Echoes of Eternity, Vol. I. Hal M Helms. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Hal M Helms
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781557259356
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at some level. But I am God, and My mercy does not abandon you to your false “victory.” The fruit of it in your soul is meant to warn you that losing is winning, and winning is always losing.

      January Sixth

       If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

      Galatians 5:25 (rsv)

      I am caring for you, My child, I am caring for you. Remember, with Me there are no accidents, no surprises. What comes to you unexpectedly and unbidden has been long known and foreseen by Me. It comes by My permission and carries the seed of My blessing.

      I bid you now to look up. Trust Me beyond your understanding and knowledge. Put your hand in My fatherly hand—to be guided into what lies ahead for you. Fear not and be not troubled. I am faithful, and will not leave or forsake you.

      January Seventh

       Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I will say, Rejoice.

       Philippians 4:4

      Praise is the best medicine, but praise must be from the right motive. It must not be thought of as a source of blessing and healing, even though they are its by–products. Praise must come from your gratitude for My many mercies, and for specific ones. Let it well up from your heart and unite with the universal song from all the ages past—an eternal alleluia. Let it drown out the little voices of woe and complaint that run around in your head. Let praise draw you out of concern with your physical condition—and thus foretaste My victory over them all. Praise is work for you, My child, because you have done so little of it in your life. Redeem the time you have left on earth—let your mouth and your heart be filled with My praise.

      January Eighth

       If ye keep my commandments ye shall abide in My love; even as I have kept My Father’s commandments, and abide in His love.

       John 15:10

      Hear and obey. That is the key to your path of blessing. Hearing is not enough. The “birds of the air” pick up the seed sown “along the wayside.” Thoughts, fears, and dreams travel along that way—leaving precious little soul in which My word can take root and grow. Nourish that which lives. Treasure the words you have received, not as museum pieces to be admired, dusted, and stored—but as spiritual dynamos, sources of renewal, “jump-starters” when you have grown lax or weak.

      Hear. Blessed are the ears attuned to My voice. Blessed are those in whose hearts are My ways.

      Obey. Procrastination is but another form of disobedience. It is not neutral, but an active, corrosive evil. Watch it, and move against it at all costs.

      January Ninth

       Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforteth us in all our tribulation.

       II Corinthians 1:3,4

      Bring them to Me, My child, bring them to Me—the wounds of the past, the painful memories of foolish choices, the hurtful wrongs you inflicted on others—all that burdens your soul with sad regrets. It was for sinners that I came to this earth. It was for the undone, the heavy-laden souls who knew no relief from the pain of their wrongness.

      The crucifixion you feel as these old memories return is a crucifixion of pride. The humiliation and shame are but necessary blows to the nature that still seeks to be “somebody.” As you bury the memories in My wounds, there is no place for boasting or vainglory. Neither is there any reason to continue to nurture the pain. Gratitude, praise, and expectation can replace the defeating deadness of old regrets.

      January Tenth

       Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God.

       Psalm 90:2

      My word today is this: Endless. You see and fear the “ends.” I see endlessness—eternity. You fear becoming nothing. I see your life growing and continuing. Come over to My viewpoint. See your life in this perspective. Do not grasp at the past nor the present. Let them go with the passing. They are not meant to last. But your life in Me is endless. New times, new challenges, new opportunities to know My ways better. Endless.

      January Eleventh

       Everyone that asketh receiveth.

       Matthew 7:8

      Ask and it will be given you. Be more bold in your asking, My child, for I take pleasure in granting the requests of My children. Asking is a way of expressing your faith in Me and in My goodwill toward you. Take your eyes off the “impossibilities” of circumstances, and ask for what I put in your heart to ask. The process is vital to your maturing and deepening in faith.

      Make a record of the big and small things you pray for, so that you will know the surety of what I am saying to you. Ask and believe!

      January Twelfth

       Look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.

       Isaiah 51:1

      My child, do not despise the day of your beginnings. It was no accident or chance that you were born and brought up in your family. Do not be ashamed of them nor of their devotion. All My people are shaped by traditions they did not invent. You have carried into your present life some of the seeds of truth I planted long ago. In spite of your rebellion and sin, the seed remained. It will yet bear fruit to My glory.

      Give thanks then, My child, for My fatherly care over you. Let the memories of the past give you courage and incentive for faithfulness in the present. Contemplate My goodness and the sweetness of My presence. In the secret place commune with Me, and do not be ashamed of the “homeliness” of your devotion. There is room for that, too, in My heart.

      January Thirteenth

       Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant; and teach me Thy statutes.

      Psalm 119:135(RSV)

      Behind the clouds, My glorious light. Behind the doubts, My sure promises. Behind the fears, My blessed hope. Let no darkness remain in your soul, My child. Let the light of My Spirit shine in its hidden places. Do not nourish dark and wicked thoughts, even for an instant. Their stain remains and pollutes. There is light behind the clouds, glorious light. Seek and find it and walk in it.

      January Fourteenth

       Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; Thy walls are continually before me.

       Isaiah 49:16

      My child, I have told you, you are graven on My hand—My right hand. By this I meant to quell every fear and doubt you have about your life in Me. “He who fears is not perfected in love.” That is a message to you in the first place, so that you bear in mind the inner work you must still do. Love is active, not passive—and you have become much, much too passive. Exercise your love—such as it is—so that it might fill a greater space in you. Stop quenching the Spirit and act on the intuitive thoughts that come to you. In loving your neighbor as yourself, you will drive out the overweening self-concern that characterizes your life. Since I remember you, you can afford to forget you. Make a stab at it today!

      January Fifteenth