It Started In Paradise. Nicki Night. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nicki Night
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474068246
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up to the image of what we represented—two successful people with all the appropriate fixings and a glamorous lifestyle. I wanted genuine romance. I didn’t care what we looked like. Warm hugs, kisses, cozy movie nights and long walks are the things that I craved. He wanted to be seen at every major function. We just couldn’t seem to find our middle ground. I’d end up at home while he attended his high-profile parties. Eventually, we just grew apart. As much as it hurt, we both knew it was best to end the relationship. Mom will never get it.”

      They had arrived at the elevator. Jewel pressed the call button and sighed. “I completely understand but I still think it’s time that you get out. I know it’s easy to get so involved in what you’re doing that you forget to have a life and I don’t want to see that happen to you any longer.”

      “You’re right. I can’t remember the last time I had dinner with someone and it wasn’t about business.”

      The elevator doors opened and the two of them stepped on.

      “No better time to start than the present. Let’s go have some fun, girl. Woo!” Jewel raised a fist in the air.

      Chloe shook her head at Jewel’s loud hoot, but laughed. She had to agree, it was time to begin carving a little extracurricular fun into her life. Loving what she did for a living shouldn’t prevent her from enjoying a fuller existence. Perhaps she’d start with a girls’ night out with her sisters and friends when she got back to New York.

      A bustling lobby greeted them when the elevator doors opened. A festive vibe had taken over now that the evening had given way to the night. Music, laughter and jovial conversations in various languages blended like a symphony. Shorts, floral shirts and casual dresses replaced the business attire from earlier in the day.

      Chloe and Jewel snaked through the crowd toward the outdoor bar that Donovan had directed them to via text. Chloe’s stomach clenched when she spotted Donovan’s handsome profile outlined by the glow of the moon. He was seated with his head resting against the back of the chair. He was gorgeous from every angle.

      Chloe looked forward to hanging out with him. Though they’d operated within the same social circles for many years, they’d never spent much time together. Tonight, she’d get to know him a little better.

      Donovan stood as they approached. Kissing both their cheeks, his lips lingered against Chloe’s for just a moment longer. His hand gently pressed against her lower back, causing shivers inside her core. She stepped back and smiled graciously and then turned toward the calming sound of the ocean waves. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply to compose herself rather than to delight in the ambiance.

      “Have a seat.” Donovan pulled out a chair for both. The low timbre of his voice caused her core to react once again.

      “Thanks.” She sat first and then Jewel.

      “It’s beautiful out here,” Jewel acknowledged.

      “There’s something mysterious about the sea at night. It’s frightening, yet intriguing,” Chloe said. When she looked up, Donovan was staring at her. She held his gaze for a moment and cleared her throat. “I’ve always wondered what it must be like to be out there in all that darkness.”

      “It’s pretty cool,” Donovan said.

      “Is it?” Jewel asked. “How so?”

      “It’s peaceful. I took one of those midnight cruises before. We should see if they do those here at this hotel.”

      “Oh. Let’s check into that. Sounds like fun.” Jewel turned to Chloe. “Doesn’t it?”

      “It does.” Chloe sat back, allowing the breeze to relax her. It was almost as satisfying as Donovan’s presence.

      Donovan waved the waiter over. “What are you ladies having?”

      “I had this great drink by the pool earlier. It was fruity with rum in it,” Jewel said.

      “I could use a nice glass of wine,” Chloe added.

      As the waiter approached, Donovan nodded toward the women. “May I?” he asked, requesting their permission to order for them.

      Chloe and Jewel looked at each other. Agreeing with raised brows, Chloe then turned to Donovan and said, “Sure.”

      Donovan ordered wine for Chloe and a rum cocktail for Jewel.

      “What are they doing over there?” Chloe leaned forward, squinting at a few of the bar’s staff members setting up speakers and a large projection screen against the backdrop of the dark ocean.

      Donovan and Jewel turned toward Chloe’s line of sight.

      “Are they showing a movie tonight?” Jewel inquired.

      Donovan shrugged. “Perhaps.”

      “How cool!” Chloe added. The idea of watching a movie under the velvet star-spangled sky charmed her. “How were your meetings today?” she asked Donovan.

      “Pretty good.” Donovan told them about his day and the hotel his friend was renovating. The waiter returned with their drinks. They nodded their approval, which Donovan acknowledged with a confident smile.

      “That sounds amazing! Let us know if he does a grand opening. We could come down to celebrate with you,” Jewel said.

      “That would be great. I’ll make sure you have the best accommodations.” His comment was for both women, but his eyes were on Chloe.

      If she wasn’t mistaken, there was more meaning behind his words that were spoken. His slightly narrowed gaze and the sultry smile that spread across his sexy lips gave her that indication.

      Chloe felt warmth settle around her like a soft blanket. She matched his gaze for a moment before turning and looking out over the water.

      “Just make sure we’re on the opposite side of the hotel from your mother,” she said and the three of them laughed.

      “You’re right about that,” Donovan admitted. “If she knew we were here having a good time together, she’d probably faint.”

      “I know,” Jewel added, releasing a belly laugh. “What’s up with them?”

      Donovan shook his head. “I don’t know. My mother would never tell us.”

      “Neither would ours,” Chloe said.

      “It’s so crazy to me,” Jewel said.

      “Me, too,” Chloe agreed. “Whatever it is, it has been going on for a long time.”

      “That’s one thing I do know.” Donovan took another a sip of his rum and pointed toward the setup the bar staff was working on. “Looks like they’re setting up for karaoke.”

      “Really?” Chloe got excited.

      “Chloe. You should sing,” Jewel said, craning her neck toward the screen. “Donovan, you’ve got to hear her. She has an amazing voice.”

      Donovan looked at Chloe and raised a brow. “Is that so?”

      Chloe waved her hand dismissively and cast her eyes upward. “I don’t sing much. I haven’t done it in years.”

      “She’s totally being modest.” Jewel grabbed Chloe’s hand and pulled her up. “Come on, let’s go pick a song. I’ll be your backup!” she hooted.

      “Jewel!” Chloe pleaded but was ignored as Jewel dragged her over to the table that had been set up for people to sign up.

      “I can’t sing here,” Chloe said, feeling nervous.

      “Of course you can. Didn’t you say you wanted to start having more fun?”

      Chloe groaned. “Let me look over the list.” Jewel squealed and Chloe squinted at her. “I didn’t say I was going to sing. I’m just checking this list out.”

      Jewel handed her the