Love by Design. Lisa Watson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lisa Watson
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472071989
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How about Friday?”

      Dakota nodded. “That’s fine.”

      “How long do you think you’ll need for your evaluation?”

      “Normally it takes a few days to conduct interviews, do an inspection and tour the facility on my own. I’d like to interact with the guests, as well. You know, ask some questions and get their impressions. From there I’ll put together a design briefing on the proposed changes.”

      They finalized arrangements before Logan stood up to leave.

      “I’ll have my travel agent contact you immediately.”

      “That’ll be fine.”

      “Great. I’ll see you Friday. I’m looking forward to your visit.”

      “Me, too.”

      No sooner had Logan left than Susan came into Dakota’s office.

      “That went well.”

      “It sure did,” Dakota said with a smile.

      “I stand corrected. Apparently, you will be able to handle working with Logan.”

      “Told you. By the way, I’ll be going to Jamaica on Friday.”

      Susan sighed. “Warm breezes, breathtaking views, sun and pristine sand. Oh, I wish I were going. It’s about time I had another island fling.”

      “Another?” Dakota laughed. “You mean the first one, don’t you?”

      Susan leaned back in her chair. “A girl can dream, can’t she? Jamaica is a wonderful place to kindle a romance.” Her gaze rested on Dakota. “Or rekindle one.”

      Dakota blushed. “I wouldn’t know. Logan and I only kissed once. We never had a romance, so there’s no fire to stoke.”

      Her friend’s gaze missed nothing. “But you wanted one.”

      * * *

      Adrian dug his hand into the bowl of Hunter Mix. He chewed softly and then washed it down with a swig of his beer. “So, how’s your Win Dakota Back plan going?”

      Logan put his feet up on his coffee table and regarded his cousin. “It’s a bit early for status updates, isn’t it?”

      Adrian shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not. Things could be progressing at an alarming pace for all I know.”

      “Nope, but then I knew that going in. I’m not putting time limits on anything. Dakota and I have a lot of ground to cover.”

      “Don’t I know it,” Adrian said with a wry smile. “You should’ve seen how long it took Milán and me to declare a truce, but when we did…”

      Logan held up a hand. “Spare me the details.”

      “It’s not what you think. We were friends quite a while before anything turned serious.”

      “Yeah, well, Dakota and I aren’t even that. She is amicable toward me, but that’s strictly for work purposes.”

      “Are you sure?”

      “Of course I am. She’s only tolerating being in the same room with me because of the resort. Trust me, I’m under no illusions on that score.”

      “I’m no stranger to work being the only tie that binds, believe me. I’m not going to lie, you do have your work cut out for you, but she’ll come around.”

      Logan grabbed a handful of nuts. “Hope springs eternal.”

      “Speaking of eternal, has my mother been pressing you to wade out into the dating pool?”

      “Constantly, but I remain immune.”

      Adrian shook his head. “I love my mother dearly, but sometimes her idea of boundaries is comical.”

      “I’m seeing that, but don’t worry about me. I’ll be in Jamaica with Dakota for the next few days, so I’ll be off the radar.”

      “Logan, you could be in the Antarctic, and you’d still be on Norma Jean’s radar.”

      He laughed at that. “True.” He was silent for a few moments but then had to ask, “So, has Dakota been dating anyone?”

      “Not that I know of. Why else would my mother be trying so hard to fix her up?”

      That bit of news did not sit well with Logan. Up until that point, he had assumed that the only love life Norma Jean was interested in was his. “Has she been successful?”

      “About as successful as she’s been getting you to go on a date.”

      Dakota being romantically involved with another man was not on the list of things he enjoyed thinking about. A few times over the years, he had returned to find her in a relationship. Logan had been cordial, but it bothered him. Considering that he was the one who bolted, he knew it was hypocritical to be troubled by it, but his heart did not always agree with his head—especially where she was concerned.

      Adrian waved his hand in front of his cousin’s face a few times. “Dude, how long are you going to sit here daydreaming about her?”

      “What? Sorry, didn’t hear you,” Logan replied, but what he wanted to say was, as long as it takes.

       Chapter 4

      What am I going to do about Logan?

      By Thursday, Dakota was exhausted for two reasons. The first was that she had worked late every night on her St. Charles project. There was still no luck finding the sought-after Rothschild sheets, and so far Susan’s sources yielded no results. She had tried to steer Nancy’s tastes in another direction, but her client wasn’t having it.

      “Darling, did you hear? Bootsie Ellerby has a set of Rothschilds!”

      This was not what Dakota wanted to hear. “Really?”

      “Yes! It’s true! I saw them for myself. My manicurist knows her manicurist, and she told me that Bootsie actually went to Rothschild’s home and refused to leave until he agreed to sell her a set. Can you believe it?” Nancy exclaimed. “Apparently, he’s loaded. Comes from old, old money. Why he’s designing sheets is anyone’s guess. Maybe it’s some type of hobby. I don’t care what it is, I just want those sheets. Bootsie’s set was gorgeous. Much nicer than the one I saw at Roger’s store. I hope you weren’t planning on getting them from him. I think you’d do better going to the source, don’t you?

      “Wouldn’t you know, Bootsie had the gall to refuse to give me his address? She just wants to lord them over me, but we’ll show her, won’t we, Dakota? I’m sure with your contacts, you’ve got him on speed dial.”

      I wish. Relieved that Nancy had come up for air, she wrote down what information she could gather from her client’s monologue so that Susan could pursue the lead. Dakota reasoned that Bootsie loved to talk as much as Nancy did, and if that was the case, it was time to get a manicure.

      After seeing her client to the door, Dakota left a note for Susan to stop in when she returned from lunch. Needing a break from sheets and Bootsie Ellerby, she focused on Belle Cove—and Logan.

      It was not her intention to pique her friend’s interest to know more about the past, but as far as Dakota was concerned, their history was ancient.

      Still, things had progressed better than she expected. Their last meeting had gone very well. Pictures were great, but Dakota was looking forward to seeing the resort firsthand. She had received a call from his travel agent with instructions for their trip. A car was coming to pick her up and take her to the airport. From there, she would fly to Ocho Rios on the Montagues’ company jet. Dakota could not contain the thrill she felt. It would be her first time on a private plane, and she looked forward to