Quantum Conversation. Dr. Michael Ruggles. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dr. Michael Ruggles
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607466727
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natural selection, based upon the survival of the fittest individual. This is based upon the premise of genetics and the law of the jungle; or what has been called the “Primacy of DNA”, or Nature; to 2) the science of epigenetics, or thrival of the fittest group or community referred to as the “Primacy of the Environment”, or Nurture, proposed by scientists like Bruce Lipton, PhD., in his book Biology of Belief; to 3) the current “Primacy of Consciousness”, or, as Dr. Joe Dispenza demonstrates in his book, Evolve Your Brain, moving beyond nature to Nurture Nature Until What We Nurture Becomes Our Nature. This theory tends to emphasize that human thought and emotion can influence our genetics and DNA beyond the environment - metagenetics. Once the DNA is altered, it is reflected in the whole bodymind and to the entire Universe via DNA biophotonic emissions.

      The work of Gregg Braden and others has shown that from our DNA to the atoms and molecules of everything else, information can be communicated faster than the speed of light. Some experiments have shown that data arrived at its destination before leaving its place of origin – it was received before it was sent - and others report that photons have been shown to be in at least two places at the same time. Wow, this is great quantum, mind-blowing stuff that takes us far beyond the world of physical, cartesian, Newtonian science. INTENTION AND PRAYER ARE RECEIVED BEFORE THEY ARE SENT! These concepts have all been well verified by science over the last century. Quantum communication (entanglement) happens faster than the speed of light. There is a profound difference between unlocking your car door with the physical key, and unlocking it instantly from a distance with the remote, an energetic key (in regard to what Einstein referred to as “spooky action at a distance”), even though the result is the same.

      All things are intimately and ultimately joined as ONE in the Fabric of All-There-Is. The observer and the observed become entangled and entwined at the subatomic, informational, or quantum level of existence. This awareness has lead us to the edge of a huge evolutionary shift in consciousness. The human brain has the capacity to entangle at the subatomic level of the Universe to shape our “solid-state” reality. Our thoughts and feelings affect the energetic blueprint of our physical experience, just as a magnet lines up iron filings along its invisible fields. Our thoughts and feelings are a virtual tractor beam , drawing toward our experience that which we perpetually think about with strong feelings. This causes potential energy to become kinetic, and collapses the waveform into the particles of our solid-state reality.

      You will read the words “thoughts, feelings, and beliefs” over and over again in this text. The point is repeated and repeated and repeated, and is intentionally redundant on purpose. These three factors have a profound effect on our life experience. KNOW THIS: You must understand the power of your focused thoughts, feelings, and beliefs if you are to achieve your hearts’ desire, and live free and happy in life.

      Terence McKenna said, “The mind is more powerful than any particle accelerator, more sensitive than any radio receiver, or the largest telescope, more complete in its grasp of information than any computer. The human body, its voice, its power of locomotion, and its imagination is a more than sufficient means for the exploration of any time or energy level in the Universe.” We are just starting to understand our ability to evolve beyond the environment, beyond “nature”, and learning how to drive reality’s engine – the human brain. Since we have been driving mostly unconsciously on “autopilot”, we have crashed a few times, however, new science is giving us the awareness necessary to take more conscious control of the wheel. We are beginning to understand, and are starting to get the hang of it. Like a teenager learning to drive a car, we just need a little more practice time on the range – and we’ll be fine. We are on the edge, teetering on the brink of a huge evolutionary shift in consciousness! It is time to spread our wings and fly.

      In his classic 1910 book, The Science of Getting Rich: or Financial Success Through Creative Thought, Wallace Wattles (in the genderized language of his day) simply, profoundly, and succinctly lays out the basic tenets of creation in his summary: “There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.

       Man can form things in his thought, and by impressing that thought upon the formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created. In order to do this, man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind, or else he cannot be in harmony with the formless intelligence, which is always creative and never competitive in spirit.

       Man may come into full harmony with the formless substance by entering a lively and sincere gratitude for the blessings it bestows upon him. Gratitude unifies the mind of man with the intelligence of substance, so that man’s thoughts are received by the formless. Man can remain in the creative plain only by uniting himself with the formless intelligence through a deep and continuous feeling of gratitude…”

      We humans have the amazing capacity to make our thoughts and imagination more real than anything else; thus wiring the brain for more ever more capacity, increasing our receptive and creative abilities, and allowing us to focus at the level of the photon, energy, and information states of matter and creation; becoming entangled with the quantum matrix of the Universe, and joining the Mind of God, The Creator. The Universe appears more and more to be the result of a Big Thought (rather than a big explosion) – a Thought from the Divine Mind of Universal Intelligence. Your mind is part of this Divine Mind, a fractoholographic mirror, and is imbued with the same powers! Infinite! Let’s explore.

      A Brief History of Evolution

      “People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between

       past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

      - Albert Einstein

      Perhaps this current Universe that we call our home is just one of many in a string of cosmic experiments to produce self-aware Life. Perhaps many of those failed. The fractal physics of creation has to be so precisely perfect, or the Universe would have collapsed back on itself early in its creation, long before prehistoric times. Ancient Hindu thought describes “One Day of Brahma” to be almost 4.5 billion solar years, and “One night of Brahma” was also 4.5 billion years - that Lord Brahma, the Creator has a lifespan of one hundred “Brahma Years”, or hundreds of trillions of solar years. It is also thought that the Universe has been cyclically created and destroyed about eighteen thousand times so far. Wow, now that’s a time scale!

      To me the Universe apperas like a grand Thought in the Mind of God, a Purposeful Intention. I will refer to this as the Creative Evolutionary Impulse, and this Universal Intelligence is building a mirror in the human in which It can reflect upon Itself, and see Itself, appreciate and co-create with Itself: Conscious of the One in the many, the many in the One. It appears that the Creative Evolutionary Impulse has distinct stages and purpose for the development of Life, each stage preparing the way for the next. The appearance of Life on Earth was no random accident, but has a purposeful cosmic intention to create self-aware and universally aware life – a life that can become fully aware of itself, in UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS with All-There-Is, One-In-The-Mind of God.

       Circa, The Big Bang

       13-15 Billion years ago

      The actual origin of the Universe is a mystery and largely unknown. It is only conjectured by physicists as to the possible beginning of creation and includes many theories. At present, the “Big Bang” is the most widely accepted version of where all-of-this has come from. On the horizon is the idea that we exist in an infinite sea of aether, or what is recently referred to as dark energy/dark matter. This is an ancient Greek and Hindu/Yogic concept (called the “Water of Life”, or liquid light) of an invisible field of aether which is the backdrop for all of creation. Andre Linde theorizes that it is likely that the Universe