Limits of Science?. John E. Beerbower. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John E. Beerbower
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Математика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781499903645
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variation of th[at] definition … is that mathematics is what mathematics does.” Kline, Mathematics, p.3. The physicist Richard Feynman said that “Mathematics is a language plus reasoning; it is a language plus logic. Mathematics is a tool for reasoning. …Mathematics, then, is a way of going from one set of statements to another.” The Character of Physical Law (Modern Library Edition, 1994) (originally published by The British Broadcasting Corporation in 1965, based upon a series of lectures given at Cornell University in 1964), pp.34, 39. See also, e.g., Kline, Mathematics, pp.1–5 (“Mathematics is concerned primarily with what can be accomplished by reasoning”). (For a longer list of answers to the question, see Hacking, Why Is There Philosophy of Mathematics at All?, pp.41–7.)

      Alfred North Whitehead, in an important essay about the nature of mathematics, wrote “arithmetic … applies to everything, to tastes and to sounds, to apples and to angels, to the ideas of the mind and to the bones of the body. The nature of the things is perfectly indifferent, of all things it is true … . Thus we write down as the leading characteristic of mathematics that it deals with properties and ideas which are applicable to things just because they are things.” An Introduction to Mathematics (1911), p.9. In this sense, mathematics is an “abstract science”—that is, it is independent of all of the physical characteristics, the location, the feelings or emotions and the surrounding circumstances or environment of the “things” to which it might be applied. As a result, the concept of mathematics is particularly relevant to the expression of scientific laws. The mathematics can capture the permanent, determinative relationship among things. Whitehead declared: “To see what is general in what is particular and what is permanent in what is transitory is the aim of scientific thought. …This possibility of disentangling the most complex evanescent circumstances into various examples of permanent laws is the controlling idea of modern thought.” Id., p.11. Thus, “all science as it grows towards perfection becomes mathematical in its ideas.” Id., p.14.

      Nonetheless, Whitehead warned, “there is no more common error than to assume that, because prolonged and accurate mathematical calculations have been made, the application of the result to some fact of nature is absolutely certain. The conclusion of no argument can be more certain than the assumptions from which it starts.” Id., p.27. He goes on to discuss the fact that the Laws of Nature that constitute an important part of such assumptions may be wrong or, at best, only an approximation of reality.

      For many of us, the basis of mathematics seems to be the systematic use of logic or reasoning3 or, worded differently, the creation of elaborate systems based upon rules of logic. Mathematics always appears as a system of definitions (or concepts) and rules of transformation. It may be that modern mathematics cannot all be reduced to a system of logic (id., pp.54–5), but I still think that it is useful to think of mathematics as systems of logic. Then, various criteria can be set out as to what constitutes a sound or valid logical system. Characteristics like internal consistency would seem to be of central importance. (Although, the need for that criterion has been challenged by Wittgenstein. Id., p.25.)

      Such logical systems cannot in and of themselves be said to be true or false as we normally think of the concept of truth, i.e., as accurately or inaccurately reflecting some aspect of objective reality. That is the case because the logical or mathematical system as postulated has no factual content, no connection to objective reality external to the logical system itself. Rudolf Carnap expressed this thought in a more sweeping form: “It is true that the laws of logic and pure mathematics (not physical geometry, which is something else) are universal, but they tell us nothing whatever about the world. They merely state relations that hold between certain concepts, not because the world has such and such a structure, but only because those concepts are defined in certain ways.” Philosophical Foundations of Physics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (1966), p.9. As already explored in connection with the use of models and theories, deductive logical systems, which most pure mathematics are, derive “true” conclusions from the stated premises as a matter of logical necessity, often as a matter merely of the definition of the terms. Such systems are self-contained and self-consistent. They simply do not touch the physical world.

      Of course, some rather different sounding claims are often made about mathematics, along the lines of this recent statement: “Mathematical knowledge is unlike any other knowledge. Its truths are objective, necessary and timeless.” Edward Freckle “Is the Universe a Simulation?” The New York Times, Sunday Review, February 14, 2014. What does that mean? Is this the Platonic notion that mathematics has an existence separate from and independent of the world of objects we inhabit?

      Is mathematics universal?

      Oxford professor of mathematics (and theoretical physicist) Roger Penrose endorses a version of Plato’s mathematical forms, where mathematics exists in a perfect or idealized form external to the world of normal human experience. See The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe (2005), pp.11–7. Penrose does not claim that mathematical forms “exist” physically, in space or in time, or in some other reality, but that they embody a type of objectivity that is true across cultures and, perhaps, even across of intelligent beings (if there are other such). Id., pp.15, 17.

      Penrose makes several interesting points about why mathematics may be relevant to the physical world, some of which I discuss below; but he readily acknowledges that “only a small part of the world of mathematics need have relevance to the workings of the physical world” and that “the vast preponderance of the activities of pure mathematics today has no obvious connection with physics, nor any other science …, although we may frequently be surprised by unexpected important applications.” Id., p.18. Nonetheless, he has also referred to “the mystery of why such precise and profoundly mathematical laws play such an important role in the behaviour of the physical world. Somehow the very world of physical reality seems almost mysteriously to emerge out of the Platonic world of mathematics.” Shadows of the Mind (1995), p.413.

      There is a potentially significant difference between the conception of Plato and that of Penrose. Plato’s mathematical forms were conceived as the pure and perfect forms of things that, in a less perfect form, existed in our world. The reflections of the forms with which we interact are only approximations of the pure forms, tainted or distorted by the imperfections of the physical world in which man exists. Thus, we would expect to find that our reality would be similar to and suggested, but not precisely described or defined, by the mathematical forms. Plato’s forms could be thought of as the ideal of, or as epitomizing, the forms we experience. In Penrose’s conception, however, as we shall later see, objective mathematics, where it appears to be applicable to the physical world, is treated as the ultimate truth about or answer to how things actually are. Where our empirical examinations and observations do not provide the complete story, scientists turn to mathematics to derive the conclusions about what was, is and will be. There is little room for recognizing that reality may be a less than perfect reflection of the mathematical forms.

      Penrose also does not expressly address (in this work)4 whether the apparent truth of mathematics—and of logic in general—might be a reflection of the structure and nature of the human mind. In fact, in this work, he expressly treats mathematics as having an existence or reality, and a truthfulness, independent of man’s mind (see, e.g., id., p.17) and poses as one of the mysteries to be explained how it is that the mind can comprehend mathematical truth (id., p.21).5

      Certainly, some of man’s efforts to communicate with potential extraterrestrial intelligent life have assumed that certain of the mathematical relationships we observe in our physical world (such as the value of Pi) would be recognizable to other beings. It may be that the validity of that assumption depends upon the extent to which the other world inhabited by such beings resembles our world in terms of the geometry of its space. Perhaps it does not. We may wonder further whether there may be differences in the mental processes of other beings that we would concede to be “intelligent” and “self-conscious” that would interfere with our ability to communicate using the pure forms of mathematics.

      One can say that Pi reflects an inherent,