Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783527822751
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to be zero as only θ*(r) varies and for χ = 0. We must first add contributions coming from (13) and (14), then from (15). For this last contribution, we must add two terms, one coming from the variations due to θ*(r′), and the other from the variation due to θ*(r′). These two terms only differ by the notation in the integral variable and are thus equal: we just keep one and double it. We finally add the term due to the variation of the integral in (18), and we get:


      This variation must be zero for any value of δf*(r); this requires the function that multiplies δf*(r) in the integral to be zero, and consequently that θ(r) be the solution of the following equation, written for φ(r):

      This is the time-independent Gross-Pitaevskii equation. It is similar to an eigenvalue Schrodinger equation, but with a potential term:


      which actually contains the wave function φ in the integral over d3r′; it is therefore a nonlinear equation. The physical meaning of the potential term in W2 is simply that, in the mean field approximation, each particle moves in the mean potential created by all the others, each of them being described by the same wave function φ(r′); the factor (N — 1) corresponds to the fact that each particle interacts with (N — 1) other particles. The Gross-Pitaevskii equation is often used to describe the properties of a boson system in its ground state (Bose-Einstein condensate).

       ϒ. Zero-range potential

      The Gross-Pitaevskii equation is often written in conjunction with an approximation where the particle interaction potential has a microscopic range, very small compared to the distances over which the wave function φ(r) varies. We can then substitute:


      where the constant g is called the “coupling constant”; such a potential is sometimes known as a “contact potential” or, in other contexts, a “Fermi potential”. We then get:

       δ. Other normalization

      Rather than normalizing the wave function φ(r) to 1 in the entire space, one sometimes chooses a normalization taking into account the particle number by setting:


      This amounts to multiplying by image the wave function we have used until now. At each point r of space, the particle (numerical) density n(r) is then given by:


      As already mentioned, we shall see in § 4-a that μ is simply the chemical potential.

      To compute the average energy value image, we use a basis {|θk〉} of the individual state space, whose first vector is |θ1〉 = |θ〉.

      Using relation (B-12) of Chapter XV, we can write the average value image as:

      Since image is a Fock state whose only non-zero population is that of the state |θ1〉, the ket image is non-zero only if l = 1; it is then orthogonal to image if k ≠ 1. Consequently, the only term left in the summation corresponds to k = l = 1. As the operator image multiplies the ket by its population N, we get:

      With the same argument, we can write: