The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Theresa Cheung
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007357093
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      Relationships can feel restrictive for people born on this day and they need someone who shares their sense of adventure. Their impulsive approach earns them critics and has its dangers. Their lives would be easier if they learned to appreciate the value of differing opinions. By the age of 29 they typically begin to develop a sense of self-discipline, and this gradual shift toward self-empowerment is a feature for the rest of their lives. Once they learn to control their tendency to flip-flop from one project or relationship to the next and value the importance of patience and introspection, their destiny is to amaze those around them, whatever they choose to do.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Fool, 4, 5, Saturday, Sunday, sky blue, silver

      Born today: Lord Byron (poet); Francis Bacon (statesman); John Hurt (actor)

      Potential: Imaginative, ground-breaking

      Dark side: Hasty, explosive


       23 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Dissenter

       “I follow my own path”

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      The life lesson: is to stop feeling insecure about yourself.

      The way forward: is to nurture or parent yourself by making sure that every word or action is one that supports and encourages you.

      Luck maker: Accept help and listen to advice from others.

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      People born on January 23 dislike taking orders or even advice from other people and prefer to live according to their own rules, devoting themselves to their own ideals. Although this approach has its risks, more often than not their courageous and buoyant character sees them making, rather than obeying, the rules. Rarely motivated by financial reward alone, they are idealistic. This quality, along with their original thinking and distinctive style, makes them stand out from the crowd in a positive way. They truly are inspirational figures. Despite their can-do attitude and charisma, people born on this day never feel quite worthy of the admiration they attract. Although this adds to their charm, it can sometimes hold them back, but when they are able to believe in themselves, there is nothing to stop them achieving their own dreams.

      Born academics, they are drawn to intellectual pursuits and thrive in student and academic settings. As they are analytical, they can make great scientists and mathematicians. Their more practical side may draw them to technology, finance and business, but their rebellious nature may draw them to entrepreneurship and self-employment. Whatever career they choose, originality will lead the way. They need to avoid becoming obsessive about their health and to seek advice from experts rather than self-diagnose. For self-care, visualize your life as a work of art—mold it in beautiful and loving detail in your mind’s eye. Make it a masterpiece and then express that inspiration in your daily life.

      These people are cerebral and this can make them feel emotionally isolated. It is important for them to connect to their feelings and to their bodies, and for their hearts and minds to work in harmony. Typically, around the age of 28 they become more emotionally mature and responsive in relationships, and less distant, and this positive trend continues with age. If they can balance their rebellious streak with practicality, and make sure their fascination with the abstract does not take precedence over their relationships, their destiny is not just to become rebels with an important cause but to encourage others to see things they normally take for granted in an extraordinary new light.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Hierophant, 5, 6, Saturday, Wednesday, aquamarine, green

      Born today: John Hancock (statesman); Édouard Manet (painter); Gertrude B. Elion (chemist)

      Potential: Principled, courageous

      Dark side: Troubled, isolated


       24 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Idol

       “I joyously give to life and life joyously gives to me”

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      The life lesson: is learning not to fear criticism.

      The way forward: is to use criticism as an incentive to learn and grow. Praise may be flattering, but it teaches you nothing.

      Luck maker: Be authentic. People instinctively respond to what comes from the heart.

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      January 24 people tend to be stunning. Everybody wants a piece of them and they are never short of admirers, but, despite this, few get close enough to know their hearts. This may be because behind their natural ability to excite others with their imaginative flights there is a deep-seated fear of criticism and rejection. They often feel misunderstood, but there is a spark of originality, even genius about them. The greatest danger is that the admiration they so naturally attract can lead to vanity.

      Born nature lovers, these people are at their happiest working with nature, animals or children, where they can experience the level of unconditional acceptance they fear others may not give them. They have the intelligence to become a breakthrough talent in any career, but may be drawn to education, religion, philosophy, the law, sociology, writing, modeling, vlogging or the world of entertainment. They need to make sure they don’t get fanatical about their health—maintaining a balance in all things, especially diet and lifestyle, is crucial. For self-care, when you wake up in the morning speak to yourself the way a loving parent would to a child. Say out loud that you are special and deserve to be loved simply for being you.

      It is not hard for these people to attract potential partners, but it is extremely hard for them to let someone get really close to them. They require a partner who respects their need for personal space. They need to move away from fear of emotional closeness to the belief that others will appreciate them just as they are. Typically, around the age of 27 and then again in their late fifties there are turning points, which suggests greater emotional depth and connection. Once they learn to stop pretending to be someone they are not and become the person they really are, they may lose some of their idol status but will gain something far greater in return: self-knowledge. And when they are finally able to understand themselves better, their destiny is to inspire others to work with them to help make the world a kinder and a better place.

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