Love by Design. Lisa Watson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lisa Watson
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472071989
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We’ve been talking about expanding, right?”

      “I’m not completely sold on this idea. It’s obvious that you and Mr. CEO have a few…issues to work out.”

      “Yes, we do, but we can tackle those later. Logan assured me that he had no problems taking direction from me, and I made it clear that if we do this, I want complete autonomy. No exceptions.”

      “And he agreed to that.”

      “Yes. I gave him a contract, and Logan will have it couriered over when it’s ready.”

      “If you think you can handle it, I’m in one hundred percent.”

      Dakota jumped up and went to hug her friend. “Thanks, and don’t worry. I’ve got this. Everything will run as smooth as kookoon silk, trust me.”

      She returned the hug. “I know it will. Speaking of which—” She handed Dakota a piece of paper.

      “What’s this?”

      “The most recent message that Norma Jean Anderson has left today. You’d better stop stalling and call Ms. Jeannie back before she comes looking for you.”

      “Too late,” Norma Jean said from the doorway.

      “This is getting to be a habit,” Susan joked before greeting the older woman and leaving.

      Norma Jean got straight to the point. “I know you’ve gotten my messages.”

      “Ms. Jeannie, I promise that I’m not avoiding you. I just got an unexpected new client, and I’m trying to work a few things out.”

      “Well, there’s a development that I think you should know about,” Norma Jean began.

      “No need. Logan stopped by to see me yesterday.”

      “He did?” she said, astonished. “Good. I know you two don’t have the best history, but I hope you were able to clear the air.”

      “Not really, but I can handle it,” Dakota assured her.

      “I know things don’t always go according to plan, honey,” Norma Jean said. “There’s no denying that he messed up really bad, but I know he’s here to make things right between you. You were so close once. I’m hoping that you and my nephew can get that back.”

      “I don’t know about that.”

      “Have you told him what happened years ago?”

      A frown creased Dakota’s forehead. “No. Did you?”

      “It’s not my place. It’s your life, and if you choose not to tell him what happened after he left, I won’t be the one enlightening him. I guess you’ll fill Logan in in your own good time.”

      “I…I’m not sure, Ms. Jeannie. I’ve been mad at him for so long, I honestly don’t know if things will ever be right between us, but we’ve called a temporary cease-fire for now. I won’t lie, a part of me wants to leave well enough alone, and never see him again, but he’s making me a business offer that I would be foolish to turn down. Besides, I don’t have time for a bruised heart.”

      Norma Jean shook her head with displeasure. “It’s more than bruised, Dakota. You experienced a devastating event in your life. It’s completely understandable how it would alter how you view things, but you defer your personal life too much if you ask me. You need to get your house in order.”

      * * *

      Dakota was still mulling over Norma Jean’s words on the drive home. Norma Jean was a wonderful woman, but when she got a notion in her head, nothing was going to deter her from her goal. As far as Dakota was concerned, she had given love a shot, and got kicked in the teeth. She was happy, and then everything got stripped away. Dakota accepted that sometimes as much as you want something, there’s no guarantee that it’s meant to be.

      It was late by the time she left work, so she stopped at one of her favorite Mediterranean restaurants to pick up dinner. Dakota lived less than twenty miles from Chicago in the suburban village of Glenview. When she got home, she took a quick shower and changed into loungewear. She ate dinner while searching Belle Resort’s company website. Jotting down notes on a pad as she went, Dakota focused on first impressions and action items that she would organize later.

      She clicked another link and discovered a travel magazine article on Logan’s taking over the resorts. It was a good article, but the writer pondered whether Logan had enough experience working in the hospitality industry and if it would ultimately hurt the family’s resort chain. Apparently, bookings had dropped when the transition was announced, but had slowly edged their way back. She stared at Logan’s picture. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a bold red-striped silk tie. There was a slight tan to his golden-brown skin, and he had a smile that made him appear confident and capable. He also looked as though he held a secret.

       He also looked incredibly good.

      Dakota stared at her laptop screen. There was no denying that Logan was good-looking. He had classic features, and at six-foot-two, he was well-built and muscular. Inheriting his mother’s sable-brown eyes, he also had her knack for winning people over. When he smiled, his whole face lit up, which only served to make him much more irresistible. What bothered Dakota is why her conscience had just reminded her of that fact.

      There were no disillusions at having to work with Logan. It would be a huge test of her patience and fortitude because she still wanted to wring his neck sometimes, but violent thoughts notwithstanding, Dakota was excited to be working on a new project, especially one with the potential for add-on work later.

      Her phone rang, interrupting her musings.

      “Hey, Koty.”

      She frowned. “Having second thoughts?”

      “About you?” He chuckled. “Never. I believe you’re the perfect woman for the job,” Logan assured her.

      She relaxed. “Why?”

      “Your company has received a great deal of accolades in the short time you’ve been in business. You know your stuff, and your vision to date has never been wrong.”

      Unable to help herself, she felt her chest swell with pride. “How do you know?”

      “I read and asked around.”

      That did not surprise her, and yet it did.

      “I didn’t need validation that you’re good, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

      A smile crept up her face. “I was thinking no such thing.”

      “Liar. I’ve got decisive plans for Belle Cove. I need you to transform my vision into something tangible…that will seduce our guests. What I need to know is can you do that, Koty?”

       Could she do that? Heck yeah, she could.

      “I’m confident that I can give you exactly what your company needs.”

      “Great, then how about we meet tomorrow to discuss it further?”

      Dakota agreed, and then hung up. She went back to her spot at the table and resumed her work on finding everything she could get her hands on pertaining to Belle Resorts…and Logan.

      * * *

      It was still dark outside when Dakota arrived early to work the next morning. She had gotten hardly any sleep, but that was of little consequence. The preliminary ideas rolling around in her head were now down on paper. She felt good about them, but would need to garner input from Logan. She would also need to schedule an on-site inspection as soon as possible so that she could spend some time evaluating their business practices and operations from the ground up. That was when Dakota really got in and rolled up her sleeves. Her presence unnerved people at times, but it was imperative to her job.

      Logan had arrived at nine, and stayed over two hours while he presented his briefing