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Автор: Collins Dictionaries
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007583652
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living things contain carbon.

      carbon dioxide

      NOUN the gas that human beings and other animals breathe out

      carbon footprint carbon footprints

      NOUN the amount of carbon monoxide produced by a person, company or country

      card cards

      NOUN 1 a piece of stiff paper or plastic with a message or information on it • birthday card • credit card

      2 When you play cards, you play a game using special playing cards.

      3 strong, stiff paper


      NOUN thick, stiff paper, which is stronger than card

      cardigan cardigans

      NOUN a knitted jacket that fastens up the front

      care cares, caring, cared

      VERB 1 If you care about something or someone, you are concerned about them and interested in them.

      2 If you care for a person or an animal, you look after them.

      NOUN 3 worry or trouble • She didn’t have a care in the world.

      4 If you do something with care, you concentrate very hard on it so that you don’t make mistakes. • He wrote the telephone number down with great care.

      PHRASE 5 If you take care of a person or an animal, you look after them. • Shakira said she would take care of the hamsters while we were on holiday.

      career careers

      NOUN Your career is the series of jobs you have in life, often in the same occupation. • a teaching career


      ADJECTIVE acting sensibly and with care

      ANTONYM: careless

      carefully ADVERB


      ADJECTIVE not paying attention to what you are doing

      SYNONYMS: slapdash, sloppy

      carelessly ADVERB carelessness NOUN

      caretaker caretakers

      NOUN a person who looks after a large building such as a school

      cargo cargoes

      NOUN goods carried on a ship or plane


      Said “carib-ee-un” NOUN 1 short for the Caribbean Sea, which lies between the West Indies and South America

      ADJECTIVE 2 to do with the Caribbean Sea or the islands in it • I love Caribbean food.

      carnation carnations

      NOUN a plant with thin leaves and scented white, pink or red flowers

      carnival carnivals

      NOUN a public festival with music, processions and dancing

      carnivore carnivores

      NOUN an animal that eats meat

      carnivorous ADJECTIVE

      carol carols

      NOUN a religious song sung at Christmas time

      carpenter carpenters

      NOUN a person who makes and repairs wooden things

      carpentry NOUN

      carpet carpets

      NOUN a thick floor covering usually made of material like wool

      carriage carriages

      NOUN 1 one of the separate sections of a passenger train

      2 an old-fashioned vehicle for carrying passengers, usually pulled by horses

      Carroll diagram Carroll diagrams

      NOUN a way of sorting and displaying information in the form of a grid


      carrot carrots

      NOUN a long, thin, orange-coloured root vegetable

      carry carries, carrying, carried

      VERB 1 If you carry something, you hold it and take it somewhere.

      2 When a vehicle carries people, they travel in it.

      3 If people or animals carry a germ or a disease, they can pass it on to others.

      4 If a sound carries it can be heard a long way off. • Their voices carried across the valley.

      cart carts

      NOUN a vehicle with wheels, used for carrying things and usually pulled by horses or cattle

      carton cartons

      NOUN a cardboard or plastic container

      cartoon cartoons

      NOUN 1 a humorous drawing in a newspaper, comic or magazine

      2 a film in which all the characters and scenes are drawn

      cartridge cartridges

      NOUN 1 a tube containing a bullet and an explosive substance, used in guns

      2 a small plastic container filled with ink that you put in a pen or a printer

      cartwheel cartwheels

      NOUN an acrobatic movement in which you lift both arms in the air then throw yourself sideways on to one hand, swinging your body around in a circle with your legs straight until you land on your feet again

      carve carves, carving, carved

      VERB If you carve something, you shape it or slice it with a knife.

      cascade cascades, cascading, cascaded

      NOUN 1 a small waterfall or group of waterfalls flowing down a rocky hillside

      VERB 2 When water cascades, it flows very fast down a hillside or over rocks.

      case cases

      NOUN 1 a box for keeping or carrying things in

      2 a particular situation or event • a bad case of measles

      3 A crime that the police are investigating is called a case.


      NOUN money in notes and coins

      cashier cashiers

      NOUN the person who deals with money in a place such as a shop or a bank

      casserole casseroles

      NOUN 1 a stew made with meat, vegetables or fish that is baked in the oven

      2 a dish with a lid, which is used for cooking

      cast casts, casting, cast

      NOUN 1 all the people who act in a play or film

      2 an object made by pouring a liquid such as plaster into a container and leaving it to harden

      VERB 3 If an object casts a shadow on to a place, it makes a shadow fall there.

      castaway castaways

      NOUN someone who has been shipwrecked but manages to survive on a lonely shore or an island

      castle castles

      NOUN a large building with walls or ditches round it to protect it from attack

      [from Latin castellum meaning small fort]


      ADJECTIVE 1 happening by chance and without planning • I made a casual remark.

      2 Casual clothes are suitable for informal occasions.

      casualty casualties
