Jyotish. Andrew Mason. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Andrew Mason
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780857011602
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– 6° 18′ = 23° 42′.


      Chara Kāraka sample image.

Planet and DegreeAcronymKāraka
Rāhu23° 42′AK(Atma Kāraka)Atma (soul) – might also be interpreted as an individual’s core nature or true-self, indicative of higher goals, inspiration or the willingness to be of service to others
Mars22° 07′AM(Amatya Kāraka)Minister (advisor) – indicates those we put our trust in or take counsel from. This Kāraka is studied to gain better insights into how to receive advice from others and how successfully we are able to use that advice. AM also speaks about the loyalty and morals of those we keep close to us and depend upon for guidance and support in difficult times
Sun21° 19′BK (Bhratri Kāraka)Siblings – or support through show of arms, camaraderie and bodily reserves; it also shows our capacity to work and ability to endure under pressure
Saturn17° 14′MK (Matri Kāraka)Mother – that which births and nurtures, MK can represent mother and home as well as sanctuaries, a keep or place of rest. It also indicates our inner reserves, ability to sustain and feed others
Venus8° 32′PIK (Pitris Kāraka)Father (Pitris) – traditionally represents those that watch over us, instruct and educate, providing role models for conduct, sense of honour/duty and willingness to fulfil our obligations (contracts, etc.)
Moon4° 54′PUK(Putra Kāraka)Children – as well as progeny might also be interpreted as one’s creativity, prosperity, good fortune and intelligence, that is, our capacity and willingness to learn and develop
Mercury0° 41′GK(Gnaati Kāraka)Competitors – commonly representing those things we choose to fight or fall foul of. This Kāraka also includes health matters as both environment and mental stability rail against our physiology and immune systems. Gnaati Kāraka also gives some insight into the nature of our protagonists and their favoured methods of attack
Jupiter0° 38′DK(Dara Kāraka)Partner (spouse) – taken to represent those closest to us, or those fulfilling a supportive role in our lives. Conversely; this Kāraka also shows an individual’s ability to return affection or share in a relationship
KetuMoksha (Liberation)


      Sthira (stable) = regardless of degree, situation or position each of the planets (Rāhu and Ketu excluded) become significators for primary individuals featured in the life of the person; these Kārakas have been given as:

Father, Teacher/Instructor/SupervisorSun or Venus (whichever is stronger)
Mother, Carer, HealerMoon
Younger Sibling/s, Spouse of SiblingsMars
Maternal Relatives (aunts and uncles)Mercury
Husband, Children (sons), Paternal Relatives (aunts and uncles)Jupiter
Wife/Partner, Mother-in-law/Father-in-lawVenus
Elder Siblings, Mature Associates, Business PartnersSaturn


      Naisargika (natural) = a mixture (and multiplicity) of all worldly matters both corporeal (of the body) and non-corporeal (inanimate objects). These have been represented in the following Kāraka tables occupying each planetary portrait.

      Note: Kāraka tables (in this whole section) contain only a selection of popular significations appropriate to their featured graha. These should in no way be considered exhaustive.

Primary Kārakas
Father, Atma (soul), prāṇa (life-force), kings, fame, favours, fortune, governments, dealings with officials, powerful people, authority figures, gold, goldsmiths, copper, brass, yellow colouration, power, heat, fires, strength, vigour, courage, blind ambition, career, appearances, personality, optimism, domineering attitude, self-reliance, public opposition, political power, regal stature, easterly direction, anger, jealousy, clarity, purity, sattvic disposition, bitter taste, self-knowledge, enlightenment, generosity, good fortune, quadrupeds, wool, travel, social affairs, noon time, saffron, Lord Śiva, worship of Lord Śiva, Rudra, the Nakshatras Krittika, Uttaraphalguni and Uttarashadha, Sunday, thorny trees, fruiting trees, banks of a river, grass, a circle, ayana (six months), Leo (sign), blood red gemstones, rubies, long-standing anger, direct gaze, penetrating stare, capture of enemies, law and order, punishment, incarceration, prisons, poisons,13 serpents, pungent substances, strong coarse fabrics, earrings, the wilderness, woods, strong trees, red lotus, long pepper, black pepper, cardamom, honey, seeds and husks, yams, wheat, medicines, a hero, herdsmen, warriors, elders, reliable people, physicians, aristocrats, captains, leaders, evil doers, cruel disposition, clean habits, palaces, temples, sacred sites, grand buildings, paying respect to the gods or one’s guru, fortresses, armed forces, currency exchange, solstices, six-year dasha period
Physical and Medical Kārakas
Digestive power, indigestion, small intestine, bones, physical heart, Pitta dosha, inflammatory complaints, cholera, fevers, sun stroke, headaches, bile, blood, arteries, veins, bilious conditions, high blood pressure, freedom from disease, blood, bones, thinning hair, right eye, visual acuity, burning sensations, broad shoulders
