Destroyed. Jackie Ashenden. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jackie Ashenden
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474071307
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her luscious mouth, all soft and pink and pouty...

      Something punched me hard, right in the gut, and since it was pretty much the last thing I expected to feel when looking at Summer Grant, it took me a second to realise that my cock, the impatient motherfucker, was very, very interested in that mouth.

      Fuck. This was all I needed. Getting inexplicably hard for Campbell Grant’s daughter, which was so not happening. Jesus Christ, I’d be lucky if Keep didn’t kick my ass from here to fucking Florida if he ever found out.

      Not that I’d do anything about it. I hadn’t been into jailbait back when she’d been seventeen and I wasn’t into it now. Though I guessed she wasn’t seventeen any more. More like...twenty-two maybe? Except she didn’t look it, not with those big, frightened eyes. She looked like a kid who’d just woken up from a really bad nightmare.

      I didn’t mind a bit of fear to get a chick turned on, as long as she was into it. But if she wasn’t, then neither was I, and as for outright terror... Yeah, that wasn’t hot as far as I was concerned and it pretty much killed the burgeoning hard-on in my jeans. Good fucking job.

      ‘Come on,’ I told her, impatient now to get this mess sorted out. ‘Party’s over.’

      I began to move back to the doorway, pulling her with me, but she’d gone rigid, freezing like a block of wood, staring at me like I was some kind of serial killer.

      Christ. Please don’t tell me I was going to have to haul a terrified girl through the clubhouse in the middle of a party. Knowing my fucking luck, she’d start screaming and then the shit would hit the fan. Especially if Keep spotted me and got the wrong idea.

      Yeah, that wasn’t happening. Except the problem was that I didn’t have time to calm her down now, not with a whole lot of brothers out in the corridor. I needed to get her somewhere private, then maybe get her to quit being so scared and tell me what the hell she was doing here. If it was to take a walk on the wild side with some bikers—which a lot of girls did—then I needed to point out what a stupid fucking idea that was. And then I’d tell her exactly what it meant for the club to have the chief of police’s daughter found screaming in a brother’s bedroom.

      If she didn’t want to bang a whole bunch of bikers—and quite frankly, given the look on her face right now, I guessed she probably didn’t—then I needed to find out what the hell else had brought her there, then take it to Keep for the same reason.

      Protecting the club. That was my job and I took it very, very seriously indeed.

      ‘You gonna come with me?’ I asked, giving her a chance to move under her own steam.

      But she just stared at me, her face completely white, trembling like a leaf.

      Shit. She was panicking now and that was another thing I remembered from my time as her protection. There’d only been one instance of trouble and it hadn’t been from the MC who’d delivered the death threats, but from some kids at her school. She’d been late meeting me so I’d gone to see where she was, only to find her being bullied outside some classrooms. All it had taken was a hard stare and a couple of threats, and those bitches had run away, but Summer had stood there stock-still, like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. Too afraid to move.

      It had taken a lot of coaxing to get her to snap out of it then, but time was something I didn’t have right now. Plus, I was an impatient motherfucker, just like my cock. I wanted this over and done with and I wanted it now.

      So I put my hands on her hips, picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

      Summer didn’t make a sound or even struggle, though I felt every inch of her go rigid.

      ‘Don’t scream,’ I told her, wrapping my arm around her slender thighs to hold her steady as I turned towards the door. ‘I’m not going to hurt you.’

      She was completely silent, stiff as a board as I stepped out of Crash’s room and into the corridor.

      And into the middle of a goddamn orgy.

      Great. Something else I was missing out on. Shit.

      I tried to ignore all the hot sex happening right in front of me, heading towards my room since that was the only place I could guarantee we wouldn’t be interrupted by douchebags.

      But, of course, walking down the corridor with a woman thrown over my shoulder wasn’t going to go ignored.

      Sure enough, as I went past a brother getting head from two different women, he called out something about my ‘friend’ and that it was rude not to introduce her.

      It was going to look unusual for me not to join in since it was well known that I was a big fan of the orgy, but since I was damn sure that the pretty little thing over my shoulder wouldn’t be thrilled if I suddenly started insisting on her getting to know the brothers and their cocks, I merely gave him the finger and strode on past.

      My room was down the corridor a way, and I stopped outside it, my arm still wrapped around her thighs. She was taller than I’d expected and on the skinny side—I preferred chicks with a little more to hold on to—and I was weirdly conscious of the way she smelled, sweet and flowery and kind of innocent. It got to me, that scent. Not sure why, but it did. The club girls I was used to didn’t smell like that and I wasn’t sure I liked it.

      It made me aware of how scared she’d been and of how I was now hauling her around over my shoulder like a sack of coal. Made me wonder if that really had been the best course of action, since it probably wouldn’t have helped her fear.

      Then I realised what I was doing and glared at my door. What the fuck? I wasn’t used to questioning my decisions and I didn’t appreciate the fact that I was questioning them now, and all because of the way some scared little girl smelled.

      Holy shit. I was going soft.

      Irritated with myself, I opened the door and stepped inside.

      I actually had a place of my own, but I liked to keep a room at the club because I liked being where my brothers were, where I could get all the cold beer and hot pussy I could handle without having to do a thing.

      I wasn’t a loner, unlike my buddy Smoke. I liked people. I liked a party, too, lots of music, alcohol and women... Everything a man needed to feel good, and since feeling good was my preferred state, I indulged myself often.

      Pity I was missing out on all of that now, though, which was pissing me off. Especially after the day I’d had taking care of some Demon’s Share MC assholes who’d accidentally-on-purpose wandered into our territory and had needed a little reminder to stay out of it.

      Anyway, I’d been looking forward to some R & R tonight, a chance to forget about my problems for a little while, but now I had to deal with the tiny issue of a panicking civilian who shouldn’t have been anywhere near the clubhouse, and that wasn’t exactly enhancing my mood.

      I kicked the door shut after me, then carried Summer over to the bed and slid her off my shoulder and down onto it.

      I reached for her hood and pulled it off so I could get a good look at her, wanting to check if she was okay. A whole lot of silky platinum-blonde hair came tumbling out and down around her shoulders, reminding me of how she used to wear it back in school, in an untidy ponytail or in a bun wound around a pen or pencil. I always used to want to tie it back properly for her since I hated untidiness as a rule, but of course I never did.

      Even with her hair all down, she didn’t look up. But I wasn’t having that so I put a finger beneath her chin and tipped her head back so I could see her face.

      Her skin was dead white, her eyes round as fucking saucers and darker than a night sky.


      It was all coming back to me now, that month I’d spent taking her to and from school. How pissed I’d been with the Knights’ then president for assigning me what had amounted to babysitting duties as a favour to the police chief. How she’d never said a word to me unless I asked her a question