Every Night I'm Yours. Christie Kelley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christie Kelley
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: The Spinster Club
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781420118247
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      All four of her friends were seated in the room, waiting expectantly for her.

      “Well?” Sophie said before Avis even sat down.

      Avis leveled Sophie a glare.

      Sophie waved her hand at Avis. “Oh, of course I told them. They are our dearest friends and would never tell any soul. We all care about you, Avis.”

      “Mr. Billingsworth is otherwise occupied this summer,” Avis replied as she dropped onto the settee.

      “Good. Now you can forget all this nonsense and get back to your writing,” Victoria commented.

      Avis looked away but not before she noticed Sophie’s prying stare. “Perhaps I shall do just that, Victoria.”

      “Of course, this is God’s way of telling you it is wrong,” Victoria added. Leave it to the daughter of a vicar to bring God into this mess.

      Avis knew she had to get this discussion on to an ordinary topic. “What is everyone doing during summer?”

      “Father has decided we should leave for the summer,” Elizabeth said, thankfully changing the subject. “Apparently, even though it has been a cool summer he’s packing us off to the Lake District.”

      Thankfully, it worked. “I have decided to start a new book to put this whole plan out of my mind. So I will need some time alone.”

      “Oh?” Jennette murmured. “What will you write about this time? I would love to hear more.”

      “It’s too soon to talk about it. I am not certain where it is heading yet and besides, I’d rather get a bit of it on paper before talking it out. Emory is always telling me I shouldn’t diffuse the muse. When I see you in a few weeks, I shall let you know more.”

      “At the Kesgrave summer party,” Jennette said. “You promised me you would pay no heed to your sickness and come. I’m certain Mother will want to go to Talbot Abbey for a few weeks this summer so I will be there with her.”

      Avis had forgotten about the country party, and her dreadful motion sickness. She seemed to forget everything with Selby near. How would she manage in a carriage with Selby for hours? She would have to do what she always did, sleep. Assuming she could sleep with him so near.


      She glanced up to see Jennette giving her a peculiar look. “Yes?”

      “You are attending the Kesgrave party, are you not?”

      Selby was friends with Lord Kesgrave so he would certainly be there. She wondered how awkward it would be to see him so soon after they parted ways. Of course, they were bound to run into each other at balls and parties so she’d better get used to the idea. Had she chosen Emory, they could have remained friends. Since she and Selby were not friends to begin with, she had no idea how thing would end between them.

      “Yes, I will be there,” Avis answered.

      “Well,” Victoria said, looking into her teacup, “I have to admit, I’m happy to hear everyone will be busy this summer. I had an offer to assist a dear friend of mine who is starting an orphanage. I’ve been hesitating to accept, but now I shall.”

      “Good, so we will not have any regular meetings until we all arrive back in town?” Elizabeth asked.

      Sophie bit her lower lip. “I suppose not.”

      Avis wished there was something she could do for Sophie. She wasn’t completely accepted in Society, so she had very few friends. Most summers while the ton departed for their summer homes, Avis and Sophie and Victoria stayed in the city. But for at least two weeks, Sophie would be alone.

      And Avis would be alone…with Selby.

      Avis tried to ignore the strange sensations that overwhelmed her every time she saw Selby, but she couldn’t. Each night she attended a different function and there he stood, against the wall, staring at her. Only with each passing night, the looks he gave her bordered increasingly on scandalous.

      Tonight was no different.

      Even from across the room she could feel the hot looks he sent her. Everyone else melted away until there was only the two of them, hungering for each other from across the room. She endeavored to look away but found it impossible not to stare at his handsome face. Her reprieve finally arrived when Mrs. Roebuck brought her daughter, Olivia, to Selby. Avis couldn’t help but smile as he took Olivia to the dance floor with a deep scowl on his face. He looked completely irritated with the interruption.

      Lady Bolton’s ball was the culmination of the Season. The young women in their pale pastels searched desperately for a mate before they left for their summer estates, while the single men tried their best to avoid them. And then there were the married couples who, after one quick dance with their spouse, spent the rest of the night flirting with others. Was it any wonder she had no desire to marry?

      “Oh dear, why is Olivia Roebuck dancing with my brother again?” Jennette asked then sipped her lemonade. “The poor girl is quite pretty, but have you ever tried to talk to her?”

      “Unfortunately, I did. She proceeded to tell me all she knew about the greatest authors from history.” Avis looked up at Jennette and shook her head. “She could only come up with Shakespeare and she called him Hamlet.”

      Jennette stifled a grin then frowned. “What if she ends up as my sister-in-law?”

      “If your brother falls for her trap then he deserves what he gets.”

      “True. She would bore him to tears.” Jennette sipped her lemonade again. “But I know he is serious about getting married.”

      Avis choked on her drink. “He is?”

      “He’s spent most of the Season searching for a wife.”

      “Well, there certainly are enough eligible ladies. Why hasn’t he chosen one?”

      Jennette shrugged. “I believe he finds them all as dull as Miss Roebuck. He needs a strong woman. One who will stand up to him, a woman with some brains in her head. You have to admit there are not very many of those here tonight.”

      “I take exception to that,” Avis said with a grin.

      “Indeed you should. I meant, there are not many intelligent women who wish to marry here tonight,” Jennette said with a laugh.

      Elizabeth came up to them. “What are you two giggling about?”

      “Giggling?” they asked together.

      “Well, perhaps cackling is the better word,” Elizabeth said with a smile.

      “We were discussing the lack of intelligent women my brother has to choose from,” Jennette replied.

      All three women shook their heads. Avis went still as she realized Selby was walking right toward them and staring directly at her.

      “Ban, please tell me you shan’t marry that girl,” Jennette pleaded when he finally reached them.

      He smiled, causing his dimples to deepen. “You have nothing to worry about there.” His gaze slid to Avis. “What are you all discussing tonight?”

      “Watching the young women panic as they realize the Season is complete and they haven’t won their husbands,” Elizabeth replied.

      “Must be dreadful,” Selby said, rolling his eyes. “I came over because there is one dance left, and I have no partner.” He held out his arm. “Anyone care to save me from another dance with a woman like Miss Roebuck?”

      Elizabeth shook her head. “I have danced enough for one night.”

      Avis looked away as Selby tried to coax her with a smile.

      Jennette spoke up, “I shall save you from all the vapid young women hoping for a final dance with you.” She linked arms with her brother and they headed for