Jyotish. Andrew Mason. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Andrew Mason
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780857011602
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and Meena (Pisces), his metal is vanga (tin).

      Forty Vedic Hymns

      Shukra: whose strength lies in the north, is four-limbed and peaceful, he stands upon the lotus bearing flowers and divine herbs and his symbol is a pentagram. White of body and ornament he is Shukracārya (instructor to demons), Lord of Vrishabha (Taurus) and Tula (Libra), his metal is tamra (copper).

      Forty Vedic Hymns

      Shukra delights in breaking tradition and social etiquette; as a secondary guru-figure in court his revolutionary ideas and colourful demeanour earn him looks of disdain yet he manages still to gain favour and standing within the royal court. Viewed with suspicion by Sûrya, this potent planet has long understood that his future is assured with the regent and with the support of the palace servants (Saturn). Like all of his enemies, Sûrya keeps Shukra close at hand, but declines to act against him unless he oversteps his authority.

      Shani: is blue of body and ornament, his strength lies in the west; his symbol is an archway, his eyes are black. Riding upon a crow, his caste is Sourastraka (Gujarat), his star is Bharani, his metal is nāgā (lead). Shani is lord of Makara (Capricorn) and Kumbha (Aquarius).

      Forty Vedic Hymns

      Moving unbeknownst in the background of the court, Shani bides his time. His presence and patience ensure all daily tasks are fulfilled. Like a well-oiled machine, Saturn is unrelenting. He waits for the king to pass rulership to his son. Only then does Saturn feel that his status within the royal household will improve. Moving slowly about the kingdom, Shani conserves strength by metering energy; he knows everything must come to he who waits.

      Rāhu: is blue of body and of ornament, he rules the south-westerly direction; four-limbed, his teeth are fanged and irregular, his nature similar to that of the lion. His symbol is a winnowing basket, his metal is pittala (brass). Ketu: is variegated (multicoloured) of body and of ornament, his direction is similarly south-west, his symbol a flag. Riding upon a lion his temperament is likened to Kuja, his presence associated with Dhumraketu (comets) and smoke, his gaze is terrifying, his metal is kansya (bronze).

      Forty Vedic Hymns

      Both nodes are considered outcast or undesirable – far removed from events within the palace walls. Collectively they form the King’s militia. Begrudgingly they perform the bidding of the King, yet secretly await the downfall of their monarch. Rāhu is outwardly reckless and covets all manner of excitement and danger. Ketu broods inwardly on self-destructive thoughts and revenge. Both nodes maintain cordial relations with Saturn, Venus and Mercury. Rāhu is likened to Saturn (with somewhat less self-control), Ketu is likened to Mars; both having extremely wild and unpredictable temperaments.

      The table below outlines Parasara’s views on the friendships, enmities and neutrality of planets.

Friendships, enmities and neutrality of planets
Mercury(Regent)Friendship:Sun, VenusEnmity:MoonNeutral:Mars, Jupiter, SaturnVenus(Minister)Friendship:Mercury, SaturnEnmity:Sun, MoonNeutral:Mars, JupiterMoon(Queen)Friendship:Sun, MercuryEnmity:NoneNeutral:Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn
Jupiter(Minister)Friendship:Sun, Moon, MarsEnmity:Mercury, VenusNeutral:SaturnSun(King)Friendship:Moon, Mars, JupiterEnmity:Venus, SaturnNeutral:MercuryMars(Comm-in-Chief)Friendship:Sun, Moon, JupiterEnmity:MercuryNeutral:Venus, Saturn
Ketu(Militia)Friendship:Mars, Venus, SaturnEnmity:Sun, MoonNeutral:Mercury, JupiterSaturn(Servants)Friendship:Mercury, VenusEnmity:Sun, Moon, MarsNeutral:JupiterRāhu(Militia)Friendship:Jupiter, Venus, SaturnEnmity:Sun, Moon, MarsNeutral:Mercury



      Sûrya (Sun): I pay respects to Sûrya, whose flaming disc dispels all darkness. Born to Kaśyapa and Āditi, he is the king of planets, his solar orb blazes like Hiṅgula, his power destroys all the world’s sins.

       SÛRYA (Sun)


      Śrī Laṅkān Sûrya Mandala Yantra effective for the propitiation of Sûrya, warding off enemies, enmity and legal disputes. This yantra appeases the Sun god, bringing prosperity, health and wisdom; it protects one’s heart, home and happiness. Sûrya Mandala Yantra helps elevate one to a position of authority and respect.

      Possessed of energy and of square build, black-red in mien and eyes bright as wine, bilious in nature with a limited quantity of hair, the Sun consists chiefly of the quality of goodness.

      Sun indicates our allotment of life-giving prāṇa (vital energy). Well-positioned in the horoscope he promotes strong healthy bones, teeth, a radiant complexion and sharp vision. He also shows our ability to assimilate and utilise nutrients, representing Agnī (digestive power) located primarily in the small intestine. Positioning and strength of the Sun reflect our stamina, the physical strength of the heart and courage. If well disposed, Sûrya supports the immune system and gives strength to organs of assimilation (by enkindling Agnī/digestive fire). Strong Agnī facilitates absorption and assimilation of nutrients. Agnī also burns up and expels toxins/waste from the body.