The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Theresa Cheung
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007357093
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that involves dealing with the public appeals. They can achieve much in the world of medicine and science and also make great teachers, counselors and advisors. Their communication and creative skills may draw them to diplomacy, politics, writing, music, the media, blogging, entertainment, and they can thrive in business and as entrepreneurs. Their flexible approach to life extends to their health, so it is important that they don’t ignore warning signs of poor health. For self-care, at the end of each day, record in a journal things that you are grateful for about yourself or things you did today that you are proud of. At the start of each day list the tasks you want to complete and enjoy ticking them off as the day progresses.

      These people can become insecure when deeply involved with someone special and need to apply the same go-with-the-flow approach to life to their close relationships. Although they appear tough, the respect of others is extremely important to them, sometimes too much so. They need to learn to trust their own judgment more, as they are usually right. Fortunately, around the age of 30, they reach a powerful turning point that emphasizes the need for working with their gut instinct, and their intuition grows stronger and stronger with age. Once they find a direction and the sense of self-worth essential to their growth, their destiny is to show others that adaptability is a strength, not a weakness, and a truly healing way to progress and create harmony in the world.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: Judgment, 2, 3, Saturday, Monday, blue, silver

      Born today: Buzz Aldrin (astronaut); Federico Fellini (director); Bill Maher (comedian); Gary Barlow (singer)

      Potential: Intuitive, resilient

      Dark side: Insecure, superficial


       21 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Trendsetter

       “I see no limitations”

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      The life lesson: is to distinguish between fear and intuition.

      The way forward: is to understand that intuition is not harshly self-critical, but a gentle caring voice.

      Luck maker: Connect with your feelings and listen to your heart before you make a decision.

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      People born on January 21 are charismatic trailblazers. Boldly original and innovative, others tend to want to follow them and listen to their opinions. They seem to be able to get along with just about anyone and when this is combined with their ambition and ability to learn from their mistakes rather than be derailed by them, they have the perfect recipe for success. Freedom of expression is vital for people born on this day. They don’t like to be tied down by rules and rarely relish the role of leader because they lack the ruthlessness to impose their will on others. They prefer to be the planners and visionaries, but it is up to others to see things through to the end.

      Born artists and free spirits, these people’s combination of innovation and sensitivity gives them great potential in the arts, but they will excel in any profession that values their talent for generating ideas, such as design, advertising, the media, technology, commerce, business and all forms of social media. They may also be drawn to charity work, politics, the law and social reform, as they have a desire to help those who are less fortunate than themselves. Innovative, they are likely to create their own successful self-care plan and, as long as they don’t go to extremes, others often look to them for lifestyle advice. For self-care, set aside some time when you can be completely alone and use that time to reflect and recharge.

      These people don’t like to be tied down and will experiment in relationships until they find someone who shares their love of variety. They have a tremendous need to be liked, and this can lead to fast talking, nervousness and indecision. It is essential for them to acknowledge the importance of thinking before they speak and to be less swayed by others’ criticism. Fortunately, a profound turning point often occurs before their thirtieth birthday, when their sense of self finally matures. Once they have learned to trust their own instincts, and the importance of discipline and staying the course, their destiny is to break boundaries and help improve and fulfill the lives of others by setting new heights for them to aspire to.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The World, 3, 4, Saturday, Thursday, blue, purple

      Born today: Christian Dior (fashion designer); Jack Nicklaus (golfer); Placido Domingo (singer)

      Potential: Inventive, optimistic

      Dark side: Nervous, chaotic


       22 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Visionary

       “I am bold, brave and beautiful”

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      The life lesson: is the inability to commit to a person or project.

      The way forward: is to find out what is holding you back. If it is fear, you need to be the bold person you know you are deep down and take the risk.

      Luck maker: Learn to handle your impatience, because impatience repels good fortune.

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      January 22-born are unconventional visionaries and often have an electrifying energy. They don’t just break the rules; they destroy them and make new ones. Their imaginative powers are often so advanced that the world isn’t ready for them. This can create a sense of frustration, but if they direct their energy constructively, the world will eventually notice. Their biggest hates are boredom and routine. They have the ability to be extraordinarily successful in whatever they choose, but they do need to learn the importance of patience and discipline if they are to find stability and satisfaction. If people born on this day don’t understand or can’t see their way ahead, they are likely to lose their temper, with explosive results.

      Born travelers, they don’t just like variety; it is their life force and they thrive in any career that offers them fast-paced change, plenty of challenge and no set routine. They make superb pilots, airline personnel, travel guides, journalists, chefs, critics, actors and online influencers. Because they live their lives in the fast lane, they need to eat regular meals and snacks to keep their energy levels constant. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the colors blue and green will encourage them to exercise healthy moderation in all things. For self-care, perform a routine task, such as brushing your teeth, mindfully. Focus all your attention on that task and, if your attention wanders, bring it back