Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mo Abraham
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627249
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Self-Hypnosis Technique

      Reaching a hypnotic state is a little like sleeping and you will become less aware of your immediate surroundings. Therefore, before you attempt self-hypnosis for the first time you should tell somebody near you what you are doing so he or she is aware to wake you up in case of an emergency and you don’t get disturbed.

      Below is a sample script designed to help you relax and cope with anxiety. Feel free to alter the imagery to fit your particular needs. For instance, instead of picturing yourself on a beach, you may imagine yourself in an open field on a nice sunny day. You may record the text and play it back, or have someone read it to you.

      A simple but effective technique called ‘eye fixation’ self-hypnosis is one of the most popular and effective forms of self-hypnosis ever developed. Use it as a method to help you relax. After you have practiced this a few times, add hypnotic suggestions and imagery. Use a room where you are unlikely to be disturbed and switch off your phone, television, computer, etc. Focus on your goal of self-hypnosis only. Now:

      •Sit in a comfortable chair with your legs and feet uncrossed. Avoid eating a large meal just before the session so you don’t feel stuffed or uncomfortable. Relax, take off your shoes and loosen tight clothing. If you wear contact lenses, it is advisable to remove them.

      •Look up at the ceiling and take in a deep breath. Without straining your neck or tilting your head too far back, pick a point on the ceiling and fix your gaze on that point. While you your eyes are fixed on that point take in a deep breath and hold it for as long as is comfortable and then breathe out. Silently repeat the suggestion ‘My eyes are tired and heavy and I want to sleep now.’ Repeat this process to yourself another couple of times and, if your eyes have not already done so, let them close and relax in a normal closed position. It is important when saying the suggestion that you say it to yourself as if you mean it in a gentle, soothing but convincing manner.

      •Picture an image that represents a situation you wish to master and see yourself achieving your goal.

      •Repeat to yourself three times a positive suggestion such as:

      ‘I am confident, calm and relaxed.’

      Say it with conviction while picturing the image for about 30 seconds.

      ‘I am now allowing my body to become loose and limp in the chair. As I continue to relax I am noticing where the comfort is in my body. Perhaps I notice a warming comfortable feeling in my hands and fingers or maybe the comfort is noticeable in another part of my body. With every breath I take and every sound I hear, the comfort deepens. I now count down from five to zero. With each and every count my relaxation deepens. It may even double. Five – deeper – four – calmer – three – more relaxed – two – one – zero.’

      ‘I now picture myself on a white sandy beach. I can feel the warmth of the sand under my feet and the warmth of the sun on my body. I can imagine that I am alone on the beach or that others are there as my relaxation continues. I listen to the sound of the sea, the waves lapping against the shore. I feel so calm, secure and relaxed that I can stay on the beach forever. After a while, I picture myself in a field on a warm summer’s day. Blue skies. In the middle of this field is a hot air balloon and attached to the balloon is a brown wooden basket, which is weighed down on the ground with sandbags. The balloon hangs effortlessly in the sky. I now imagine that I am placing any worries, fear or anxieties into the basket. The more I offload my worries into the basket, the more relief I feel. I now feel as if a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders.’

      ‘I release the sandbags and watch as the balloon, along with its basket, rises into the air. As I watch the balloon rising into the air, I feel relief. The higher the balloon rises, the more relief I feel. The more distant the balloon becomes, the more insignificant my worries appear to be. As I watch this balloon getting smaller in the distance, I repeat to myself three times: ‘I am letting go of my worries, fear and anxiety.’

      ‘When ready, I come back to the room by counting up from one to five and opening my eyes.’ Tell yourself that you are becoming aware of your surroundings and at the count of five you will open your eyes. Count up from one to five in a lively, energetic manner. At the count of five, open your eyes and stretch your arms and legs.

      Other examples and scripts can be found at Hypnotic World and Inner Health Studio.

      When you practice self-hypnosis the imagery you use and the suggestions you give yourself are only limited by your imagination. Repeat this technique three or four times and notice how each time you reach a deeper level of relaxation. But, if you find you do not relax as much as you would like, do not force it. The learning curve to go through, so practice self-hypnosis regularly.

      You might feel drowsy after you come out of the hypnosis. This is similar to awaking from an afternoon nap, is harmless and passes after a few moments. But try not to do anything until you feel fully awake.

      The harder you try to remember something, the harder it is to recall. When you relax, it comes back to you. Sometimes, when we try too hard, we block ourselves from achieving our goals. The attitude you take towards self-hypnosis will determine how easily you learn it. Don’t try too hard or set unrealistic goals. Relax and take your time.

      Hypnotherapy works for a lot of people – the power is in the believing.

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