Heart & Home. Victoria Duerstock. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Victoria Duerstock
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781501881046
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Father, remind me of my need for You daily. Let me never forget that peace will flow in my life as I continue to grow and consistently walk in grace with You.

      Go with the Flow

      You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

      ISAIAH 26:3

      The concept of flow appears not only in interior design, but also in music, nature, and even the human body. A heart blockage forces too much pressure causing a heart attack. A river flows freely where it needs to go without obstacles in its way. Musical flow creates an experience that is seamless. Our homes need pathways that flow throughout our rooms and down hallways. Spacing is important in each room so that no one is tripping over obstacles.

      Our Christian walk must also remain clear of obstacles that prevent the peace of God to rule our hearts and minds. Obstacles are burdens we aren’t meant to carry. Carrying the weight of financial pressure, illness, and job loss will prevent that peace. Burdens are better left at Jesus’ feet because we demonstrate our trust as we do. Keeping short accounts and walking in relationship requires a consistent daily walk. When my mind is tuned to God’s Word and His ways, His peace has the freedom to rule my heart.

       design tip

      Keep hallways and room walkways clear of obstacles. In the bedroom allow 30–36 inches for a pathway as easy access to the bathroom or middle of the night kitchen runs!


       Gracious sweet Savior of my soul, forgive me for straying off point and turn my gaze once again towards your lovely face. Remind me to return with my focus fixed on you!

      All Eyes on Him

      Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.

      PROVERBS 4:25

      Position and size determine the focal point of a room. In a home with rich architectural details this might be a fireplace, a built-in set of bookcases, or a special window or group of windows like a picture window. Without those details a focal point for the room can still be created with the sizing and use of furniture, art, or dramatic wall color. Characterized by being the first thing you see when you enter a room, the focal point draws your eye forward, directly to the object.

      As I write these words, I wonder what the focal point might be of your heart. I know how simple it is for my heart to be drawn from the important things that Christ has for me and to become caught up in the meaningless chaff of daily living. Maybe you have lost sight yourself and need to be reminded that the focal point of a heart reclaimed and renewed by God’s grace is indeed our Creator himself.


       design tip

      If your room has a built in focal point, fantastic! Keep it simple! If not, a large sofa or beautiful wall art can become that feature without any difficulty.

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       I thank you, Lord, so much for the gift of the light of Your Word that you have given to us! Empower me to share this Light with a world in need.

      Sitting in the Dark

      Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

      PSALM 119:105

      Making a house a home requires certain finishing touches. Many times, we focus on the big details, and then have no energy or funds for finishing off the rooms we are decorating. This is unfortunate because these details are often necessary not just aesthetic. Recently a pair of newlyweds in our small group realized that their apartment living room had no light source at all. They quickly realized they needed lamps, or they would be sitting in the dark each evening!

      God’s Word as a lamp and a light shines in the dark corners of our hearts and minds and reveals what we could not otherwise see. Without the light of His Word to illuminate our hearts, we will remain unchanged and sinful. Just as we need this light to shine in our hearts, we should also in turn work to shine light into the darkness of this world.

       design tip

      In the final stages of finishing a room, be sure to save some funds for a pair of table lamps and even a statement floor lamp. These pieces add so much to your room with specific lighting spots and can add an interesting texture even when they aren’t in use.


       Lord, I thank you for the reminder today that we are a royal priesthood, daughters of the King. We are just passing through awaiting our future heavenly home one day soon!

      Blessed with Royalty

      But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people . . .

      1 PETER 2:9

      Each year the fashion and design industry name new trends for the coming year. These trends cover not only finishes and fine touches but also color. Pantone releases a “Color of the Year” and designers work to incorporate this color into art, fashion, and homes. Recently, the color named was Ultraviolet—a dramatic purple shade.

      Prompted by the new color choice, I thought of adding some ultraviolet, or purple hues around our home. The Bible speaks of purple and we know it represents royalty. As children of God, we are considered part of that royal lineage. Think of it, a specially placed blanket or pillow in our home can remind us of who we are in Christ. Couldn’t we all use a reminder that this world is not our home on those long days—the days that are falling apart, when we are desperate and in pain? Our final destination is in heavenly places with our Father the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!


       design tip

      Yearly trends come and go. Don’t invest a lot of money, instead find inexpensive ways to add accessories, pillows, or wall art to highlight a special color.

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