Quantum Conversation. Dr. Michael Ruggles. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dr. Michael Ruggles
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781607466727
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       How Thoughts, Feelings, and Beliefs Shape and Create Your Reality

      This book is a concentrated synopsis of the work done by many individuals, groups, and scientists over many, many years. QUANTUM CONVERSATION is about life and living in the quantum field. It is meant to be a basic primer to the current science of the universal laws of attraction and creation, and an overview of quantum physics, quantum biology, evolution, and consciousness. I have used analogy and metaphor in an attempt to convey complex principles into more easily understood terms and ideas, therefore, certain content is not intended to be precisely factual, but generally instructive.

      Our present understanding is shifting so rapidly, and the amount and quality of developing science is so overwhelming, it is virtually impossible to keep up with. Even as I write this, the information becomes dated. There was a point when I had to decide to finish this book without trying to keep up with all the fresh and new ideas coming forth - editing, editing, editing. Science, philosophy, and theology are all exploding with advancing theories of life and evolution, and are wonderful sources of information. For a more thorough analysis of the materials covered in this work, please refer to the bibliography section at the end of this book, and use internet searches for appropriate information and further exploring. I have done my best to include specific references where appropriate, however, some of my older notes, unfortunately did not include the sources of the information, and could not be included here.

      I am not a quantum scientist (I do think of myself as a 21st Century Quantum Shaman), however, in an attempt to serve and educate my patients over the years, I began to simplify and condense much of this material science to achieve a better grasp of the principles, and to bring them up to speed with the field of physics and biology. This book grew out of that desire to improve understanding, and to more easily apply these ideas in our everyday life – a bridge to higher conscious awareness. I pray that it will serve you well.


      This book would never have been created had it not been for my many wonderful patients and friends over the years who had the courage to ask questions, to yearn for better understanding - who simply had a burning desire to know more. Thank you for all you have done which contributed to my growth, experience, and spiritual comprehension, and the birth of this book.

      I am very grateful for editing assistance, encouragement, friendship, and support from Janice Patten, Ph.D, Dr. Jack Haeger, and Bruce Tanner. Karen Thomas has been a perpetual friend, ally, and energetic support in all my endeavors, and deserves many thanks. Logo design by Constance Rose of Starchild Studios. Cover design by myself with much assistance from Myra Bell.

      My sincerest appreciation and deepest gratitude to my good friend, Nancy Krane, for her unending and deep friendship; for all the profound spiritual and quantum conversations, dialogues, discussions, and commradery in regard to the material covered in this book, living in the field, and so much more. From you I have come to learn the meaning of unconditional love in this life, and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you for your beautiful presence - we are all blessed by it!

       Energy is the eternal flow of Unconditional Love from the One

       for the purpose of infinite and unlimited creative expression

       Imagination is everything, it is a

       preview of life’s coming attractions.”

      - Albert Einstein

       I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream.”

      - Van Gogh

       Man is all imagination… the Eternal Body of Man

       is the imagination of God Himself.”

      - William Blake


      Quantum physics and our understanding of consciousness have changed everything! It is possible to have your cake and eat it, too. Ancient wisdom and modern science are beginning to merge. The new paradigm within our present understanding was born over a hundred years ago, and has gone from the crawling stage to walking, and is now beginning to run almost faster than we can keep up with.

      Perhaps the best place to begin this discussion is with a quote from Noble Prize-winning physicist and father of quantum physics, Max Planck, who said: “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, and I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms, this much – there is no matter, as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of the atom to vibration, and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind- this mind is the matrix of all matter.” (Emphasis added)

      This now not-so-new science has forever changed our view of what we thought was a physical and finite world as described by Newtonian Physics. At the atomic level of existence, we literally swim in an infinite sea of energy and light, waves of information and unlimited quantum possibility. In general, most people are not well informed in regard to these life-changing realizations, and therefore have not been able to apply this new information in exciting, new ways in their everyday life.

      New discoveries in science, biology, psychology, and spirituality are all beginning to hum the same tune: EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED AND JOINED AS ONE THROUGH A WEB-LIKE MATRIX OF THE UNIVERSE. There are many descriptions and perspectives of this matrix, that may all be speaking about the same concept, and may include “The Word”, “God”, “Om”, “The Fabric of Creation”, “We Are All Related”, “The All-There-Is”, “In Lak’ech Ala K’in”, “Mitakuye Oyasin”, the Aether, Dark Matter/Energy, and many, many more. From even prior to the “Big Bang” to the present, everything is considered to be interconnected, quantum entangled and entwined. What affects one, effects all; and once connected, always connected. Geoffrey Chew, Dean of Physics at the University of California at Berkeley said, “… All physical particles, laws, and equations are nothing more than a web of interrelations that are ultimately just properties of the collective human mind.” One of the most profound of the recent discoveries is that we create our reality with our thoughts – that thoughts become things, and we are only limited by our beliefs and expectations. Contemporary science is starting to sound more and more like the hoary Vedas, ancient mysticism, shamanism, esoteric thought, and reflective aboriginal life.

      Edward Whitmont, M.D. put it very succinctly and clearly in his book, The Alchemy of Healing, when he states: “Perhaps the evolution and differentiation of human consciousness throughout the ages and its striving for expansion are aspects of the Earth’s organism and the cosmic organisms’ striving for expansion of their consciousness through the agency of human drama … The world has re-envisioned – and the mechanistic science of the material world transcended into a vast matrix of interconnecting and intersecting fields of energy and vibration.”

      Major shifts in biological theories have occurred over the last two hundred years with a predictable and persistent clinging to outdated scientific dogma - such as the Central Dogmas ranging from the “flat earth” to earth as “center of the universe” centuries ago, to Newtonian science and Neo-Darwinism today. Many entrenched ideas die hard when they become part of a conscious and unconscious agreement as to what constitutes “reality”, and then entire cultural structures, institutions, professions, and reputations are built up around them, and staunchly maintained in existence, financed, and defended.

      In biology, we have moved