Jyotish. Andrew Mason. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Andrew Mason
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780857011602
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Sûrya as radiating one thousand subtle rays7 (likened to a wind), which radiate outward, warming and penetrating the void.

      Favourable Sûrya: Increases life-force, sattva and strengthens the father’s position or those who preside over the mundane affairs of the people – kings, governments, ministers and so on. Sûrya increases personal wealth, grants success in business and overseas trade through commodities such as gold, copper, hardwood, wheat, leather, herbs, heating spices, medicines and coarse fabrics (including wool). If well-positioned and powerful, the horoscope incurs favours from Lord Śiva and Agnī. Sûrya prospers in the 1st house of self, 9th house of dharma and 10th house of career.

      Bala (strength): Sûrya is considered well-disposed if the following are applicable: falling on his own day (Sunday) or in the 1st or 10th house, occupying Leo in Hora, Drekkana, Navamsha Vargas or exalted in Aries. The Sun gains power during Uttarāyana, at midday or during Rashi Sankránti (transition into a new sign).

      Undertakings on Sunday: Sacrificial offerings, the lighting of sacrificial fires, burning wood, making charcoal, journeying through forests or across mountains, marching, fighting/battles, meetings with famous or skilled personages, giving service or attending to monarchs. Working with stone (masonry), copper (casting), manufacture of jewellery from gold, training of horses, manufacture of medicines, extraction of poisons (serpents), trading in shells, bones, woollen clothing, fine silks, perfume or weapons, undertaking cruel acts or administering punishment to wrongdoers, dealing with thieves (theft).

Alternative names for Sûrya
SûriStaying true to one’s course
ArkaLikened to Arka/Calotropis procera (gigantea species), its energetics are hot and pungent. Secretions from this plant are well-known for their healing properties. Arka also means ‘distillation’ (retrieval of essence); its heating/cooking process purifies and cleanses
BháskaraRadiates light and heat; also Calotropis procera
RaviRasa-vis, one who evaporates moisture
VivasvantFather of Manu, he who creates, sustains and protects mankind
BhánuOne who illuminates (a ray of light)
Heli/HeliusLikened to a sunflower; a variety of ligulae flora (Hēlianthus species)
Loka-chakshuhEye of the world
Graha-rājaKing of Planets

      Governing the motions of all that fall under its warming and encompassing rays, the Sun boasts an enormous diameter of 860,000+ miles (roughly 12,000 times the diameter of our planet). At a local distance of 93,000,000 miles from Earth, our Sun takes around 25 days to rotate once upon its own axis, an axis that is not perpendicular to the ecliptic. The tilt of this stellar giant is approximately 7°; this in effect tips the Sun’s polar regions closer toward the Earth during our equinoctial intervals, to be neutrally disposed or midway during our solstices. The position of the Sun’s axis is determined by sunspot transition across the solar disc – these move parallel to its equator, close to our solstices.

      Throughout this book there are multiple references to Kāraka, a word often translated as ‘he who signifies’ or ‘initiates’. The concept of Kāraka therefore is a large part of integrating and understanding Jyotish, particularly with regard to recognising and interpreting its signals – which are (after all) ultimately relayed to us through nine planets, twelve signs and twelve houses.

      There are an infinite number of Kārakas attached to the planets, signs and houses (see Chapters 11 and 13), far more than could ever be mentally retained; however, from this vast reservoir it is advisable to keep at least a generous handful of primary significations committed to memory. Over time and with patience the true import of each Kāraka will grow ever more meaningful as you begin to feel the presence of the planets in everything about you.

      Note: For the purposes of this planetary introduction, we shall consider only those types of Kāraka relevant to planets. These, as we shall see, may be active, stable or natural:

      •Chara/Active: temporarily designated (corporeal) status due to their current degree of advancement through Rashis.

      •Sthira/Stable: holding specific (corporeal) status regardless of degree.

      •Naisargika/Natural: connected with a particular object/action (corporeal and non-corporeal).

      The three energetic states in greater detail are as follows.


      Chara (active) = current degree of planetary advancement through Rashis (relative to one another). From highest to lowest degree planets are assigned a particular signification; for example, if Sun is found to occupy the highest degree, let’s say 28° 41′, with the next highest degree of a planet, let’s say Mercury, occupying 28° 40′ (in the same Rashi or otherwise), the former is then to be considered significator of Atman or spirit. The latter (Mercury) becomes Amatya, minister or advisor to Atman, and so on.

      Note: This example also illustrates some aspect of Sthira (or stable) Kāraka as Sun is also considered the unchanging significator for Atman; so in this case, should Sun prove to be Atman by highest degree, it would represent the soul on two counts, as both Chara and Sthira Kārakas, adding extra weight to this signification.