Quantum Conversation. Dr. Michael Ruggles. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dr. Michael Ruggles
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607466727
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of inflation – each one being a big bang itself, that the big bang occurs everywhere at once, from all points in the infinite. It is not my intent to give you the details of how our Universe came about, only as a context to our present day evolutionary status.

      The word “Universe” means “one song”, and implies that the All-There-Is is ONE THING that is totally interconnected in a harmonic, macrocosmic matrix of light energy and vibrational frequency. Current theory proposes that just prior to the “Big Bang” all of matter was compressed into a tiny ball of highly condensed energy smaller than the size of an atom (not very much matter), which must have initially imploded, and then exploded into an inflationary Universe; moving outward and away from the initial point of existence, occurring at all points within the aether field of creation. If, for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction, then there must be a contracting force equal to that of the expansive force. There must be a harmonious balance. There is no explosive force without its opposite. Contraction and expansion must exist together. There are vast spaces between the stars and galaxies, and vast spaces between subatomic particles! Remember, it was all condensed smaller than an atom. From nothing, something… hmm. From the size of an atom to the size of the Universe. Vast spaces…, I’m trying to wrap my mind around that.

      This originating explosion released a cosmic spray of energy, heat, light, and subatomic particles spreading in all directions simultaneously from every point in space approximately 13 to 15 billion years ago. It is thought that all of existence expands and contracts in fractal, or self-similar patterns at the macro and the micro levels. This fractal contraction and expansion occurs at infinitely large and infinitely small spaces - from the Universe, to super clusters, to solar systems, to planets, to cells, atoms, and the subatomic realm. Think of the vortex of water spinning down a drain - there are two forces at work: one spins out (centrifugal) and one spins in (centripetal) - equal and opposite, as above, so below. Black/white holes are thought to exist at the center of the Universe, the center of superclusters, the center of galaxies, and even at the center of atoms (the Schwarzchild Proton).

       5-13 Billion years ago

      After hundreds of thousands of years, the Universe began to cool enough to allow for electrons, protons, and alpha particles to be attracted to one another by their opposite (positive/negative, yin/yang), or polarized electrical charges to form subatomic particles and atoms. This newly born Universe was filled with hot atoms, or nexi of energy, in a cosmic dance with one another, which eventually produced immense clouds of gases. These gases formed into nebulae which are a type of celestial fog. Further condensation of this celestial fog fashioned billions and billions of stars, superclusters which gathered together and formed galaxies. Each galaxy contained billions of stars, and was separated from other billions of galaxy clusters by a vast and seemingly endless sea of virtually empty space. It is believed that 99.99999% of creation is void of matter, and that even the atoms and molecules of our reality are likewise, mostly vast regions of empty space. Perhaps our subconscious and unconscious minds are representations of that 99.99999%. Could this mean we are only 0.00001% conscious of our actions and capacities? I’ll bet it does.

      As stars within the galaxies begin to cool, and their internal pressure dramatically diminishes, they contract and collapse, triggering an immense explosion called a supernova, scattering all of its matter back into comic dust – a fractal of the original big bang. Supernova after supernova recombined the elemental particles into more and more specific and refined metals (referred to as metalicity). It is estimated that the atoms and particles of our planets and bodies are a result of a supernova which occurred more than five billion years ago. Every aspect of us is literally made from stardust! We are definitely, most assuredly Starchildren. Carl Sagan describes us as, “Stardust pondering the stars.”

      It is further believed that the fractal nature of existence is based upon energetic templates of platonic solids and sacred geometry, which give form, substance, and stability to all aspects of matter – from the Universe to nebulae, to galaxies, to stars and planets, to plants, animals, and cells, to molecules and atoms, all the way down to the vacuum domain of empty space. It is thought that everything and every thing in creation is a spinning vortex of light (contraction and expansion), energy, and information - a fractal, holographic expression of the One.

       4-5 Billion years ago

      Each of the billions of galaxies is populated with stars – billions of them! Many of the stars collected into systems as the cosmic gases, particles, and dust began to condense and form into planets held together by the forces of gravity and electromagnetic fields. One of these star systems is our very own sun. Earth became one of many planets circling in this merry-go-round pond of our solar system. The sun is the life-giving energy of virtually all life on the planet, and billions of years ago shone upon the face of Earth - interacted with the atoms and molecules – was transformed, and became Life about to be born.

       1-4 Billion years ago

      The atoms of Earth are made mostly of helium, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, iron, and other metals. These atoms have further condensed into the molecules of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, water, and carbon chains – all the necessary components and initial building blocks of Life.

      The compressed atomic gases of early planet Earth formed mostly into condensed minerals creating a cauldron of hot minerals and gases, which produced liquid metals, mineral salts, water, and gases. Then, over eons of time these minerals and metals were eventually forced to the planet’s surface, where they were highly compressed by gravity and the weight of the Earth’s gravitational sink itself. They cooled to become the rock and stone that contained a myriad of mineral salts trapped in their hardened case.

      Over a very long period of time, the wind, and the water, and the weather, and the fungi and lichen, and the environment collectively broke down the hardened rock salts into finer and finer bits. These tiny bits were carried by the water and the winds to the lowlands where they became deposited and built up, becoming the basis our soil. The glacial and natural spring waters bring a full spectrum of minerals and trace elements into the valleys. These same minerals, over millennium, have produced the “Salt of the Seas”, as the run-off from the rivers and streams was eventually concentrated into the salty brine. Did you know that the ionic mineral balance of sea water is the same as the ionic mineral balance of our body, and that the Earth is approximately 70% water, and so are we?

      We are sons and daughters of a supernova and a blue-green water planet. Life on Earth originates from the chemical soup that was formed billions of years ago in cosmic space. Within this earthly chemical soup are compounds known as proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, minerals, fatty acids, and water, etc., that became the building blocks of Life. The first forms of Life appeared on Earth about 600,000 years after the formation of the planet – about three and a half billion years ago. These earliest life forms were prokaryote single cells and became known as bacteria, algae, amoeba, yeast, and protozoa, etc., and populated the Earth for approximately the next three to four billion years.

       350-750 Million years ago

      The innate drive to survive is the Biological Imperative. Even single-celled organisms have an awareness to survive by moving toward food and light, and away from toxic and dangerous environments. Fossil records show that evolution does NOT progress in small, incremental changes, as Darwin described. Paleontologists Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge, in their book, Punctuated Equilibrium, proposed that evolution results from long periods of relatively stable species, changing very little for millions of years, that are interrupted by catastrophic upheavals, followed by rapid and radical bursts in populations of new species that could not have been predicted in advance. They contend that these evolutionary quantum leaps, or what they referred to as “punctuated equilibrium”, occur in the wake of massive species extinctions approximately every 50-60 million years, generally caused by natural cataclysms.

      David Wilcock (divinecosmos.com), author of the trilogy, Convergence,