Destroyed. Jackie Ashenden. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jackie Ashenden
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474071307
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see something that looked like annoyance glinting in his gaze. Then his mouth curved in a smile that had nothing to do with amusement and he gave a soft laugh that made a shiver chase down my spine. ‘Right,’ he said. ‘So all you want is biker cock.’ He gave another laugh. ‘Try again, baby girl.’

      I don’t know what happened then. Maybe it was just being here and running out of options. Maybe it was some leftover stupidity from me shoving Crash away. Whatever it was, his obvious disbelief made a small spark of annoyance ignite me.

      It was insanity to argue with a man like Tiger, a man who radiated violence and danger, who had menace inked into his skin. Yet for some reason I opened my big fat mouth and said, ‘How do you know that’s not why I’m here? Biker c-cock might be exactly what I want.’

      There was a stunning silence.

      Tiger finally blinked and I was conscious of a weird warm feeling in amongst all that cold fear. Had I finally surprised him?

      Of course it didn’t last long.

      He bent his head and suddenly his face was millimetres from mine, those amber eyes boring into me, that beautiful mouth so close. ‘If biker cock is really what you want, then what are you waiting for? I’m a biker and I have a cock. Get down on your knees and suck it.’

      The shock of the words and his abrupt nearness froze me in place. But not like before, in Crash’s room. I wasn’t rigid with fear this time, because I could read in his gaze that he wasn’t serious. This was a dare. He used to do that in the month when he’d been my protector, teasing me to get a rise out of me. I’d always been too afraid to respond to him then but now...

      I don’t know what came over me. A sudden rush of anger filled me, along with a determination to show him that I wasn’t the scared ‘baby girl’ he seemed to think I was.

      Forgetting my fear, I gave him one furious look.

      Then I dropped to my knees in front of him.



      NOTHING SURPRISED ME much any more. But little Summer Grant dropping to her knees right in front of me, ready to prove she was desperate to suck my cock?

      Yeah, not gonna lie, that surprised the hell out of me.

      Telling her to get on her knees was supposed to have made her back off, not actually do what I said.

      I didn’t move, looking down at her as she knelt in front of me. Of course I knew that she didn’t actually want to do this—I hadn’t missed that blue spark that had lit in her eyes just before she did what I told her to do.

      She was calling my bluff the way I’d called hers.

      And, fuck, she might just have won this round, because, Christ, I couldn’t actually let her suck me off. Not given how terrified she’d been not fifteen minutes earlier in Crash’s room. And not when she was only doing this because it was clear she didn’t want to tell me what she was actually doing in the clubhouse.

      Unfortunately, though, my goddamn cock didn’t seem to understand that.

      There was something about the way she knelt in front of me, with her chin lifted, her eyes on mine. And I could see that spark of anger dancing in them. Yeah, she definitely wasn’t the scaredy-cat she appeared to be.

      In fact, if I wasn’t much mistaken, she was giving me a challenge to answer the one I’d just given her.

      Not many brothers took me on these days, let alone one little girl. That took guts.

      And it made me hard.

      Made me want to reach down and bury my fingers in all that silky blonde hair, hold on to her as she took my dick, as she worked her mouth on me, taking me deep.

      Made me want to know how far I could push her, how far I could go. Did that little spark of hers mean she was steel all the way through, or would she shatter if I put pressure on her?

      I suspected I knew already, though. I suspected she was steel. It was always the quiet ones you had to watch out for, those were the ones with claws.

      Christ, that mouth of hers was to die for. Perfectly shaped and a little red from where she’d been gnawing on it. I could imagine those lips wrapped around my cock, could imagine tasting them as well. Maybe biting on them to see if they were as soft as they looked.

      But, shit, I had to get a handle on myself. I couldn’t goad her into blowing me. It wasn’t what she was here for, no matter that she was insisting otherwise. And apart from anything else, I wasn’t in the mood to be giving dick-sucking advice to virgins.

       Yeah, sure. You’re not in the mood. Like hell.

      Ignoring my cock thoughts, I didn’t move, only shook my head. ‘I’m glad you’re keen, baby, but no. We’re not doing that.’

      Those big blue eyes widened in what I thought was genuine surprise—for some reason it made me glad I could surprise her the way she’d surprised me—and that pouty mouth opened. ‘Oh, but I thought you said—’

      ‘I know what I said.’ I cut her off. ‘I fucking changed my mind. Now, go sit back on that bed like a good girl.’

      Again that blue spark jumped, like she was pissed or maybe disappointed, which I didn’t mind at all, not one bit, then she got to her feet and went slowly back over to the bed once more. She sat down and looked at her hands again, resolutely avoiding my gaze, her shoulders slumping.

      Okay, so it was definitely disappointment. But...why? She hadn’t really wanted to suck my dick, had she? Not after she’d been so goddamn terrified.

       Why are you thinking about this shit? Why the fuck does it matter?

      Both very good questions and ones I didn’t have the answers to.

      Just like I still didn’t know why the hell she was here.

      I was about to give her the hard word yet a-fucking-gain, when someone’s fist connected loudly on the door at my back. ‘Tiger.’ It was Keep, sounding pissed. ‘I need to talk to you. Open the fucking door.’

      At the sound of Keep’s voice, Summer’s chin came up, her gaze getting wide and dark, frightened again.

      Interesting. So given how she hadn’t wanted me to talk to Keep earlier and her reaction to the sound of his voice now, it was obvious that she really didn’t want him to know she was here. Which kind of made sense. She probably knew he’d bundle her up and ship her out the moment he discovered her.

      Keep hammered on the door again, louder this time, and Summer’s gaze came to mine, the desperation in it loud and clear. She really didn’t want me to give her away.

      It was crazy. The first thing I should have done was open the door and let my president inside, show him who was hiding out in my room. Because the club came first and always had done, and she represented trouble for it, no doubt about that.

      Yet for some reason, that look in her eyes made my chest tighten yet again. Been a long, long time since someone had looked at me like that. Not since my little brother had disappeared along with my mom. Looking at me as if I could help them. As if I could save them.

      So when I opened my mouth, it wasn’t ‘Sure, Keep, come in’ that came out. It was ‘Gimme a minute, Prez. I’m kind of busy.’

      Summer let out a small, sharp breath, like she’d been holding it.

      Then Keep said very distinctly, ‘Open the fucking door. I don’t care who you’ve got in there.’


      I couldn’t say no to my president and Summer must have known that, because her face went white, and she went very still. And she kept her gaze on mine, silently pleading.