Every Night I'm Yours. Christie Kelley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christie Kelley
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Spinster Club
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781420118247
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shall at that.” Avis pulled away from Sophie. “Can you tell me what else you see for my future?”

      Sophie closed her gray eyes and smiled fully. “You shall be very happy.”

      “Any more specific information?”

      “No. If I tell you more you shall do everything in your power to thwart your future.”

      Avis frowned. “Why would I do that?”

      “Because it may not be what you think will bring you happiness.”

      With those mysterious words, Avis left, pondering her future and what would bring her such happiness.

      Where was she?

      Banning glanced around the grounds of the Wayside Inn once more. He had arrived nearly two hours ago and night would be falling soon. She should have joined him by now. His thoughts ran to the obvious—she had changed her mind.

      He kicked a small pebble toward the road. He should have called on her before leaving town. It might have been best if he’d skipped the rest of Parliament, allowing them to leave earlier in the week before she had the chance to change her mind. But he could not neglect his responsibilities. He blew out a breath and kicked another stone.

      What if she had decided to go away with Billingsworth? The man was a complete cad and scoundrel. The man would take whatever Avis offered and leave her alone and pregnant or worse, alone and battered. He looked up at the sound of gravel crunching under the wheels of a plain black carriage.

      “Lord Selby, what a surprise to see you here,” Avis said, stepping down from her carriage. “Is your sister with you?”

      He turned at the soft sound of her lilting voice. “No, Jennette is still in town, Miss Copley.”

      Her coachman frowned. “Ma’am, I know it is not my place, but I would never forgive myself if some harm came to you—”

      “We have been over this many times, Smith. Lady Elizabeth may even be here already.”

      “Still, we should wait to make certain.”

      Avis glanced over at Banning. “Lord Selby is here. Lady Jennette’s brother would never let any harm come to me.”

      Banning took his cue. “Of course not, Miss Copley. Actually, I do believe Lady Elizabeth arrived a short while ago and now rests in her room.”

      “Thank you, my lord,” she replied with a slight nod. “There, it is settled. You may take my valise up to my room and then depart. I shall be home in a fortnight.”

      “As you wish, ma’am.” The coachman gave Banning a look that said he knew exactly what had just transpired. He took the large valise down and carried it inside.

      Banning released a long held breath. He looked around but noticed no one familiar to him. “You’re late,” he whispered harshly.

      “Your darling sister paid me a visit this morning. Perhaps if you had prevented the call, I would have been on time.”

      “Where are the rest of your things?” he said, now irritated with both himself for getting angry, and Jennette for delaying her.

      “Smith took my bag inside already.”

      “That’s all you need for two weeks?” He’d expected a trunk, or two. His sister rarely traveled without two trunks, sometimes even three.

      “I didn’t believe I would need that much. Unless you have a ball or soiree planned that I wasn’t aware of?”

      He smiled at her cheeky tone. “No. Ever practical, Avis, bringing only what you need. We shall stay the night and continue on in the morning.”

      “Very well.” She started to walk to the inn. “Goodnight, then.”

      So much for starting their liaison tonight. Then again, Chelmsford was a much larger town than where they would stop tomorrow night. There was far more chance of being seen here. He would have to wait until they reached Stowmarket.

      “We could have supper together?” he asked, surprising himself.

      She stopped and turned toward him with a frown. “I hardly think that would be wise, my lord.”

      Perhaps not. “Still, you do need to eat.”

      “I will have a tray sent up.”

      Damn. “Tomorrow we shall dine together.”

      “We shall see about that,” she replied with a smile and then opened the door to the inn.

      Banning blew out a frustrated breath as she slipped inside the inn. He had hoped to have some time alone with her even if it was just a quiet conversation over dinner. Anything to get to know his future wife better.

      Banning awoke before dawn and ordered a large basket of breakfast items to be packed. By leaving early and eating on the road, they could get to Stowmarket before nightfall. And he had great plans for tonight. He glanced around the hallway before knocking on her door.


      “Avis,” he whispered. He heard a groan from in the room. “Wake up. We need to leave. I shall wait for you downstairs.”

      He waited for an answer but only received another groan in reply. His coachman had readied the carriage by the time he walked back downstairs. After another fifteen minutes, Avis strolled out of the doorway, yawning, and then clamored into his carriage. Leaving before the sun rose afforded them the most privacy.

      “I had them pack us a breakfast.”

      She nodded but did not look terribly happy with the prospect of eating in the carriage. Or perhaps it was the idea of eating with him.

      “Are you ready?”

      Her brown eyes looked away from him and clouded with apprehension. “I believe I am.”

      They departed in silence. Avis looked out the window as they headed east toward Southwold. He could only see the profile of her heart-shaped face, but he didn’t need to look at her. He knew her face like his own.

      She’d dressed in her usual conservative fashion. The neckline of her high-waisted, sage gown was cut so high that barely the hollow of her slender neck showed. He closed his eyes and imagined her in the emerald dress she’d worn the night of her cousin’s party. He would never forget how beautiful she looked that evening.

      “Selby?” she whispered.

      He blinked and smiled at the confusion on her face. “Yes?”

      “I didn’t mean to wake you—”

      “You didn’t. In truth, I was remembering you the night of your cousin’s party.”


      “Because you looked more beautiful than I had ever seen you, Avis.”

      She swallowed visibly.

      He loved watching her face as she realized just how much he wanted her. Her brown eyes widened and a pale rosy color tinted her cheeks.


      “I think you should call me Banning.”

      “Right. Banning, we need to come to some agreements about this…this affair.”

      What was she up to now? “Agreements?”

      “Yes. I cannot get—get pregnant. I brought some personal items that should prevent that from happening, but I was told I can’t use them the first time.”

      “What exactly do you want me to do, Avis?”

      Her cheeks flushed bright red with embarrassment. “I—I need you to…”

      “Yes?” he prompted, hiding the smile that threatened to give him away.
