Echoes of Eternity, Vol. I. Hal M Helms. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Hal M Helms
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781557259356
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and follow the right path.

      February Tenth

       Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of Thy waterspouts: all Thy waves and Thy billows are gone over me.

       Psalm 42:7

      Heart to heart, and Spirit to spirit, our fellowship does not always need words. When you are at peace in My presence, know that I am communing with you. And when words fail you in prayer, remember that the Spirit searches the heart and prays with groanings that are to you, wordless. I am ever ready to hear the cry of need and the voice of genuine praise.

      February Eleventh

       Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

       Psalm 122:6

      My child, put away the negative thoughts and feelings that are so readily in your head. They are death to the life I am giving you, and they eat away like acid your soul. When the accusing and judgmental thoughts arise, quickly turn the person or situation over to Me in prayer. Defeat the ploy of the enemy with a weapon he cannot touch. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. That is, bring every concern into the realm of My peace and power, believing and trusting that I can make all things work together for the good of all concerned.

      I challenge you to put this into practice faithfully, for you cannot yet imagine the blessing it will bring you. I want you to be a channel of blessing, not of cursing.

      February Twelfth

       Men ought always to pray, and not to faint.

       Luke 18:1

      My dear child, I quicken dead souls to new life. Your own feeling of dead­ness is a necessary preparation to help you receive and recognize My coming.

      You wonder why you have not made more progress in your prayer life. It is because you do not yet want this more than you want other things. You still have a desire for power—power to change things according to your understanding. For your own sake, My child, I have not allowed this. Say “No” to it, painful as it feels. Learn from others how they have given it up. Come with Me into the place of yieldedness—for only there will you enjoy the “quickened” life My presence brings.

      February Thirteenth

       Though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

       I Corinthians 13:2

      My word brings joy, even when it causes pain. It brings life, even when it brings death to your wonted ways. Rather, it brings joy because it brings pain, and life because it brings death.

      The deepest things of life remain a mystery to you, My child, and it must be so. In the mystery there are realities as yet only faintly grasped or dimly seen. But their presence assures you that there is more to life with Me than you have yet experienced.

      Do not be afraid of the mysteries, and do not try to explain them away. This foolish effort on your part has robbed you of blessings and stunted your growth in Me for many years. Expand the capacity of your soul to admit what you cannot understand or reason out—and let My word bring the life and joy you so much want and need.

      February Fourteenth

       We know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

       Romans 8:22

      Yes, My child, the world is full of pain and suffering. Think not that I have forgotten it, or that My heart is unmoved by the cries of My children. It is not for you to understand My ways and My delays. It is for you to keep on looking to Me for your daily needs, and to be faithful in holding up the bundle of concerns I have laid on your heart.

      One day your eyes will be opened to see what is now hidden from your view. In the meantime, do not turn your heart away from the suffering you see in this world. Turn every sight of pain and hurt into prayer. Learn to transform the pain into petition, knowing that I am at work to bring good out of every evil.

      February Fifteenth

       They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the Lord.

       Isaiah 24:14

      The curtains of your mind have been partially drawn back, My child, to give you a vision of the greatness and grandeur of My kingdom. “From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same”—“as far as East is from West”—“from generation to generation”—these are some of the divinely inspired descriptions of that greatness.

      You need to bathe your soul in the vision, for your faith has been dwarfed, too encased in the timidity of your own heart. When I open your eyes to see, even briefly, what a great heritage you have, you must grasp and hold on to the larger reality. It will help you in fighting the extreme self-centeredness of your old nature.

      February Sixteenth

       Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me.

      Psalm 139:23,24(RSV)

      I am your Sun, your everlasting Light. When your heart is turned toward Me, My light illumines your soul. There you see many faults, many wounds, much that is not beautiful. This must be, My child, because the work is not yet complete. You cannot expose yourself to My light without this consequence. Your prayer, “see if there be any wickedness within me,” is fulfilled each time you allow My light to shine in your heart.

      Just as the sunlight destroys that which lives in darkness on this earth, the sunlight of My presence does its work in your soul. And so, though there is still much to do, and the faults and wounds are many, the healing and cleansing are going on and will go on as you turn your heart to My light.

      February Seventeenth

       That He might sanctify and cleanse [the church] with the washing of water by the word.

       Ephesians 5:26

      The cleansing of the soul is a long process. The stain of sin goes very deep, and surface cleansing is only part of the process. You get discouraged that old sinful thoughts and temptations keep “coming back.” You are to learn to fight their early appearance more aggressively. Bring them to Me, My child, for you cannot handle them alone. Confess—do not deny nor repress—but confess them and place them under My cleansing blood. “Sinners washed beneath this flood lose all their guilty stains.” This is an ongoing work of My grace, and I expect your full participation if you want to be prepared for the light I have in store for you “and for all who have loved My appearing.”

      February Eighteenth

       And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

       I Corinthians 13:13

      My light and My truth, My child, are given according to your willingness and your ability to receive it. I am Light and I am Truth—so light and truth are never wanting in your dealings with Me—never wanting from My side of the relationship.

      You mingle that light and truth with the darkness, so it does not shine in its purity and clarity. Although you are concerned about the distortions others may cause, you are not concerned enough about your own. Your perceptions of Truth are not always accurate. You know