There exists an insurmountable upper limit for the total particle number of a non-condensed ideal Bose gas.
Figure 3: Variations of the total particle number in a non-condensed ideal Bose gas, as a function of μ and for fixed β = 1/(kBT). The chemical potential is always negative, and the figure shows curves corresponding to several temperatures T = T1 (thick line), T = 2 T1 and T = 3T1. Units on the axes are the same as in Figure 2: the thermal energy kBT1 associated with curve T = T1, and the particle number , where λT1 is the thermal wavelength for this same temperature T1. As the chemical potential tends towards zero, the particle numbers tend towards a finite value. For T = T1, this value is equal to ζN1 (shown as a dot on the vertical axis), where ζ is given by (61). This figure was kindly contributed by Geneviève Tastevin
β. Condensed bosons
As μ gets closer to zero, the population N0 of the ground state becomes:
This population diverges in the limit μ = 0 and, when |μ| gets small enough, it can become arbitrarily large. It can, for example, become proportional5 to the volume
This particularity is limited to the ground state, which, in this case, plays a very different role than the other levels. Let us show, for example, that the first excited state population does not yield a similar effect. Assuming the system to be contained in a cubic box6 of edge length L, the population of the first excited energy level e1 ~ π2ħ2/(2mL2 ) can be written as:
(we assume the box to be large enough so that L ≫ λT, which means βe1 ≪ 1); this population can therefore be proportional only to the square of L, i.e. to the volume to the power 2/3. It shows that this first excited level cannot make a contribution to the particle density in the limit L → ∞; the same is true for all the other excited levels whose contributions are even smaller. The only arbitrary contribution to the density comes from the ground state.
This arbitrarily large value as μ → 0 obviously does not appear in relation (59), which predicts that the density
where N0 is defined in (63).
As μ → 0, the total population of all the excited levels (others than the ground level) remains practically constant and equal to its upper limit (62); only the ground state has a continuously increasing population N0, which becomes comparable to the total population of all the excited states when the right-hand sides of (63) and (62) are of the same order of magnitude:
(μ being of course always negative). When this condition is satisfied, a significant fraction of the particles accumulates in the individual ground level, which is said to have a “macroscopic population” (proportional to the volume). We can even encounter situations where the majority of the particles all occupy the same quantum state. This phenomenon is called “Bose-Einstein condensation” (it was predicted by Einstein in 1935, following Bose’s studies of quantum statistics applicable to photons). It occurs when the total density ntot reaches the maximum predicted by formula (62), that is:
This condition means that the average distance between particles is of the order of the thermal wavelength λT.
Initially, Bose-Einstein condensation was considered to be a mathematical curiosity rather than an important physical phenomenon. Later on, people realized that it played an important role in superfluid liquid Helium 4, although this was a system with constantly interacting particles, hence far from an ideal gas. For a dilute gas, Bose-Einstein condensation was observed for the first time in 1995, and in a great number of later experiments.
5. Equation of state, pressure
The “equation of state” of a fluid at thermal equilibrium is the relation that links, for a given particle number N, its pressure P, volume V, and temperature T = 1/kBβ. We have just studied the variations of the total particle number. We shall now examine the pressure of a fermion or boson ideal gas.
5-a. Fermions
The grand canonical potential of a fermion ideal gas is given by (9). Equation (14) indicates that, for a system at thermal