28 Minutes to Midnight. Thomas Mahon. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Thomas Mahon
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Прочая образовательная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781619334342
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situation to explode, and then point an accusatory finger at the sky as the media dissects the event and sifts through all the misery. With over seven billion people inhabiting the planet, and with millions of cameras capturing everything, there never seems to be a shortage of bad news. And when we run out of human-induced pain to report, we turn our anger at the weather (the new sworn enemy of humankind and a foe that simply cannot be overcome) and curse every wildfire, tornado, hurricane, drought and flood.

      Where is God in all this? Those who cling to vivid examples as their only avenue to experiencing God are missing the bigger picture. So, too, are many of the believers out there. Many of us tend to see God in the obvious: a spectacular sunset, in a daring rescue mission or when somebody buys 100 bicycles for foster home kids at Christmas. That’s God in action, yes, but such shining and vivid examples are easy to spot. The challenge comes in the opportunity to experience Him in the cool breeze that blows off the ocean, the gentle rustling of leaves, the smile of a neighbor, the cooing of a newborn baby, a warm handshake, a friendly embrace, laughter among friends, or even the voice of a devoted wife reading to her Alzheimer’s afflicted husband.

      God, where are you? Well, everywhere. Not just on the billboards and neon signs of life. So, let’s get in the habit of looking for Him everywhere and in every person we meet.

      I Made a Mistake

      “Si, San Juan!” March 2, 1979 National Airlines Timetable Advertising New Air Service


      25 Minutes to Midnight…

      My ninth grade Spanish teacher, Senora Greene, was a real gem. One of the best I’ve ever encountered. She was sweet but expected nothing but the best from each and every one of us. Boy, did I learn that the hard way. One day I took this unit test and, afterward, felt I had done very well. In one of the sections, I was to respond to a series of questions, using complete sentences of my own.

      -Do you have a sister? Si, tengo una hermana.

      -Do you have a pet? Si, el nombre de mi perro es Christy.

      -Have you ever been to Disney World? Si, fui con mi familia en Mayo.

      There were about a dozen other such questions on the test. I quickly answered each one and thought I was incredibly sophisticated. I was able to respond to senora’s questions in the present, the present perfect and the preterit. Like Ralphie in A Christmas Story, I was certain my answers would simply blow Senora Greene out of the water. Not only would I earn an ‘A’, but I fully expected to see EXCELLENTE scrawled across the top of my paper in three inch letters, underlined twice and wrapped around a Red Rider B.B. Gun.

      What I got back horrified me. My poor test was hemorrhaging red ink. Why, I asked myself? Where on earth did I go wrong? I spotted my mistake immediately. I had begun all of my sentences in that section with si. Anyone who knows anything about Spanish knows full-well that si means if. In order to have si mean yes I had to place an accent over the i. I failed to do that in every single, blessed instance. And for that crucial blunder I paid the price: a half-point penalty for every missing accent.

      Yes, I could have taken greater care to proof read my answers before turning in my test. I didn’t. But I’ll tell you one thing: since that day I have never forgotten to accent that i. In fact I later caught this very mistake in an airline timetable. A local carrier had initiated service to Puerto Rico with a nifty slogan: Si, San Juan! If San Juan? I took out my red pen and immediately deducted a half-point. By the way, the airline is no longer in business.

      Think back to all those math courses in high school and college. How many times did we put a positive in front of a number when it required a negative instead? How many times have we dialed a wrong number? How many times have we looked up a movie and misread the starting time? How many times have we forgotten to send that birthday card?

      Mistakes. These are all mistakes. Preventable, yes, but they are mistakes.

      So what should we make of the case of Father Gustavo Miyares, former priest for the Archdiocese of Miami? Father Miyares actually served as my vocation director in the early 80s. From what little I can remember, he seemed reserved and friendly. His parishioners apparently loved him.

      As it turns out, Father Miyares had another side to his personality. In October of 2006 a $25 million lawsuit was filed, by a gentleman, against the archdiocese claiming that Miyares and former archdiocesan priest Pedro Jove had fondled and raped him while attending a summer camp at St. Vincent DePaul Seminary in 1981. A second victim stepped forward the following month, claiming that Miyares had fondled him over a period of three years. The Archdiocese of Miami investigated the original allegation, and called in the priest. Miyares, in front of archdiocesan officials, admitted to sexual misconduct calling what he did “mistakes of many years ago.”1

      Mistakes? This man lured a minor to the seminary in Boynton Beach, did unspeakable things to him and then has the gall to call his lewd and illegal actions mistakes? If Miyares had forgotten his contact lenses that night and thought he was having sex with an adult— that could have been construed as a mistake. An improbable mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. This man knew exactly what he was doing. His actions demonstrated clear pre-meditation. Using his collar, he exploited this boy, and caused decades of torment and anguish. This was no mistake. It was wrong, immoral, and depraved.

      A parochial associate of Miyares gave the homily at the 9:30 AM mass after news of the sexual misconduct broke. Speaking from the altar at Immaculate Conception Church the priest said, “I bow before the person who publicly acknowledges a mistake, something that very few human beings are obligated to do.”2 Mistake. Here we go again. You “bow before” a person who has admitted to deviant and illegal behavior with a minor? If anyone should know the difference between a grave immoral act and a mistake, I would hope it would be a priest. Yet, here are two of them that can’t seem to articulate the difference. Thank goodness The Archdiocese of Miami brought a sense of closure and clarity to this unfortunate mess in the form of a press release:

      Father Gustavo Miyares has resigned as pastor of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, effective immediately. This action is the result of a sexual allegation against Father Miyares received by the Archdiocese of Miami on Wednesday, October 4, 2006.

      The victim was contacted immediately and pastoral counseling has been offered. An official from the Archdiocese of Miami met with the victim and his wife and, in accordance with our policy regarding sexual abuse, this allegation is being reported to the appropriate state attorney’s office.

      On October 6, 2006, Father Miyares met with Archdiocesan officials. It was agreed by all concerned that Father Miyares prepare his parish, his family and his staff for his imminent departure and his resignation. His resignation includes loss of faculties to function publicly as a priest or wear his clerical collar.

      It is a sad day when the Catholic Church learns of someone who has been a victim of sexual abuse. We again apologize to this victim and pray that his journey to healing may begin. We are grateful that he has come forward.

      The Archdiocese of Miami once again asks if anyone has been a victim of sexual abuse by a member of the clergy or church personnel to come forward by contacting the Archdiocese’s Victims Assistance Coordinator at 1-866-802-2873 or contact your local law enforcement department.3

      Cecil Collins was selected in the fifth round by the Miami Dolphins during the Jimmy Johnson years. He already had an arrest record and was on probation when Johnson tapped him to play running back for the franchise. Collins did show promise early on. He was a speedy back who could break tackles. He could also break into women’s apartments and steal things. Amazingly, this is exactly what he did after he signed with the Dolphins. In other words, it wasn’t enough that this guy had just signed a fairly lucrative contract with an NFL team. He had to break into a woman’s apartment and help himself to her belongings.4

      And what do you suppose he said to the judge after he was arrested for breaking and entering? You guessed it. “I