground state is fragmented [4].
Complement DXV Time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation
1 1 Time evolution 1-a Functional variation 1-b Variational computation: the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation 1-c Phonons and Bogolubov spectrum
2 2 Hydrodynamic analogy 2-a Probability current 2-b Velocity evolution
3 3 Metastable currents, superfluidity 3-a Toroidal geometry, quantization of the circulation, vortex 3-b Repulsive potential barrier between states of different l 3-c Critical velocity, metastable flow 3-d Generalization; topological aspects
In this complement, we return to the calculations of Complement CXV, concerning a system of bosons all in the same individual state. We now consider the more general case where that state is time-dependent. Using a variational method similar to the one we used in Complement CXV, we shall study the time variations of the N-particle state vector. This amounts to using a time-dependent mean field approximation. We shall establish in § 1 a time-dependent version of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, and explore some of its predictions such as the small oscillations associated with Bogolubov phonons. In § 2, we shall study local conservation laws derived from this equation for which we will give a hydrodynamic analogy, introducing a characteristic relaxation length. Finally, we will show in § 3 how the Gross-Pitaevskii equation predicts the existence of metastable flows and superfluidity.
1. Time evolution
We assume that the ket describing the physical system of N bosons can be written using relation (7) of Complement CXV:
but we now suppose that the individual ket |θ〉 is a function of time |θ(t)〉. The creation operator
We will let the ket |θ(t)〉 vary arbitrarily, as long as it remains normalized at all times:
We are looking