Heart & Home. Victoria Duerstock. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Victoria Duerstock
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781501881046
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Lord, I pray that I will pursue you by being intentional with my time and energy as I meditate on your Word. Do the transformational work in my heart and mind so that I may look like you.

      Look in the Mirror

      This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night.

      JOSHUA 1:8

      Understanding the importance of balance in home design means considering how symmetry can assist us. Symmetry provides balance by using mirror images on two different sides of a central axis point. While these images don’t have to be exact matches, the closer in similarity they are, the easier the symmetry is to feel.

      Becoming like Christ should be the goal of Christ followers, but this doesn’t occur automatically. While we are filled with the Holy Spirit at salvation, we must also choose to work through that Holy Spirit power to do in us the sanctifying work of becoming like Christ. Scripture teaches us to conform our minds and patterns through the Holy Spirit’s help, but this passage specifies our responsibility in this process. Meditating on God’s Word requires time and patience. In today’s climate this is practically impossible without intentional discipline. But skipping this step stunts our growth.


       design tip

      Using symmetry in a room requires an understanding of your central axis point and placing two pieces on either side. A pair of lamps, wall art pieces, or topiaries can help with creating symmetry.

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       Lord, help me remember to not always be busy doing, but rather to be flexible with my time to include those you love by inviting them into my space in comfort and rest.

      Swing the Doors Open

      But only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion.

      LUKE 10:42

      Mary knew that her best task was found at Jesus’ feet. I think maybe Mary chose wisely because she knew that her time with Jesus was short. She had learned from Him and sat at his feet. She knew He would not always be with her.

      As life flies by, recognize that our family and friends won’t always be with us. Making our homes a safe place to land must be important. This doesn’t mean that we must have the nicest furniture, the latest trends, or the finest décor. No, rather, it’s the attitude with which we open our homes and invite others in to sit, to communicate, to love. May we always be mindful to value others. Fluff the pillows, pour the coffee, and invite your friends over. Invite the neighbors and the strangers too while you are at it and get to know those around you.


       design tip

      Swinging open the door requires some planning. Keep certain main areas of your home cleaned up each day so that if someone drops in you don’t feel horrible about the mess. Keep a stash of ready-to-make lemonade, coffee, and some special cookies for a quick nibble in case of a guest.


       Father, as we walk in faith believing what we cannot see, I pray that you’ll guide each step and help us to be bold as we declare truth!

      Believing Is Seeing

      Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see.

      HEBREWS 11:1

      Imagining an empty room with the right paint, curtains, furniture, and art work can be difficult. Others look at a blank canvas and see all the possibilities without effort. No matter which you are, the truth is that you still must take it on faith that each of the decisions you make to fill that room will all work together. No one enjoys making a terrible paint decision, or even worse choosing furniture that doesn’t even fit in a room!

      Living by faith isn’t optional as a Christian—it’s essential. Without faith it’s impossible to please God. Why? Because we declare to be true that which we haven’t seen. Today’s society desires to see it first to believe it. We must run counterintuitively in the opposite direction choosing to believe that God’s Word is true and holy. We believe what we cannot see because we have applied the truth of His word to our lives and we have found Him faithful.

       design tip

      Before you order the paint, or even think about furniture, be sure you have a clear understanding of the room’s function. The activities planned for this space will affect the decisions from there—so settle it first to avoid mistakes!

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       Thank you, Lord, for the beauty of the body of Christ. Help me remember our differences, help us to fulfill our purpose in our own special way.

      Variety of Styles—One Body

      For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

      I CORINTHIANS 12:13

      Frequently changing styles makes it challenging to stay on the front end of every new trend. Depending on who you talk to, more than fifteen different style categories exist in design with many subcategories under them. Many of our favorite designers and professionals are known for a certain style. We each gravitate to certain styles naturally.

      Isn’t that just like the body of Christ? We all have different tastes, likes and dislikes, and God uses all in different ways. We are each equipped with what we need for the purpose he has called us to accomplish. Our uniqueness and individuality allow us to be used by Him in different ways to reach different people with our unique giftedness while maintaining singleness of purpose—bringing glory to God.

       design tip

      Décor and design shouldn’t be stagnant or impersonal. Rather, it should flow with personality, evolve with your tastes, and be a representation of pieces that make your heart sing. Fill a house with décor and it remains just a house. Fill a house with pieces tied to memories and it becomes a home.

       —Sarah Symonds, Скачать книгу