It Started In Paradise. Nicki Night. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nicki Night
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474068246
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were delectably perched on a long white dish. She took a bite and closed her eyes momentarily, savoring the taste. At her reaction, Jewel reached for one as well.

      “I sure do. It was one of my dad’s favorite things to do also. My brother and I try to get out on the water a couple times a year.” Donovan stopped speaking for a moment and held Chloe in his gaze. She felt it, only responded with an inward smile. “What are some other things you enjoy, Chloe?”

      Chloe tilted her head and narrowed her eyes thoughtfully.

      “Chloe is a mixed bag,” Jewel interjected, holding her hand over her mouth to cover the pastry she’d just bit into. Chloe shook her head and laughed, assuming she hadn’t answered quickly enough for her sister. “It depends on her mood. Only lately, she hasn’t done much of anything besides work. Just so you know, she’s the type that can go from the bowling alley to the boardroom. It depends on what she’s in the mood for. When she’s feeling adventurous, she’ll jump out of a plane and other times, she’s happy sitting on the couch, eating a bowl of popcorn while watching movies.”

      “My kind of girl!” Donovan said.

      Chloe had never blushed more in her life. “Thanks. I am pretty well rounded,” she said confidently.

      “Oh! And she plays a hell of a game of chess.” Jewel took a long sip of water to wash down the dessert.

      “I’ve heard about that. I need to see that for myself,” Donovan said, inviting himself to the challenge.

      “Anytime, my friend. I haven’t slaughtered a good-looking man at chess in a long time.” Chloe laughed as soon as she said those flirtatious words.

      Jewel’s brows rose and so did Donovan’s. Chloe held up her glass of mimosa, her third since they’d arrived, and looked at it as if there was something in the glass that caused such audacious speech. Despite being a little embarrassed, her forwardness made her feel giddy.

      “I’d be happy to take you up on that challenge if you think I qualify.” Donovan tucked his luscious lips inside his mouth and licked them—a gesture that Chloe deemed extremely sexy.

      “Oh, you qualify!” She laughed aloud. Jewel’s eyes stretched and she looked back and forth between Donovan and Chloe.

      Donovan sipped his mimosa, without taking his eyes off Chloe. Usually she’d match his gaze for a moment and look away, but this time, she refused to break the stare. Unspoken desires seemed to pass between them, intensifying the moment and charging the atmosphere.

      “Good, because I don’t think I’ve ever been challenged by such a beautiful woman before. This will be interesting I’m sure.” Donovan raised his glass, nodding his acceptance. Chloe raised her glass, sealing the deal.

      Jewel cleared her throat. “I’m still here. Should I just leave you two alone?” She chuckled, causing them to join her.

      Chloe looked at her watch. “Oh! I really need to get back. I can’t miss my lunch meeting.” She was surprised at how much time had passed. Chloe enjoyed the company, energy and the conversation and hated that it was coming to an end.

      Donovan signaled for the waiter. When he got his attention, he wiggled his hand, indicating that he was ready for the check.

      “When are you heading back home?” Donovan asked.

      “The day after tomorrow. We’re on the first flight out,” Jewel stated.

      “Me, too. Perhaps we could ride to the airport together,” Donovan said, taking the billfold from the waiter and stuffing his credit card inside.

      “We could,” Chloe answered, batting her eyes. Who knew flirting could be so much fun? “What are you doing for dinner tonight?” Chloe tilted her head and raised her shoulders playfully.

      Donovan’s sexy smile eased across his lips again. “I was hoping you’d join me wherever I go.”

      “Gladly.” Chloe had always been confident but was surprised at her own forwardness. It was almost like an out-of-body experience but it felt real and amazing and exciting. “See you tonight.”

      Donovan winked as he accepted the billfold with the receipt, signed his name, and handed it back to the waiter. “Time for work.” Donovan pressed his hands into the table and stood. “Jewel, you’re welcome to join us tonight.”

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