Love by Design. Lisa Watson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lisa Watson
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472071989
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She meant what she said. She had tried to mend her heart and find love again, but after a string of bad relationships, Dakota had decided that enough was enough. She would never give another person the power to devastate her again, and so far that plan was working.

      Having to recount the details to Susan had been harder than she expected. It had left her a bit apprehensive about being in such close proximity with Logan again. Susan was right; they did have unfinished business that would need to be addressed at some point. How long could she put it off? They had never had a conversation about what went wrong between them. Each time Dakota got up her nerve, Logan was not around, or he had a girlfriend. The timing had never seemed right.

      You need to relax. Being organized and having things “just so” usually did the trick, so she double-checked her luggage and travel documents. When that did not work, Dakota got into bed and turned on the nature-sounds app on her cell phone. The soothing sounds of babbling brooks, wind blowing through the trees and birds chirping always made her feel better. Taking deep breaths, Dakota closed her eyes and sank against her pillows. Tomorrow she would be meeting Logan in Jamaica, and her job would really begin. It would not bode well if she arrived at her assignment a bundle of nerves with bags under her eyes.

      “Come on, girl, you’ve got this,” she whispered. “Logan Montague is just another client, and you have a job to do.”

      By the next morning, Dakota was singing a different tune.

      “Oh, no, I can’t do this,” she muttered to herself, but it was too late. She was already stuck, and being on a plane moments before it took off was too late to get cold feet. The little exercise she did last night to ensure that she could handle herself had gone south really quick. She was up for hours trying to convince herself that she could treat Logan like an ordinary client. By the time she drifted into an exhausted slumber, she was certain that everything would go off without a hitch.

      The driver arrived to escort her to the airport, and now she was on board awaiting takeoff on a very impressive Gulfstream jet. She was very sleepy, but from the outside, she looked flawless. She was used to working with clients, traveling and long hours. Dakota always carried makeup and other provisions so that she looked pulled together.

      She ran her fingers over the diamond Mickey Mouse pendant she was wearing beneath her blouse, rubbing it as though it were a good-luck charm. She scanned the inside of the plane. It was all about comfort. The plane’s interior was a rich buff color with black accents throughout the cabin. Her club chair was plush leather with a table separating the chair across from her. There were two divans with small pillows flanking either side of the plane. A glass partition separated another area that had recliner chairs and television monitors. She saw a door beyond and wondered if it was a bedroom.

      “Good morning, Miss Carson. My name is Angela, and I’ll be attending you this morning. Would you care for something from the galley while we’re waiting to take off?”

      “Yes, some tea if you have it.”

      “Of course. Is there a specific kind you’d prefer?” Angela recited her choices.

      “I’ll take the breakfast blend, with cream, no sugar. Thank you.”

      “My pleasure, Miss Carson.”

      She wished she had a book or something she could read to occupy her time and calm her nerves. Maybe she could read an ebook from the Kindle app on her cell phone while they waited to take off. Dakota was scrolling through her selections when she heard Angela’s voice again.

      “Good morning, Mr. Montague.”

      “How are you, Angela?”

      Dakota almost dropped her cell phone. What was he doing here?

      “We’re right on schedule, sir. Captain Tanner will be out shortly. Can I get you anything?”

      “No, thanks.”

      Logan walked past Dakota’s seat and sat down across from her. Dakota did her best not to look surprised when she gazed at him with what she hoped was a welcoming smile.

      “Good morning, Dakota.”

      “How are you, Logan?”

      “Well, thanks.” He got settled, and then said, “Surprised to see me, aren’t you?”

      “A little. I thought you were at the resort.”

      Logan handed his briefcase to Angela and then fastened his seat belt. “I decided to wait so that we could travel together. Gives us a chance to talk before you get dropped into the thick of things.”

      She could not argue with his logic. She shifted in her leather seat. “Sounds good.”

      Dakota shut her cell phone off and placed it in her purse while Captain Tanner spoke to Logan about the flight plan and arrival time. He introduced himself on the way back to the cockpit, and assured Dakota that she was in good hands.

      As she served Dakota her tea, Angela leaned in to whisper, “He says that every time.”

      “It’s true every time,” Captain Tanner called over his shoulder.

      Angela blushed at being overheard. Dakota wondered if that was the real reason her cheeks turned pink. She could have sworn there was a lingering look between the two flight crew members. Dakota was surprised to look up and find Logan staring at her.

      “I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “Did you ask me something? I was lost in thought.”

      “No, you’re fine.”

      When he made no move to elaborate, Dakota turned her attention to her cup of tea. She inhaled the strong aroma and cautiously sipped the hot liquid. Eventually, she began to feel more alert. She was almost done when the captain announced that takeoff was in a few minutes. Dakota busied herself with adjusting her seat belt while Angela carted away her cup and trash. Moments later, they were taxiing down the runway and were airborne.

      She enjoyed the thrill of taking off. The sudden jolt of speed, the way she felt right before it left the earth. Landing was the same. When they had reached their cruising altitude, Angela came out to ask if either would like any refreshments.

      “I’m good, thanks,” Dakota said.

      “I’ll have a Pellegrino, Ange.”

      Dakota glanced over at him after Angela left. “So, what do your parents think about all the changes you’d like to make?”

      Logan shrugged. “They’re interested, but willing to let me run things as I see fit. I guess they’re just happy I’m back in the fold.”

      “What have you been doing with yourself…besides taking over your family’s business?”

      He tilted his head to the side. “Are you really interested or just trying to make small talk?”

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