It Started In Paradise. Nicki Night. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nicki Night
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474068246
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know.” There was more silence. “It’s fine. I’ll be down in a few minutes.” Chloe hung up before Donovan could say anything else.

      Chloe was going to have to get used to his sense of humor. He planned to take his time getting to know her. Something told him she was worth it.

      Donovan headed to the pool bar, ordered another glass of Cabernet and looked out over the convention crowd who had now traded in their business casual garb for more relaxed options, like shorts and swimsuits. Boisterous laughter ran out amongst a group of gentlemen mixing with the loud merengue streaming from hidden speakers. Several flat-screen TVs hung from the rafters, adding an array of voices and volume to the clanging of plates and utensils.

      This symphony would continue through most of the night, which was why Donovan opted for a more serene environment for his date with Chloe.

      His Cabernet arrived just as he spotted Chloe stepping off the elevator. She arrested his attention in a flowing coral maxi dress that slightly swept the floor beneath her and exposed the smooth skin of her shoulders. Her hair was pulled up in a bun with a few delicate wisps hanging down around her face.

      The heads of several men turned to her as she made her way toward him. A cocky grin eased across his lips, proud of the fact that the center of the many patrons’ attention was his date for the night. As she drew closer, he quickly took in her long lashes, high cheekbones and the soft pink sheen on her lips.

      He stood, greeting her with a peck on the cheek and a possessive hand placed respectfully in the small of her back.

      “Ready to go?” he asked.

      “Yes.” Her affirmation was followed by a sweet smile that Donovan wished he could have caught on camera.

      Leaving his wine behind, Donovan swept his hand before her, allowing her to walk ahead of him, eager to begin his night out. “Oh!” He stopped. Chloe turned to him. “About my little joke earlier, I hope I didn’t offend you.”

      Chloe waved her hand. “I wasn’t offended.” She pursed her lips. “And I’m sure the pun was intended.”

      “Indeed it was.” Donovan laughed. “So we’re all good?”

      “All good.”

      “Great. I don’t want to scare you off on the first date.”

      “I’m a big girl, Donovan.” Chloe laughed and shook her head.

      “Let’s go have some fun then.” Donovan took Chloe by the hand and led her through the resort.

      After a brief inquiry with the concierge, they hopped in a taxi. At first, Chloe quietly took in the tropical scenery as they drove along the main road.

      “By the way,” he began, capturing her attention. “You look absolutely beautiful.” He couldn’t help touching a wisp of hair that hung by her ear.

      Chloe blushed, dipping her head into her shoulders. “Thank you.”

      Donovan enjoyed watching her blush. To him, it meant that his compliment affected her in some way.

      “So where are we going?” she asked as she turned to him.

      “A place a friend told me about. I think you’re going to like it.”

      Light conversation carried them the rest of the way to the restaurant. The taxi pulled up to an exquisite modern structure, which rivaled anything in an upscale design magazine. A stone pathway nestled in the center of lush tropical flora led them to the front entrance of the establishment.

      Donovan announced his name and the host led him up a winding staircase to a rooftop seating area that overlooked the ocean. A live band played near the center of the room before a cozy dance floor.

      The host pulled out chairs for both, giving them a perfect view of the water. Donovan sat, removed his hat and placed it on his leg.

      Chloe looked around and nodded approvingly. “This is a beautiful place. You should thank your friend.”

      Their waiter quickly approached, took drink orders and left them to their small talk. Donovan was anxious to make Chloe feel comfortable so he could dine with the magnetic woman that sang karaoke the other night.

      “Are you okay?” he asked.

      “Yeah...” She seemed to want to say more. Donovan waited, giving her space to find her words. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been on”

      “Really?” Donovan reared his head back slightly. “A beautiful woman like you?”

      Chloe’s cheeks flushed. A coy smile told Donovan that she appreciated his compliments. “Yes. I’ve been buried in work and time just passed by. It wasn’t intentional. I just enjoy my work.”

      “So what exactly do you do for Chandler Food Corp?”

      Donovan seemed to have asked the right question. Chloe’s expression brightened as she talked about both sides of their family’s business. It was clear that she had a passion for planning the extravagant events that their waterside venue, Chandlers, was known for. She spoke highly of their plans for expansion and of all the work they’d put into increasing their visibility across the Gold Coast.

      Her excitement engaged him. She asked him about his work with his family’s catering hall. He shared a little family history, telling the charming story about how the name La Belle Riviere came about. His father endearingly referred to his mother as his beautiful half as opposed to using the more common term, his better half.

      “Aw.” Chloe inclined her head sideways and pouted. “How sweet.”

      They exhausted the topic of work over a few glasses of wine before it turned more personal.

      “So about this crush.” Chloe swirled the liquid in her wine glass and chuckled.

      “Ha! Those were the days.” Donovan took a sip, leaning to the side so the waiter could place the hot plate piled with an impressive lobster that was still steaming. He waited until her plate of sea bass was set on the table before continuing. “I’m surprised you didn’t know about it back then.”

      “It’s amazing how we were so close, yet so far from each other. Other than seeing you and your siblings in school and around the community, I really don’t know much about you guys.” Chloe took in a forkful of her dish and sighed, indicating her approval of the meal.

      “Good...huh?” Donovan asked, pausing between his words.

      “Delicious!” Chloe covered her mouth as she spoke.

      Donovan tilted his head. “What would you like to know about me?” he asked, bringing the conversation back to them. His voice dipped lower than he’d intended.

      Chloe sat back and shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know.” After a moment, she added, “Let’s start from the beginning?”

      “I was born...”

      “Not that far back, silly,” she interjected and then laughed.

      Donovan snickered. “Did you know that I still play the tenor sax?” he said, dipping a chunk of lobster meat into the butter sauce.

      Chloe swallowed the sip of wine she’d just taken before speaking. “I remember that from prep school.”

      “Yes, I play with some friends in the city sometimes. There’s a lounge that books us for gigs.”

      “You’re part of a band? Very cool! How often?” she asked.

      “Yes. Quite often, actually,” Donovan said matter-of-factly.

      “I’d love to hear you play one day,” she said.

      “We can arrange that when we get back home.” Donovan paused a moment, but continued when Chloe didn’t respond to his invitation. “What about you? Hobbies?”

      “I haven’t indulged much,