Heart & Home. Victoria Duerstock. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Victoria Duerstock
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781501881046
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brick work in a local restored industrial cotton mill turned apartment building makes an amazing backdrop for displaying furniture and accessories. A current trend, the use of exposed brick walls in our homes hasn’t always been en vogue. Many homeowners have covered up and painted over these brick walls for years!

      I’m reminded of my own tendency to cover up my sin. Using a strong word picture from the previous verse, Paul reminds us this is a spiritual battle. The devil desires a stronghold in our hearts. This is only possible when we allow our minds to drift away from truth. Confessing our sinful tendencies, we should instead seek His face when we are fearful, defeated, and desperate.

      Exposing our thoughts to the truth of God’s word should be a routine habit. This enables us to take our thoughts captive thereby yielding to the Holy Spirit’s power to handle our jobs, assignments, and families with grace and compassion. Let’s not miss out!

       design tip

      Exposed brick walls are an exciting interior feature in homes. They add texture and warmth that a flat wall can’t give and are used in a variety of decorating styles including industrial and rustic.

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       Please Lord, take all my fears. You alone are powerful enough to fix it all. I praise you for your peace and protection.

      Peace and Calm

      Be anxious for nothing . . . present your requests to God. And the peace of God . . . will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

      PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7

      I have found through the years that we struggle with our thoughts. We battle insecurities, anxiety, doubt, and despair and that’s just our mornings! I am not making light of these very real emotions, instead I want you to know that it doesn’t have to be this way.

      Just as you may not wish to have puke green shag carpet, or dark wood planking in your home, neither should you fill your heart and mind with negative thoughts and debilitating worry. Instead, leave these all at the feet of the One who controls the universe. Acknowledging our vulnerability, we can reach out and ask Him to guard our heart and mind.

      Filling our homes with only the things we love reminds us to remove all our worries. Remove that green shag and wood paneling once and for all and rest in the peace God brings.

       design tip

      It’s best to remove or change the things we dislike in a home. Sometimes that means we must save up to afford a project like that, but it is always worth it in the end because of the peace and calm it brings.


       Father, return us to your Word and your “rules” to instill in ourselves the balance we seek. Thank you for providing your Word to us so that we might always have access to the truth.

      What? There’s a Rule Book?

       And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

      MATTHEW 22:37-39

      Knowing the rules of good design sets the stage for employing good fundamentals. Sometimes these rules apply to the measurement of a room while hanging curtains or arranging furniture. There are even certain rules that apply to rug placement in a room. Applying the rules ensures the process of good design and creates a well-balanced room.

      It’s not enough to know the rules in our spiritual lives either. The application of the fundamentals means taking it to the next level. Unfortunately, while applying Scriptural truths and principles to our lives, we may end up adding too many “to-do’s.” Only by returning to the basics—the foundational rules—can we restore our souls to the peace and sanity that God’s Word will bring to our hearts. Knowing the rules brings balance to our harried and hurried souls.


       design tip

      A good rule to follow for placing a coffee table in front of the sofa is to maintain 15–18 inches of space for ease of movement!

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       Lord, I pray that you’ll empty me of myself and fill me up with more of You. May I think your thoughts, your desires and your ways, and show the world the difference you are making in me.

      Blank Space

      Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report . . . think on these things.


      A popular topic in blogs and books over the last decade, clutter occurs at all stages and phases. Whether we are discussing clutter in our homes or minds, none of us are immune. Homes become cluttered quickly if we don’t have a system in place to eliminate the excess on a regular basis. It takes just one episode of Hoarders to get me rushing around the house trying to declutter!

      In our home interiors, the concept of negative space creates the feeling of calm. A cluttered room envelops us in chaos. A cluttered mind because of the desires of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, overwhelms us with anxiety. Paul reminds us in this passage that we are to think on the things that are pure and lovely knowing that God’s peace will keep our hearts and minds. (v.7)


       design tip

      Less is more especially in home decorating. If you find you have too much stuff but don’t want to purge, set some pieces aside—accessories, art, or even furniture—and rotate them in at different times.

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