Destroyed. Jackie Ashenden. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jackie Ashenden
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474071307
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in,’ I ordered.

      She blinked rapidly. ‘W-what?’

      ‘You want me to hide you? Then get the fuck in my bed.’

      She hesitated only a second, kicking off her stilettos before crawling into my bed and drawing the covers up to her chin. While she did that, I shrugged off my cut and slung it over the end of the bed, then pulled my T-shirt off.

      ‘Tiger!’ Keep was sounding really pissed now. ‘For fuck’s sake.’

      Summer was watching me with those big eyes getting rounder as I pulled the quilt from her fingers. ‘If you want this to work,’ I said shortly, quietly, ‘then don’t argue and follow my lead, okay?’

      She didn’t speak, only nodded.

      So I got into bed with her, positioning myself over the top of her, covering her with my body. Then I pulled the quilt over us.

      And not before time.

      The door slammed open and there was Keep, standing in the doorway, one of the meanest motherfuckers in the whole MC.

      ‘Sorry, Prez,’ I said lazily, looking around at him. ‘I should have said. The door’s open.’

      He gave me that long, hard president’s stare, taking in the fact that I was in bed and that there was very obviously a woman with me. My elbows were on the pillows on either side of Summer’s head, my upper arms shielding her. Her hair was all over my pillow and she’d turned her face away. There was no way Keep would know who she was, as long as I didn’t move.

      ‘Thought you would have been out in the corridor,’ he said flatly. ‘You’re such a fucking exhibitionist.’

      Summer was trembling a little, her body warm and soft beneath mine, the flower scent of hers wrapping around me like I’d stumbled into a fucking garden. Her legs were spread and I could feel the intense heat of her pussy pressing against the zipper of my jeans, soaking into the denim.

       This wasn’t a mistake. At all.

      Christ, what the hell else was I supposed to do? There’d been nowhere else for her to hide. Pretending she was some chick I’d brought in to fuck had been the only option.

      I forced myself to ignore the feel of her beneath me and said, ‘Yeah, well, today I thought I’d be really kinky and try for some privacy.’ I shifted my hips, like I was halfway up inside her already and wanted to keep going. ‘Speaking of, you got something serious to ask me? ’Cause as you can see, there’s something else I’d much rather be doing.’

      Keep grunted, his blue eyes cold. ‘Got word that Campbell Grant’s daughter has gone missing and he wanted me to keep an eye out for her.’

      I could feel Summer go rigid under me and I didn’t need to see her face to know that the thought of being discovered scared her. Of course it made me want to know why, because although I didn’t know much about the police chief, I knew plenty about his asshole son, Summer’s brother. Justin Grant was the ex of Cat Livingston, my friend Smoke’s old lady. He’d been violent towards her and some shit had gone down that had included Smoke teaching the prick a lesson.

      I didn’t like the thought of Summer being exposed to that kind of crap, and if the son had been like that, what about the father? Sure, I’d never known what it was like to have a dad since I’d grown up without one, but I knew what had happened with Smoke’s old man and Smoke had told me about Cat’s.

      Seemed like fathers in general were assholes.

      ‘Yeah, I haven’t seen her.’ I looked down at the woman lying very still under me. She had her face still turned away, her hair covering her cheek.

      Was it her father she was scared of? Was that why she’d come down here? But why here? There were plenty of other less dangerous places to hide than a biker clubhouse. What about friends? Other family?

      ‘Maybe you should start looking,’ Keep said. ‘Once you’ve finished, obviously.’

      I didn’t look at my president, as I was too busy frowning down at Summer. ‘Yeah, okay. Might take a while, though.’

      ‘This is more important than your dick, Tiger,’ Keep growled. ‘The chief’s still pissed about that fucker Justin so we’ve got some ground to make up. Be good if one of the Knights could locate her and bring her in. If she hasn’t simply run away, of course.’

      Summer did that freezing-in-place thing again. And I wanted to grip her chin and turn her head to face me, look into her eyes to make sure she was okay. But I didn’t want to risk Keep seeing her, so all I said was ‘Gotcha, Prez. I’ll finish up here and then I’m on it.’ Quite literally in fact, but he wasn’t to know that.

      Keep didn’t say another word, but I heard the door slam shut and then silence.

      Summer remained still and that was actually starting to become something of a problem. Because my brain kept on wanting to concentrate on that heat between her legs and it was starting to get me hard.

      No, scratch ‘starting to.’ I’d been hard even before getting into bed with her.

       Which makes getting into bed with her a pretty fucking dumb idea, don’t you think? Especially when you shouldn’t even be touching her.

      Yeah, okay, maybe it was. But I wasn’t a goddamn teenage boy. I was the one in control, not my fucking cock. Which meant I should have been throwing back the quilt and getting off her, putting some distance between us.

      Yet I didn’t move. I stayed right where I was. I was bracing myself on my elbows so I wasn’t actually lying on her, but her tits were almost brushing my chest. I couldn’t see much of them since she was wearing a loose hoodie, but they seemed high and rounded, a nice handful.

       And now you’re staring at her tits? What the fuck is wrong with you?

      It was an excellent point and yet I still couldn’t seem to make myself get off her. And what was more, I was beginning to think that this was actually a great time to make her tell me what the hell she was doing here.

      ‘Summer,’ I said quietly. ‘He’s gone.’

      A quiver ran the entire length of her body. I could damn well feel it. Then, slowly, she turned her head, giving me a quick glance from beneath her lashes, like she was afraid to look at me. But there was a flush of pink on her cheekbones, a pretty good indication to me that she wasn’t scared. Or at least not as scared as she had been.

      Fuck, she was so hot, though. That little pussy of hers felt like a fire burning through my zipper and if I wasn’t much mistaken—and I seldom was—I thought I’d caught a hint of musk threading through her sweet, flowery scent.

       Whatever you’re thinking, it’s not a good idea, dumb fuck.

      Of course it wasn’t a good idea. It was a fucking terrible idea. Yet I still wasn’t moving, staying there braced on my elbows with my cock pressed hard between her legs.

      She made a restless movement and her hands came up, long, pale fingers pressing against my chest. Then, like my body was a stove she’d accidentally burned herself on, she jerked them away again. ‘T-Tiger...’ she muttered thickly, still avoiding my gaze. ‘I th-think you should...uh...move.’

      I don’t know what it was about hearing my name in her mouth. Plenty of women called me by it and yet I’d never once felt it go straight to my cock the way it did right now. Maybe it was her voice, all soft and husky and uncertain, and that goddamn stutter on the T. Like she was afraid to say it.

      The club girls didn’t say my name like that. They didn’t avoid my gaze, jerk their hands away from my bare skin and blush like a fucking rose. And when they did look at me, it wasn’t with fear or excitement or any shit like that. Sure, they wanted me, but they didn’t much care who got them off. One cock was as good as another as far as they were concerned.

      It had