Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mo Abraham
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627249
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and other health problems. Because hypnosis can help people manage and, in some cases, recover from illness, it is becoming a more common part of treatment plans.

      How Hypnotherapy Works

      Successful people rarely spend a lot of time dwelling on how things will go wrong. Instead, they picture, think about and visualize things going right. Of course, things don't always go right, but when they go wrong, successful people are able to throw off those disappointments and move right on to the next venture.

      This is a skill, not something inborn – unless you're too lucky. Most of us are naturally programmed to dwell on the negative aspects of life, and anticipate them. This seems like a good way to prepare for disappointments, but in reality it actually draws disappointment and failure.

      Hypnosis is a set of techniques designed to enhance concentration, minimize usual distractions, and heighten responsiveness to suggestions to alter our thoughts, feelings, behavior, or physiological state. People differ in the degree to which they respond to hypnosis. The key to becoming hypnotized is the extent to which a person is hypnotizable.

      Hypnotism works by reaching a relaxed state whereby it is possible to sink deeper into our minds and rewrite or reprogram our subconscious.

      Through physical and mental relaxation, self-hypnosis can allow you to bypass your conscious minds and introduce positive thoughts and ideas into your unconscious. Upon ‘awakening’ from the hypnotic state, the new thoughts and ideas in the subconscious will affect the conscious mind and can lead to changed behaviours. Hypnotherapy is not a ‘quick fix,’ such methods require persistence and practice in order for the subconscious mind to pick up and apply the new messages.

      For self-hypnosis or hypnotherapy to work successfully you must approach the process with an open mind. Therefore you need to:

      •WANT to be hypnotized.

      •Not be overly skeptical.

      •Not be scared of being hypnotized.

      •Not over-analyze the processes involved.

      You should also be aware of why you are about to use self-hypnosis and what messages you want to give yourself – what ideas you wish to plant into your subconscious. Work on some short statements that you are going to use when you reach a hypnotic state, and make sure that such statements are:

      •Genuine and Honest.


      •Simple, Short and Very Straightforward.


      •To relieve stress at work you may use: ‘I am relaxed at work.’

      •To help with an addictive habit, like smoking, you may use: ‘I am a non-smoker.’

      •To help reduce your nervousness before a public speaking event you may choose: ‘I am a confident speaker.’

      These statements are messages to your own subconscious – use ‘I,’ focus on specific actions and always prepare your statements as present-tense facts. Focus on one or two statements to start with, commit these to memory and focus on them in your mind.

      I learned the following from Hypnosis and Healing, which contains almost everything you need to know about self-hypnosis and hypnotherapy and I suggest you try it too.

      Post-Hypnotic Suggestions and Their Rules

      Giving yourself suggestions when in hypnosis will enable an action or other response to take place after the hypnotic experience has occurred. These forms of suggestion are called ‘post-hypnotic’ suggestions and will help you to achieve your goals. Over the years, hypnotherapists have developed rules of suggestion. These are guidelines that will enable you to achieve maximum success with the suggestions you give yourself. Here is a summary of these rules:

      •Mean it

      Hypnotic suggestions are repeated silently, however, you need to repeat them as though you mean what you say. Be reassuring, positive and confident.

      •Phrase Suggestions Positively and in the Present Tense

      Which request would you rather hear: ‘Do not leave that lying on the floor’ or ‘Would you mind picking that up?’

      Suggestions are far more effective when you mention what you wish to move towards, rather than what you are moving away from. For example: ‘I am calm’ is better than ‘I am not anxious.’ ‘I stop smoking with ease’ is better than ‘I will try to stop smoking’ as the word try implies difficulty and struggle.

      Your suggestions are best phrased in the present tense, as though they are happening at this moment in time.

      So, ‘I am relaxed on the aircraft’ is better than ‘I will be relaxed when I am on the aircraft.’ Or, ‘I am becoming more confident’ is better than ‘I will try to be confident.’

      •Make Your Suggestions Specific and Realistic

      Specific and realistic suggestions are more effective. Structure your suggestions on changes you wish to see in yourself rather than things that are out of your control, such as external events and other people. Do not give yourself suggestions for more than one issue at a time. For instance, the suggestion ‘I am confident that I can lose weight and stop smoking’ is probably not effective. Instead, work on one goal at a time, repeating suggestions associated with that goal. When you see some results, move on to your next goal.

      •Repeat Suggestions

      Advertisers know the value of suggestion, which is why they repeat television and radio commercials on a regular basis. One of the most important rules when practicing self-hypnosis is repetition of your suggestions. That way you drive the point home and are far more likely to effect positive change.

      Here are some post-hypnotic suggestions you can use in your self-hypnosis. Feel free to alter them to fit your particular needs.

      •‘Each and every day I am calm, secure and relaxed.’

      •‘I am becoming more assertive and confident when I speak to colleagues.’

      •‘Each and every day I accept myself as I am.’

      •‘Each and every time I enter hypnosis I relax more deeply.’

      •‘I find it easy to stop smoking.’

      •‘I eat three healthy meals a day.’

      How to Set Your Self-Hypnosis Goals

      •Give achieving your goals a high priority. To see positive results, try to practice self-hypnosis on a daily basis.

      •Write your clear and specific ‘achievable’ goals down on paper. If they’re long-term, try to break them down into small manageable steps.

      •Prepare and write down multiple hypnotic suggestions for your goal. Follow the rules of post-hypnotic suggestions.

      •Decide on the imagery you plan to use. If your goal is to relax, picture a pleasant scene like a beach or an open meadow on a nice summer’s day.

      •If you fail to achieve a goal, do not be harsh on yourself. Failing to achieve a goal does not mean you are a failure. You may need to change your approach.

      Imagery in Hypnosis

      While giving yourself hypnotic suggestions, visualize the situation, the action and the feeling that you desire by utilizing your sense of touch, hearing and even smell. You don’t have to see a crystal clear image of your goal. A positive attitude and a belief that you are ‘in the role’ is more important than clear imagery.