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Автор: Collins Dictionaries
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007583652
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      NOUN 1 the edge of a deep hole, cliff or ravine

      PHRASE 2 If you are on the brink of something, you are about to do it. • They were on the brink of discovering a cure for the common cold.

      brisk brisker, briskest

      ADJECTIVE 1 quick and energetic • a brisk walk

      2 If someone’s manner is brisk, it shows that they want to get things done quickly and efficiently.

      briskly ADVERB briskness NOUN

      bristle bristles, bristling, bristled

      NOUN 1 Bristles are strong animal hairs used to make brushes.

      VERB 2 If the hairs on an animal’s body bristle, they rise up because it is frightened.

      bristly ADJECTIVE


      ADJECTIVE An object that is brittle is hard but breaks easily.

      broad broader, broadest

      ADJECTIVE 1 A broad river is wide.

      2 The broad outline of a story gives the main points, but no details.


      NOUN a digital system for sending data to and from televisions, computers and telephones • What is the broadband speed like here?

      broadcast broadcasts, broadcasting, broadcast

      NOUN 1 a programme or announcement on radio or television

      VERB 2 When someone broadcasts something, they send it out by radio waves, so that it can be seen on television or heard on radio.


      NOUN a vegetable with green stalks and green or purple flower buds


      brochure brochures

      NOUN a booklet that gives information about a product or a service • holiday brochure


      VERB 1 the past tense of break

      ADJECTIVE 2 If you are broke, you have no money.


      ADJECTIVE A broken object is damaged in some way.


      NOUN an illness in which the tubes connecting your windpipe to your lungs become infected, making you cough

      brontosaurus brontosauruses

      NOUN a very large, plant-eating dinosaur


      NOUN a yellowish-brown metal that is a mixture of copper and tin

      brooch brooches

      Rhymes with “coach” NOUN a piece of jewellery with a pin at the back for attaching to clothes

      brood broods, brooding, brooded

      NOUN 1 a family of baby birds

      VERB 2 If you brood about something, you are worried about it and can’t stop thinking about it.

      brook brooks

      NOUN a stream

      broom brooms

      NOUN a long-handled brush

      brother brothers

      NOUN Your brother is a boy or man who has the same parents as you.

      brother-in-law brothers-in-law

      NOUN Someone’s brother-in-law is the brother of their husband or wife, or their sister’s husband.


      VERB the past tense and past participle of bring

      images Do not confuse brought with bought.

      brown browner, brownest

      ADJECTIVE OR NOUN the colour of earth or wood

      Brownie Brownies

      NOUN a junior member of the Girl Guides

      bruise bruises, bruising, bruised

      NOUN 1 a purple mark that appears on your skin after something has hit it

      VERB 2 If something bruises you, it hits you so that a bruise appears on your skin.

      brunette brunettes

      NOUN a girl or a woman with dark brown hair

      brush brushes, brushing, brushed

      NOUN 1 an object with bristles. There are brushes for cleaning things, painting or tidying your hair.


      VERB 2 If you brush something, you clean it or tidy it with a brush.

      Brussels sprout Brussels sprouts

      NOUN a vegetable that looks like a tiny cabbage


      ADJECTIVE Brutal behaviour is violent and cruel.

      brutally ADVERB brutality NOUN

      bubble bubbles, bubbling, bubbled

      NOUN 1 a ball of air in a liquid

      VERB 2 When a liquid bubbles, bubbles form in it.

      buck bucks, bucking, bucked

      NOUN 1 the male of various animals, including deer and rabbits

      VERB 2 If a horse bucks, it jumps into the air with all four feet off the ground.

      bucket buckets

      NOUN a deep, round container with an open top and a handle

      buckle buckles, buckling, buckled

      NOUN 1 a fastening on the end of a belt or strap

      VERB 2 If you buckle a belt or strap, you fasten it.

      3 If metal buckles, it crumples up.

      bud buds

      NOUN a small, tight swelling on a tree or plant, which develops into a flower or leaf


      NOUN someone who follows the religious teachings of Buddha, who taught in India in the fifth century. Buddhists believe that the way to end suffering is by overcoming our desires.

      Buddhism NOUN

      budgerigar budgerigars

      NOUN a small, brightly-coloured pet bird. Budgerigars originated in Australia.

      [an Australian Aboriginal name, from budgeri + gar meaning good cockatoo]

      budget budgets, budgeting, budgeted

      NOUN 1 a plan showing how much money will be available and how it will be spent

      VERB 2 If you budget for something, you plan how you use your money carefully, so as to be able to afford what you want.

      buffalo buffaloes

      NOUN 1 a wild animal like a large cow with long curved horns

      2 another word for bison

      buffet buffets

      NOUN 1 a café at a station or on a train

      2 a meal at which people serve themselves

      bug bugs, bugging, bugged

      NOUN 1 a small insect, especially one that causes damage

      2 an