Echoes of Eternity, Vol. I. Hal M Helms. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Hal M Helms
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781557259356
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you this far to abandon you! But My ways are not your ways and you still have much to learn of Me. Your knowledge and your faith are very small. I watch you draw back into yourself, rather than boldly coming out into the sunshine of My love.

      January Twenty–fourth

       This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

       Psalm 118:24

      The day is Mine. All things are held together by My power and will. “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein.” The grandeur of this vision can bring light and hope into your dark day.

      The day is Mine. I am the Light of the world and the Light of My people in a peculiar sense. I am your Light, My child, casting away the lingering shadows of doubt and sin. Light and health are closely related, as more light drives out the breeding places of sickness in your soul. You see and feel the bodily sickness, the ravages of disorder and disharmony in the flesh. I see the soul even more ravaged by dark thoughts and wrong attitudes. The soul struggles to live, but it needs My light and healing even more than does your bodily flesh.

      The day is Mine. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it. Be of good cheer!

      January Twenty–fifth

       Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

       Psalm 37:1

      Be not troubled in spirit over the negative things being bandied about. In very truth I tell you, the spirit of Antichrist is abroad and doing much harm among those open to it. It need not trouble you. Rather let it signal your need to draw closer to Me, your peace and your vindication. Did I not come to Job’s defense after I had dealt with his self-righteousness? Did I not promise that those who follow Me would know persecution? This, My child, is but reality. It is built into the fallen state of this world. Until all is brought into conformity with My divine, creative purpose, conflict and persecution will be the lot of those who walk with Me.

      But is it not a good walk, My child?

      January Twenty–sixth

       For we walk by faith, not by sight.

       II Corinthians 5:7

      Do not fret yourself with things too high for you—with concerns over which you have no control. Such fretting only robs you of peace and wastes energy. Focus on the things for which you are sent. Don’t fritter away the days and hours with idleness. Claim the high calling I have given you, and quit yourself like a man.

      Those who walk with Me must sometimes walk in shadows. You must be prepared for silence as well as speech. I do not always explain what I am doing, and I want your unqualified trust in Me. If everything were absolutely clear, you would be walking by sight, and for My own reasons, I have called you to the walk of faith. Faith grows in the shadows, but shrinks in the light. You will understand this better when all becomes clear. In the shadows, practice praise. Go steadily on the path I have laid out for you, and be of good cheer.

      January Twenty–seventh

       And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

       John 1:5

      The day has dawned with the light of My love. Darkness cannot hold it back because I am its light. Your fears about the future are futile, for the future is in My hand. Every time you give way to foreboding, you abandon the faithground I have provided for you. My dear child, can you stop loving your children? Neither can I stop loving Mine. It is My nature to love, and so I counsel you again: leave the future to Me—your future and your loved ones’ future. I care, and will care. Be at peace.

      Go forward into the day without fear. I go before you and prepare your way. There are no surprises for Me in the events of the day, even though they may surprise or even startle you. Keep your perspective. Do not allow the enemy to gain a stronghold through your imagination. Let the truth be your shield and buckler. Remember, My child, you are Mine and the day is Mine.

      January Twenty–eighth

       For we are saved by hope.

       Romans 8:24

      Cast not away your hope, My child, for I am its source and its fulfillment. It is I who put hope in your heart, and those who hold fast their hope shall not be confounded. The fractured image of reality you now see will one day be replaced by a clear, undistorted vision. You cannot see the whole picture, but what you see is enough.

      January Twenty–ninth

       But though He cause grief, yet will He have compassion according to the multitude of His mercies.

       Lamentations 3:32

      In the shadow of My hand, pain. In the touch of My hand, healing. Sometimes the shadow lingers and pain is prolonged. Will you trust Me in the shadow as well as the sun? Can you walk with Me over rough ways and not complain? Comfort is a fleeting thing. Struggle brings inner strength. I do not want you to be consumed with attention on the difficulties of your life. They are yet minor in comparison with what many are called to endure. Rather choose to believe that shadows pass. My good will prevails, and your feeble faith is not in vain.

      January Thirtieth

       Thus saith the One whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit.

       Isaiah 57:15

      I have told you before, and I tell you again. You must not seek honor and recognition. Your service to Me must be free from the demand of reward. This craving, even when repressed and unconscious, binds you, blinds you, and closes your ears to My voice.

      Do you not sense your emptiness and deadness when I am withdrawn from you? That can be and should be a useful reminder that you are not the creator or originator of all good things. They all flow from Me, and you are allowed to be the instrument by which they are expressed. That in itself is blessing enough!

      January Thirty–first

       Before I was afflicted I went astray; but now have I kept Thy word.

       Psalm 119:67

      My child, do not despise My chastenings. They are sent for your ultimate good, painful and difficult as they are for you. I have not forgotten to be gracious, and I am not absent from any trial you are being asked to endure. As Abraham found, My eye is upon you, and when the work is done, My answer is there, waiting to be revealed.

      The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him. This holy fear is a protection against that part of your nature that would carry you into complete darkness. Cherish it, and tremble before My Word. Cherish it, and let it be a protection to you, like a wall around a sheltered garden. You will come to know and trust Me more and more if you will not despise My chastenings.


      I come to the garden alone,

      While the dew is still on the roses;

      And the voice I hear, ringing on my ear,

      The Son of God discloses;

      And He walks with me, and He talks with me,

      And He tells me I am His own.
