chauffeur chauffeurs
NOUN a person whose job is to drive another person’s car • He had a chauffeur to drive him everywhere.
cheap cheaper, cheapest
ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is cheap costs very little money.
2 Cheap sometimes means of poor quality.
cheaply ADVERB
cheat cheats, cheating, cheated
VERB If someone cheats in a game or exam, they break the rules in order to do better.
check checks, checking, checked
VERB 1 If you check something, you examine it to make sure that everything is all right. • Check your work carefully when you finish.
NOUN 2 an inspection to make sure that everything is all right
3 Checks are different coloured squares that form a pattern.
checkout checkouts
NOUN the place in a supermarket where you pay for your goods
cheek cheeks
NOUN 1 Your cheeks are the sides of your face below your eyes.
2 speech or behaviour that is rude and disrespectful • Their grandparents won’t stand any cheek from them.
cheeky ADJECTIVE cheekily ADVERB
cheer cheers, cheering, cheered
VERB When people cheer, they shout loudly and happily. • We cheered our team when they won.
ADJECTIVE A cheerful person is happy.
cheerfully ADVERB
cheese cheeses
NOUN a solid savoury food made from milk
cheetah cheetahs
NOUN a wild mammal like a large cat with black spots, mainly found in Africa
[from Sanskrit citra + kaya meaning speckled body]
chef chefs
NOUN a head cook in a restaurant or hotel
[from French chef meaning head]
chemical chemicals
NOUN 1 a substance made by the use of chemistry • Dangerous chemicals should be handled carefully.
ADJECTIVE 2 involved in chemistry or using chemicals • a chemical reaction
chemist chemists
NOUN a shop that sells medicines and cosmetics
NOUN the scientific study of substances and the ways in which they change when they are combined
cheque cheques
NOUN a printed piece of paper that people can use to pay for things
cherry cherries
NOUN a small, juicy fruit with a red, yellow or black skin and a hard stone in the centre
NOUN a game played on a board with 64 squares. Each player has 16 pieces.
chest chests
NOUN 1 the front part of your body between your shoulders and your waist
2 a large wooden box used for storing things
chestnut chestnuts
NOUN 1 a reddish-brown nut that grows inside a prickly, green outer covering
2 the tree that produces these nuts
ADJECTIVE 3 Something that is chestnut is reddish-brown in colour.
chew chews, chewing, chewed
VERB When you chew something, you use your teeth to break it up in your mouth before swallowing it.
chewing gum
NOUN a kind of sweet that you chew for a long time, but which you do not swallow
chick chicks
NOUN a young bird
chicken chickens
NOUN a bird kept on a farm for its eggs and meat; also the meat of this bird
NOUN an illness that causes a fever and blister-like spots to appear on the skin
chief chiefs
NOUN 1 the leader of a group or organization
ADJECTIVE 2 main or most important
chilblain chilblains
NOUN a sore, itchy swelling on a finger or toe, which causes discomfort in cold weather
child children
NOUN 1 a young person who is not yet an adult
SYNONYMS: kid, youngster
2 Someone’s child is their son or daughter.
childhood childhoods
NOUN Your childhood is the time when you are a child.
ADJECTIVE If someone is childish, they are not acting in an adult way.
ANTONYM: adult
childishly ADVERB
childminder childminders
NOUN a person who is paid to look after children while their parents are at work
PLURAL NOUN the plural of child
chill chills, chilling, chilled
VERB 1 When you chill something, you make it cold. • Chill the orange juice before you drink it.
NOUN 2 a feverish cold
3 a feeling of cold • the chill of early morning
chilli chillies
NOUN the red or green seed pod of a type of pepper that has a very hot, spicy taste
chilly chillier, chilliest
ADJECTIVE 1 Chilly weather is rather cold.
2 If people behave in a chilly way, they are not very friendly.
chime chimes, chiming, chimed
VERB 1 When a bell chimes, it makes a clear ringing sound.
NOUN 2 Chimes are a set of bells or other objects that make ringing sounds.
chimney chimneys
NOUN a pipe above a fireplace or furnace through which smoke from the fire can escape
chimpanzee chimpanzees
NOUN a small ape with dark fur that lives in forests in Africa
chin chins
NOUN the part of your face below your mouth
NOUN plates, cups, saucers and other dishes that are made from fine clay
chink chinks
NOUN 1 a small, narrow opening • a chink in the fence
2 a small ringing sound, like glasses touching each other
chip chips, chipping, chipped
NOUN 1 Chips are thin strips of fried potato.
2 a tiny piece of silicon inside a computer, which is used to form electronic circuits • computer chips