Every Night I'm Yours. Christie Kelley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christie Kelley
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Spinster Club
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781420118247
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moments before in the study.

      “I’m afraid you cannot do that, my dear.”

      In the dim torchlight, she could just make out the darkness in his pale blue eyes. They reminded her of the sky just before a strong, summer storm.

      “Why not?” she finally asked. She really needed to keep her concentration on his words not his eyes and mouth.

      “Because I shall walk into the ballroom and tell everyone of your plan.”

      Avis stood there, unable to say a word. The Selby name was held in far more esteem than the unmarried daughter of a viscount. If he did as he threatened everyone would believe him, and she would be completely ruined. Her perfect plan had come tumbling down because of him. She should tell him she didn’t care about a disgrace, but she really did care, and she was certain he knew it.

      “Why? Why would you want to ruin me?”

      “You made a bargain with me, and you will abide by it,” he said roughly.

      “You can’t possibly want me—”

      “I think I proved I do in the study.”

      “You can have your choice of women. You don’t need me.”

      “You’re right. I don’t need you.” He leaned in closer to her ear until she could feel his warm breath tickle her. “I want you.”

      Banning Talbot, the sixth earl of Selby and quite possibly the most handsome man among the ton, wanted her. And he wanted her in a wholly improper fashion. A searing heat flowed through her body and centered between her legs. The only time she felt such desire was when he was around or in her dreams.

      “There are just a few things you need to understand,” Selby said. “You are to stay away from Emory Billingsworth.”


      “Stay away from the man—”

      “I will not!”

      “There you two are,” Jennette said. “Arguing again. Just once I would like to see you both together and not fighting.”

      If they didn’t fight, they kissed, and she doubted Jennette would like to see that either. Avis wondered what other conditions Selby wanted to put on her, but that could wait until tomorrow when he called on her.

      She had a dreadful feeling their two weeks would be nothing but arguing and making love. Perhaps even arguing while they made love. It would be the most difficult fortnight of her life.

      Chapter Five

      Banning sipped his tea and looked down at his congealed breakfast. Nothing appealed to him this morning. He dreaded his upcoming confrontation with Avis because he knew she would do anything to get out of their affair. The more he thought about it, the more certain he became that she would make a perfect wife for him. The last thing he wanted was her trying to get out of their arrangement.

      “Are you unwell this morning, Banning?” Jennette’s lilting voice brought him out of his musing.

      “I’m quite well, thank you.”

      She sat down in the chair next to him and patted his hand with her own paint-splattered one. “Bloody hell you are. You look dreadful.”

      “Jennette, how many times do I have to tell you it is completely unladylike to swear?”

      “Probably a few hundred more,” she said with a laugh.

      His sister might just be the death of him. At least that would spare him this valiant need to keep Avis from Emory Billingsworth. Banning had seen what Billingsworth could do when angry with a woman, but he knew Avis would not believe him…at least not yet.

      He should have put a stop to her association with that bastard years ago. Not that he’d had any way of doing so. Until now.

      He knew the real Billingsworth. The man who wore a mask of gentility while in truth was nothing more than a violent, cruel beast. The same man who had beaten a prostitute because she tried to take the money due her from him. Banning closed his eyes against the images that rose to the surface. Not even years could eradicate those haunting memories. That girl writhing and moaning in pain as he carried her to the carriage. The gasp from the physician when he saw Banning holding the battered woman out to him. His own blood-splattered clothing ruined over the few shillings the poor girl needed to survive.

      And she wasn’t the only girl Billingsworth had beaten. But he would never lay a hand on Avis.

      “I need to go out for a short while,” Banning said.

      “At this hour?”

      “This isn’t a social call, Jennette. It’s business.”

      “Oh, well then have a marvelous time,” she drawled. “I believe Mother and I have some shopping that must be completed.”

      “You might wish to use a bit more turpentine on your hands before leaving.” He stood and smiled down at his little sister. “The shopkeepers might get distressed if you touch their fabric with those hands even with gloves on,” he teased.

      Jennette laughed as she stood to leave. “Followed by a course of rose scented lotion to hide the foul odor. Never fear, no one shall learn of my scandalous secret, brother dear.”

      Banning shook his head. Her scandalous secret was far from scandalous and far from secret. Most people knew of her painting, though few knew she painted the most beautiful oil landscapes he had ever seen. And even fewer people knew she planned to move to Italy after she gained Grandmama’s inheritance. He sighed. Jennette’s future was an issue for another day.

      He decided to skip Parliament today and rode straight to Bruton Street and the house where Avis lived. His coachman stopped a few houses away from her home. As Banning stepped down, he looked up at her white, brick home and noticed it looked no different from any other on the block.

      Except an unmarried woman occupied this house.

      After skirting a couple out for an early stroll, he walked up the steps to her door. Reaching for the knocker, he let it slip from his hand to bang against the brass plate.

      An older man with a stern expression opened the door for him. “Lord Selby?”

      “I am here to see Miss Copley.” Banning gave the butler one of his cards.

      “Please wait inside, my lord. I will see if Miss Copley is at home.”

      Banning entered the small receiving room and smiled. This room suited Avis perfectly—functional furniture with no frills. He strolled around the small room idly as he waited for the servant to return.

      “My lord, Miss Copley will see you in the study.”

      He followed the butler down the hall and into the study only to find Avis sitting behind a large, masculine mahogany desk. With her stern gray dress and dour expression, she looked as if she were prepared to transact a business arrangement, not determine the location and details of an illicit affair.

      “My lord, thank you for coming by on such short notice,” she said as the butler closed the door. Once the door was firmly shut, the Avis he knew so well went on the attack. “You are such a beast. I cannot believe you think to blackmail me into an affair with you.”

      “Do we really need to discuss this again?” Banning sat in a soft leather chair on the other side of the desk. He glanced around the room, impressed by the décor. “Lovely rooms, by the way.”

      “Thank you, your sister helped me with the colors.” She folded her arms over her chest. “I have decided not to go through with this.”


      She tilted her head slightly. “I don’t believe you mean to go through with your little blackmail scheme.”

      Banning gave her a half-smile and leaned in closer to the desk. “I wouldn’t